Community Group Bible Study Matthew 6:9

Community Group Bible Study Matthew 6:9-13
1. What is the earliest childhood prayer you remember? Share it with your group and how you
learned it.
2. Read Matt. 6:9-13 (if your Bible has footnotes, include the additional words in this prayer found
in some early Bible manuscripts). List several things that would describe this prayer.
3. What does Jesus say in v. 9 before the prayer begins? What do you think that means for us as
we pray? (Note: this is a command by Jesus for his followers.)
4. What is the significance of beginning the prayer with the words in v. 9? “Father” was not a term
that Jews in the days of Jesus would use for Jehovah God. Why do you think Jesus teaches
us to begin prayer in this way?
5. Why do you think we need to pray for God’s kingdom to come? The second part of v.10
contains something of a definition of God’s kingdom? What might that look like in your life? In
the life of VCF?
6. The request in v. 11 changes the object or focus of prayer. What does v. 11 mean to us? And
what symbol is used for our daily needs? (extra credit question: What is the difference between
a need and a want?)
7. From reading or praying v. 12, one might assume forgiveness is a two way street. How do
these two “streets” connect? Why is sin viewed as a “debt” in this verse?
8. Verse 13 talks about being “led into temptation.” What are some of the ways you can be led
into temptation? What are some of the ways God helps us to be led toward righteousness
rather than sin and evil or “the evil one” as some manuscripts interpret?
9. According to the footnote in some Bible translations after v. 13, what are we to include in our
prayers? Why are those two words specifically used?
10. Close your study by using the words of the Lord’s Prayer to talk to God. (And be sure to teach
this model prayer as an example to your children if you have them under your roof.)