Pregnancy PowerPoint Student Packet Notes

Pregnancy & Birth Terminology Student Packet
1. Signs of Pregnancy:
a. Missed ______________ period
b. Excessive tenderness in her breasts
c. ______________
d. Change in appetite
e. Morning sickness
f. May have spotting or ____________, irregular menstrual flow
2. ______________ _______________: This is a quick simple test that test for the hormone
________________within the females urine. HCG is released by a women when the
egg attaches to the lining of the Uterus. HCG is only released when a female is
pregnant. (_________ = Early Pregnancy Test).
3. Blood Test: This test also detects HCG, but you must go to a doctor and have
blood drawn. Most people get the blood test after they tested positive for the
urine test.
4. Pregnancy is based on 40 weeks of development. 10 months in total.
a. 1st month we DO NOT count due to the fact of not knowing
b. Broken down into three sections called trimesters
5. Medical Specialist
a. ___________________: Doctor who specializes in care of a pregnant women
and the developing fetus.
b. ___________________: Doctor who specilise in care of the female
reproductive system.
6. Uterus:
a. Is a muscular ______________ that ______________ and ______________ the
______________ ovum during pregnancy and ______________ during childbirth
to help with ______________.
7. Fertilization:
a. Is joining of an egg cell and a sperm cell
b. ______________________ ______________________:
i. Where fertilization takes place, connects an ovary and the uterus.
The process begins when an egg is released from one of the
woman’s ovaries and enters the fallopian tubes. The egg remains
in the fallopian tube for two days, in order for fertilization to take
place the sperm must also be in the fallopian tube.
8. Ovum:
a. The _________ _________; if fertilization occurs, the ovum develops into an
9. Zygote:
a. The cell produced when a sperm fertilizes an egg; contains
_____________________ material that forms the baby.
a. A thin-walled hollow structure in early embryonic development that
contains a cluster of cells called the inner cell mass from which the
embryo arises. The outer layer of cells gives rise to the ___________________
and other supporting tissues needed for fetal development within the
uterus while the inner cell mass cells gives rise to the tissues of the
11. Embryo:
a. Is a developing baby through the __________ month of growth after
b. The rapidly dividing mass of cells inside the women’s uterus.
12. Fetus:
a. Is a developing baby from the __________ ___________ after _____________ until
b. The name given to the embryo from the third month on.
13. Placenta (purpose):
a. Supplies fetus with _____________
b. Supplies fetus with ______________
c. Passes out ___________ from the fetus
14. Umbilical Chord:
a. Rope like structure that connects the _____________ to the placenta
15. What 3 vessels are contained in the cord?
a. 1 large vein
b. 2 ______________
16. Amniotic Sac:
a. ___________________ Control
b. Protection from _______________
c. Barrier to __________________
17. Types of insemination:
a. Artificial Insemination:
i. Procedure when sperm is ________________ into the female with a
b. In-vitro Fertilization:
i. Procedure that involves _____________ a living egg from a female,
inseminating the egg with a donor sperm and returning the
_________________ egg back into the woman
18. Why is prenatal care important to the mother and the baby? List at least 3
a. If baby doesn’t receive proper ______________ it may cause premature
b. A female should not drunk alcohol when pregnant. This can cause
___________ ____________ _______________, which is the presence of severe birth
c. Females should not __________________ or inhale smoke. This can cause
smaller babies and unhealthy babies.
19. Why is diet and exercise important to the mother and baby?
a. It increases the chances of a _________________ baby.
b. Increases the chances of having a proper birth weight for the baby.
c. Keeps the mother healthy during pregnancy. Also helps the mother lose
the weight faster after pregnancy.
d. Decrease chances of birth ________________
20. Types of tests to check for abnormalities of the fetus
a. _____________________: Test using sound waves to depict an image of the
developing fetus. Usually performed at 10 weeks and on.
b. Harmony:
i. Harmony is more accurate than traditional Down syndrome
_blood tests and much less likely to give a false-positive result.
That means there will be much less chance your doctor would
recommend follow-up testing, such as amniocentesis.
ii. Harmony also tests for two other genetic conditions, trisomy 18
(Edward syndrome) and trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome).
iii. In addition, with Harmony you have the option to evaluate X and Y
sex chromosomes.
c. Amniocentesis test:
i. Checks for _______________________ abnormalities
ii. Spina bifida, down syndrome, hemophilia, tay-sachs, sickle cell
d. Chronic villus sampling test (CVS test):
i. Done during early pregnancy
ii. A biopsy is taken of the villi in the _____________________.
iii. Sickle cell anemia, hemophilia
21. Stages of pregnancy:
a. First trimester (Months 1-3) (Initial development and rapid growth):
i. At the end of the first month, the embryo has a _____________, a twolobed brain, and a spinal cord.
ii. By the end of the second month, the embryo is recognizable as a
human and is called a _____________. After two months, the embryo
has started to form arms and legs as well as fingers, ears, and toes.
The fetus can be visibly identifies as a male or female. By the end
of the first trimester, the heart has four chambers.
b. Second trimester (Months 4-6) (Fetus Continues to form):
i. By the end of the fourth month, fingernails, toenails, eyebrows,
and eyelashes have developed. ____________ begin to form, lips
appear, and head hair may begin to grow. Movement of the
_______________can be felt by the mother. The fetus can bend its
arms and make a fist. During the fifth month, the heartbeat can be
detected by a stethoscope.
ii. By the end of the sixth month ____________ (keeps body from
dehydrating and skin from getting wrinkled) appear on baby.
c. Third trimester (Months 7-9) (Growth):
i. By the seventh month ____________(fine hair grown to insulate the
fetus) appears on the baby.
ii. By the eighth months fetus growth slows down and moves into a
______________ - ____________ position.
iii. By the ninth month the fetus is full term. Skin is smooth and waxy
looking. The eyes are usually gray. Languo drops off.
22. Signs of Labor:
a. The __________________:
i. The mucous plug in the cervix, which acts as a seal during
pregnancy, is passed as a blood stained or brownish discharge.
ii. Contractions: Coordinated muscular contractions are generated
in the upper part of the uterus, the fundus. This helps to gradually
open, or dilate, the cervix.
iii. Water breaks:
1. The ______________ ________ (membrane) around the baby
ruptures, or breaks, allowing colorless amniotic fluid to pass
out through the birth canal.
23. Stages of labor:
a. _____________________ ______ _______________________:
i. Longest stage of labor:
ii. _________________ opening enlarges eight to ten centimeters, which is
wide enough for the baby to move through.
b. Delivery of the baby:
i. Begins when cervix is completely ________________
ii. The baby moves farther down the birth canal, usually head first.
The mother pushes, and the muscles in the ________________ contract
to push the baby out.
iii. Baby’s head will be visible, which is called crowning.
iv. Ends with the delivery of the baby
c. Delivery of the ____________:
i. _________________ of the ___________________, which is the placenta that
is expelled after delivery. If this does not occur naturally the
physician removes it.
24. Crowning:
a. The appearance of the baby’s _________________ during delivery.
25. Types of Birth:
a. Natural birth:
i. Delivery of a baby without using ______________ or surgery during
b. Induced labor:
i. The __________________ of uterine contractions before they occur
c. __________________ birth
i. When baby delivered either foot first or buttocks first.
26. Types of Pregnancy:
a. Inducing labor:
i. __________________ given or water sac broken by plastic hook (amniohook)
b. _______________ Section (C-Section):
i. A form of childbirth in which a surgical incision is made through a
mother's ________________ and uterus to deliver one or more babies.
c. Epidural:
i. A shot administered in the woman’s lower back to aid in
________________ relief.
d. __________________________:
i. An incision between the vagina and anus (perineum) help with
crowning of the baby, to prevent muscles from tearing.
e. Vacuum extraction:
i. assist mother if she becomes too tired, cup on baby’s head with
slight suction
f. Forceps:
i. guide baby’s head out of birth canal
27. Classes
a. __________________: Breathing method used during the delivery process to
redirect the focus from pain.
28. Birthing Options:
a. Hospital:
i. Safest and _________________ method of delivery to receive
immediate medical treatment
b. Home Birth:
i. Comfort of delivery at own home, medical assistance is still
c. Water Birth:
d. Is for women with “____________________” pregnancies, drug free births and
minimal intervention
e. ___________________ ______________________:
i. Are certified house nurses
ii. The birth can take place at multiple different locations including a
hospital, home or center
f. Birth Center:
i. Birth centers are for women who want a certain comfort zone and
few people around
29. Birthing Positions:
a. Occiput Posterior: (Most common) Head down, chest facing front of the
b. Occiput Anterior: Head down, baby’s back facing front of mother.
c. Left Occiput Transverse: Head down, baby’s facing left hip.
d. Right Occiput Transverse: Head down, baby’s facing right hip.
30. _________________ __________________: Is an assessment test on a scale of 1-10.
Performed by a pediatrician. 7 or higher indicates baby in good condition. 4 to
6 babies may need assistance. Under 4 baby may need life saving techniques.
31. Types of disabilities
a. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS):
i. Caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
ii. May cause:
1. ___________________ ___________________
2. Low birth weight
3. Small head
4. Abnormal facial features
5. Abnormalities in the heart
6. ____________________ _________________________
b. Down Syndrome:
i. Environment and genetics
ii. Extra _______st chromosome
c. Cleft lip/palate:
i. Environment and genetics
ii. Two sides of upper lip do not grow together properly
d. Club foot:
i. Environment and genetics
ii. One or both feet twisted (present at birth)
e. Cystic fibrosis:
i. Genetics
ii. Thick mucus interferes with breathing, blocks lungs, and causes
f. Diabetes:
i. Environment and genetics
ii. Extreme thirst and increased appetite.
iii. Caused by obesity and is predicted that every 1 out of 3 children
will be born with type two diabetes
g. Hemophilia:
i. Usually genetic
ii. Blood does not clot properly
h. Sickle cell Anemia:
i. Genetics
ii. Red blood cells are sickle-shaped instead of round-shaped. Severe
i. Spina Bifida:
i. Caused by environment and genetics
ii. Spinal cord forms outside of spinal column
iii. Problems range from loss of bowel and bladder control to
paralysis and mental retardation
j. Tay-Sachs:
i. Genetics
ii. Nervous system disorder
iii. Baby will have poor psychomotor development, weakness and
sluggishness. Eventually blindness, paralysis, mental retardation
and seizures occur. Death usually takes place by five years of age