New Employee Checklist

Health Challenges –
Substance use Checklist
Suspect an employee is under the influence
Employee Name:
Employee Position:
If you suspect that your employee may be under the influence of alcohol or
drugs, take the following steps:
Get a second opinion. Ask another supervisor to observe and speak with the
If you both agree that the employee appears to be under the influence, transport
them by company vehicle or taxi to Lifemark. A supervisor must remain with the
employee at all times.
Call ahead to Lifemark to let them know you are on your way.
During regular office hours Monday to Friday, 7:30 to 4:30 p.m.,
call (403) 219-5768.
If no response, call (403) 297-9500.
After hours, weekends, and holidays, call (403) 604-4831
All testing is done at the LifeMark Health Clinic located at
2121 29 Street N.E. Unit 70, Calgary AB, T1Y 7H8
If the employee refuses to be tested, treat it as a positive result and contact your
business unit’s Human Resource Advisor and Corporate Health Consultant by calling
HR Support Services at (403) 268-5800.
After the test escort the employee to their home, whether the test was positive or
Refer to the Substance Use Guidelines for detailed steps
Once results are received:
Schedule a meeting with your Corporate Health Consultant
Ensure employee meets with Corporate Health Consultant
The Corporate Health Consultant will review the results and perform a health
assessment to determine next steps. Recommendations from the Health Assessment
will be provided to your Human Resources Advisor and you, the supervisor.