Dear Families of 12th Grade Humanities Students, I am pleased to have your student in my 12th grade AMERICAN IMAGES/ HUMANITIES class, and would like to do everything possible to insure a successful school experience for him/her. The following information is provided so you may assist in this endeavor. This class is the 12th grade art component of our school’s Humanitas Program. In our Humanitas Program, students are team-taught interdisciplinary units by art, English, and social studies teachers who seek to make connections among disciplines, between students and teachers, and with the larger community. The teachers on the 12th grade Humanitas team (Mrs. Donner–Art, Mr. Hayes–Social Studies, & Mrs. Liddell–English) meet several times a month to evaluate units in progress, coordinate instruction, discuss curriculum materials, and share observations of individual students. This is significant because by sharing observations of students’ interests, abilities, and needs, all three teachers are more effective and knowledgeable of the students. The 12th grade Humanitas Program is designed to promote critical and analytical thinking using multicultural thematic units. Each unit will explore the student’s individual search for meaning, for identity, and for his/hers place as a responsible citizen of the community, country and world. We work together to integrate lessons in literature, art history, philosophy, social studies, criticism, aesthetics and art production in every unit. The program is writing based and studies have shown that Humanitas students are better prepared to write a comprehensive, thoughtful essay than the majority of their peers. In American Images, students will expand their knowledge of the visual arts as they relate to American History and culture. Your student will focus on the development of a personal aesthetic while experiencing arts media and techniques used by artist in American life, past and present. While many of the CALIFORNIA VISUAL ARTS STANDARDS are reviewed in this class, the following standards will be emphasized: I Artistic Perception - Processing, Analyzing, and responding to Sensory Information Through the Language and Skills Unique to the Visual Arts Students perceive and respond to works of art, objects in nature, events, and the environment. They use the vocabulary of the visual arts to express their observations. 1.1 Identify and use the principles of design to discuss, analyze, and write about visual aspects in the environment and in works of art, including their own. II Creative Expression - Creating, Performing and Participating in the Visual Arts Students apply artistic processes and skills, using a variety of media to communicate meaning and intent in original artworks. 2.1 Solve a visual arts problem that involves the effective use of the elements of art and principles of design. 2.4 Review and refine observational drawing skills. 2.6 Create a two- dimensional or three-dimensional artwork that addresses a social issue. 2.3 Advanced Assemble and display objects or artworks as part of a public exhibition. III Historical & Cultural Context - Understanding the Visual Arts in Relation to History and Culture Students analyze the role and development of the visual arts in past and present cultures throughout the world, noting human diversity as it relates to visual arts and artists. 3.1 Identify similarities and differences in the purposes of art created in selected cultures. 3.3 Identify and describe trends in the visual arts and discuss how the diverse issues of time, place, and cultural influence are reflected in selected artworks. 3.4 Discuss the purposes of art in selected contemporary cultures. IV Aesthetic Valuing - Responding to, Analyzing, and Making Judgments About Works in the Visual Arts Students analyze, assess, and derive meaning from works of art, including their own, according to the elements of art, principles of design, and aesthetic qualities. 4.1 Articulate how people’s personal beliefs, cultural traditions, and current social, economic, and political contexts influence the way they interpret the meaning or message in an artwork. 4.5 Employ the conventions of art criticism in writing and speaking about artworks. Course Requirements: American Images is an activity class. Attendance and participation are extremely important in completing assignments and daily points will be given for classroom participation. Students with excused absences may make up participation points through extra credit tasks, however, it is the student’s responsibility to make up all assigned work and have extra credit approved. In this class students will be keeping an art notebook where they will reflect upon their opinions, communicate their ideas, collect information about art and culture, record their assignments and monitor their progress. Students are expected to neatly keep all of their, notes, handouts, vocabulary words, preliminary sketches and written assignment in their art notebooks. In our efforts to keep you informed about what your student is learning, advise you of his/her progress, and give you an opportunity to make comments and suggestions we will ask you to participate in a student led conference each semester. Lab Fee: $10.00 (cash or checks made payable to Chatsworth Charter) Grading: This course is graded on an accumulated point system. Written assignments, oral presentations, and studio art projects will be graded on: following instructions, effort, craftsmanship, creativity and group cooperation as they apply to each assignment. For a more detailed explanation of my grading policy please ask your student to show you their copy of the General Grading Rubrics, that they have been instructed to keep in their art notebook. At the midterm and final marking periods, points are totaled, an average found, and a letter grade given according to the following breakdown: • • • • • Students accumulating over 90% of the points earn an “A” Students accumulating 80%-89% of the points earn a “B” Students accumulating 70%-79% of the points earn a “C” Students accumulating 60%-69% of the points earn a “D” Students accumulating less than 60% of the points will FAIL the course If you have any questions about the course, the materials location, or your student’s progress, please do not hesitate to call me at 818 257-2333. Thank You, Kathie Donner Please keep the parent letter in your notebook and return this form to Mrs. Donner by . I understand the course expectations and grading policy for Mrs. Donner’s American Images Art Class. . American Images Art Period Student’s Name PLEASE PRINT . Student’s Signature Date . Parent/Guardian Signature ( ) Parent/Guardian Daytime Phone Number Date .