Interpersonal Communications

Course Name:
Interpersonal Communications
Course Philosophy & Description: Interpersonal Communication examines the role of
interpersonal communication in human relationships. The focus of the course is a relational view of
communication – one that explores how relationships are created, negotiated, maintained, and
Course Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes: This course is designed to develop confidence in
the student’s ability to communicate effectively in interpersonal situations. Upon successful
completion of this course the students will demonstrate the following competencies:
1. Demonstrate positive communication principals and concepts in one-on-one and small
group communication within the classroom.
2. Demonstrate problem solving and conflict resolution skills through role playing exercises
in the classroom.
3. Identify the variables (semantics, attitudes, perception, listening, conflict etc.) that cause
communication breakdowns to occur.
4. Present a communication project.
5. Meet deadlines for papers and projects.
Evaluation and Grading:
Grading Criteria and Requirements:
Reading Assignments: Timely reading of regular reading of assignments is expected.
You will be graded on your knowledge of the text.
Class Participation: Each student receives a grade for class participation. This grade
will be based upon regular participation, attitude, apparent preparation and
knowledge of the text and other assigned written or oral material, and application of
communication principles to your in-class communication. If you miss more than 25%
of class sessions, you will not be able to pass the course regardless of your other
scores. (100 pts.)
Weekly Quizzes: Each week you will have a quiz on the concepts covered in the
course during the previous week and/or on readings that have been assigned for the
current week. The quizzes are designed to reward you for attending, preparing, and
reviewing information about the foundations of interpersonal communication.
Quizzes are based upon assigned readings, class discussions, and other
assignments. Maintain copies of the quizzes to study for your final examination. You
may not make up a quiz for any reason including lateness, sickness or emergencies.
Please do not request a make-up quiz. (100 pts.)
Group Presentation: As a group, select an interpersonal communication issue,
research it and share your findings with the class. Plan, practice and present a 10 –
15 minute talk about the practical applications of this communication issue to our
study of close, personal relationships. Work with the reference librarian to find
resources to share with our class. You are welcome to use Power Point or other
audio-visual support in your presentation. Please prepare a handout for your
classmates as well. (100 pts.)
Course Paper: There are three options for your paper. Each is designed to help you
apply the theoretical material covered in the course to the topic of emotional and
social intelligence. Prepare 5 - 8, double-spaced, typewritten pages of original prose.
The following criteria will be used to evaluate your assignment: 1) Content: Does the
paper directly address the issues raised in the essay? 2) Is the paper comprehensive
and complete? 3) Does the paper demonstrate understanding of the particular
concepts or issues developed in the essay? 4) Clarity: Is the paper clearly,
correctly and coherently written using APA style? 5) Do you have a clear
introduction, discussion and conclusion, and
6) Are sufficient specific examples used to illustrate theoretic concepts and key terms
developed in the essay?
Note: Outside sources used in the paper must be properly credited using the APA
style guide. (100 pts.)
Course Paper Option #1 – Self and Others: Select at least three articles and/or
books on emotional or social intelligence and examine how the insights you gain from
this course and your reading can be applied to understanding yourself as an
interpersonal communicator.
Part One: Explain the communication concepts developed in the readings
and discussions;
Part Two: Describe and assess how the insights from these readings apply to
you as an interpersonal communicator; and
Part Three: Analyze your close personal and voluntary relationship with
another and consider how the key insights about intelligence can be applied to
the way that you relate interpersonally. Use concrete examples from one or
more of your personal relationships to describe how you relate and to evaluate
the effectiveness of your relationship. Make sure you are focusing on the
relationship and its dynamics instead of on individual communication
behaviors only.
Course Paper Option #2 – Analysis of a Popular Relationship Self-help Book or
Video: (Note: book or video must be approved by instructor)
Examine how the insights you gained from this course relate to those of a popular
self-help book or video that is intended for readers who want to improve their
personal relationships using social or emotional intelligence. (Authors might include
John Gottman, Daniel Gilbert or Daniel Goleman).
Part One: Explain the concepts in the essay, including a brief explanation of
each of the key terms of the essay;
Part Two: Give a brief overview of the book/video. Describe the credentials
of the author and the methodology for researching the topic and the
prescriptions; and
Part Three: Describe and assess how the terms of the book or video apply to
our class understanding of emotional or social intelligence. Would you
recommend this book or video? Why or why not?
Course Paper Option #3 – Interview with Scholar/Professor on Interpersonal
Communication: (Note: scholar/professor and topic must be approved by instructor)
Be sure to explore his or her research prior to the interview! Rather than writing a
paper, create and submit an 8 – 10 minute digital presentation.
Part One: Introduce the purpose of the video, the expert and the
communication theory that the scholar will discuss. Outline the questions that
you will /have asked the expert;
Part Two: Demonstrate that you have fully researched the theory and from
your questions and/or the organization of your interview that you understand
how the subject matter of the interview affects close and personal relationship;
Part Three: discuss how the viewer can learn more about the subject and
how it relates to interpersonal communication in close relationships.
6. Final Exam:
The final examination is based upon assigned readings, class
discussions, and other assignments throughout the course of the semester. The exam
will contain multiple choice and true/false questions. (100 pts.)
7. All assignments must be typed, double spaced and turned in at the top of the class period
the assignment is due. Late assignments will lose 10 points for each class overdue.
Please make an effort to turn in neat and honest work. Spell-check your documents;
make sure the work you turn in is your own product. Plagiarism or cheating of any kind
will result in a failing grade.
Course grades will be based upon the total points accumulated by the student on the
assignments throughout the semester.
Instructors are expected to participate in the assessment of the course as
directed by the lead instructor.
Contact Information:
Dennis Humphrey, English and Fine Arts Chair
Phone: 501-882-4406
Sandra Williams, Speech/Theatre Instructor
Phone: 501-882-4493