Globalization - Data Do you like to compile, organize, and analyze

Globalization - Data
Do you like to compile, organize, and analyze data? If so, this project might be for you.
Globalization occurs when countries of the world depend on one another for goods, services, and
knowledge. We wouldn’t have what we have today without other countries around the world.
Brainstorm 3 categories of goods, services, and/or knowledge that show globalization. Gather
data that is proof of globalization; use a lot of data (30-50 is suggested; more data means more
reliability in the conclusions you draw). After organizing the proof of globalization into
categories, analyze the information and see what conclusions you can draw from the data. You
will present all of this information in graphic form (using maps, graphs, charts, and/or pie
charts). You may want to consider using Excel to compile your data; the display can be a poster
board, in Word, PowerPoint, etc.
Project is titled interestingly and appropriately
Layout is organized, neat and draws the eye in
White space is balanced, not overwhelming
Presentation includes a large amount of data
Data is sorted into at least 3 different categories
Presentation includes at least 2 of the following:
 maps, graphs, charts, and pie charts
Maps, graphs, charts, have helpful legends and/or captions
Students drew conclusions from the data and present them in the project. Consider
answering these questions:
 What conclusions can you draw from this data?
 Are there areas of the world that appear to have a hold on the certain
industries? Why do you think this is true?
 How is this proof of globalization?
 Is globalization good or bad? Why?
_____/40 Total