SPEECH 10: INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION COURSE OUTLINE SYLLABUS AND MANUAL-Pasadena City College WELCOME! INSTRUCTOR: Professor Heather D. W. Moloian EMAIL: ProfessorWukelichMoloian@verizon.net (This is the VERY BEST way to reach me) or HWMOLOIAN@pasadena.edu OFFICE HOURS: Friday & Saturday’s-By appointment only. Please visit my hours on Canvas & the PCC Portal and then email with your requested office hours requested time. TEXT: Adler, Rosenfeld and Proctor II. Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication 12th Edition. Required. SPEECH 10 SYLLABUS & MANUAL: Moloian, Heather D. W. Interpersonal Communication……A path to empowerment. Required. JOURNAL: A black 8 X 10 sized artist’s sketchbook (available in the PCC bookstore). Required. PEN: An acid-free, pigment pen for journaling (black or blue). Recommended. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: To demonstrate, through class discussion, a knowledge of how you interact with your environment. You will compare the theories of interpersonal communication to other modes of human interaction and employ communication concepts in dyadic and small group situations. The demonstration of problem solving and conflict resolution through role playing, will help increase your perception of verbal and nonverbal messages/behavior that are common in the work place; through reporting outside experiences. Further, small group discussion will help you fine-tune your critical listening abilities and intervening variables that cause communication breakdowns. You will also demonstrate communication breakdowns through role playing. In essence, these practiced skills should enhance your communication, in order for you to have more effective, everyday relationships with other people. COURSE OBJECTIVES: You will be expected to participate in class both formally and informally; therefore, you are expected to give thoughts of the day, ask questions and participate regularly in class discussions. Your original ideas and thoughts through class discussions help influence others and stimulate critical thinking; therefore your participation in class discussions will help me to assess how much you have learned. The essence of this course will revolve around the concept of teamwork, integrity and empowerment in our lives. Active participation and attendance will influence your final grade. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Much of the class is based upon performance; therefore, attendance is expected and required. Each absence or tardy will result in the lowering of the total grade in this class. If you miss more than 2 classes your grade for the semester will be lowered one grade. TARDINESS: Students are expected to be in class on time. Roll will be taken at the beginning of class and if you are not there at that time an absence will be recorded. If you are tardy and fail to inform the instructor by the end of class to change your absence to a tardy, the absence will stand. GRADING POLICY: Students are expected to complete all the work assigned in class. All assignments are expected to be handed in at the beginning of class, unless otherwise instructed. Additionally, there are no make-ups or allowances for ANY work or assignments; unless you have a doctor’s note or reasonable emergency. GRADING SCALE: Midterm Examination 30 pts. Final Examination 30 pts. Self-Evaluation Paper 30 pts. Group Project 30 pts. Journal completion 30 pts. Participation 10 pts. ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments are graded on an individual point scale as indicated in the aforementioned. In determining your final grade in the class, the following numerical guideline will apply: 160-145 points=A 144-130 points=B 129-115 points=C 114-100 points=D 99 - points=F MIDTERM AND FINAL EXAMINATION: DO NOT MISS A DAY ON WHICH YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO GIVE A PRESENTATION OR TAKE AN EXAMINATION. UNLESS THERE IS REASONABLE PROOF IN WRITING (AIRLINE TICKET, DEATH IN THE FAMILY, MEDICAL EMERGENCY), THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UPS. The examinations are objective style questions, using multiple choice and True/False options. You are responsible for providing a scantron # 882-E and #2 pencil on an Exam day. JOURNAL: You are expected to purchase the journal listed on page one of your syllabus immediately. If you don’t find it with our class section materials, you should find it in the art section in the bookstore. You will be writing in it every day for the entire semester (yes, this includes weekends, holidays, etc.). SELF-EVALUATION PAPER: You will provide a 3-4 page typed term paper applying the theories of interpersonal communication to your own life (communication events) and how this course has helped your relationships. You will need to heavily use your journal and “outside sources” as documentation. PLAGIARISM: It has been said that “Academic honesty is the cornerstone of college-level education.” Plagiarism is defined as “the process of copying another person’s idea or written work and claiming it as original or a piece or written work or an idea that somebody has copied and claimed as his or her own.” Any student caught plagiarizing material will be prosecuted to the full extent of the College’s guidelines. COMMUNICATIONS: It is very important that if you need to communicate with me, you email me ASAP. The following schedules of dates are open to amending at anytime during the course and students are responsible for changes announced during class. CLASS MEETING: TOPIC/ACTIVITY: READING DUE: 8-31-13 Introduction to the course None-1st day of class 9-07-13 The Interpersonal Process Chapter 1 9-14-13 Culture and Communication Chapter 2 9-21-13 Communication and the Self Chapter 3 9-28-13 Perceiving Others (Perception) Chapter 4 10-05-13 Language (Verbal Communication) Chapter 5 & Nonverbal Communication Chapter 6 and *Midterm Exam Review* 10-12-13 MIDTERM EXAMINATION CHAPTERS (1-6) 10-19-13 Listening & Others Chapter 7 10-26-13 Emotions Chapter 8 11-02-13 Dynamics of Interpersonal Rel. Chapter 9 11-09-13 Communication Climate Chapter 10 11-16-13 Managing Conflict Chapter 11 11-23-13 Communication with Family & Friendships Chapter 12 SELF-PAPER DUE and *Final Exam Review* 11-30-13 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY 12-05-13 GROUP PROJECTS DUE 12-12-13 CLASS PARTY & FINAL EXAM DUE CAMPUS CLOSED CHAPTERS (7-12)