FLOODING QUESTIONNAIRE FOR BUSINESSES What is the purpose of this questionnaire? The more information we have about how flooding occurs and the impacts, the better prepared we can all be. By completing this questionnaire you will help us to better understand the full picture of this flooding event in your area and the impact on you and your community. We will use the information you share with us to map this flood event and further develop our flood maps. In turn, this will inform decisions about how we manage flood risk in the future and improve how we work with our partners to respond to flooding. The information you provide will also help us to improve our flood warning service in your area so we can provide more detail in our messages, making them as accurate, relevant and timely as we can. What will you do with my information? We will collate the information you give us into a number of larger sets of data to understand the full event. The majority of this data will be anonymous. We may share this information with our local authority or emergency service partners for planning and emergency planning purposes, but only in accordance with our Data Protection Policy. Environment Agency Data Protection policy The Environment Agency keeps addresses of properties at risk of flooding in England in Wales as part of our responsibility to provide flood forecasting and warning services to the public. In addition we use this information to improve how we forecast, plan and deliver flood warnings. We may also disclose the information when consulting with local authorities, emergency services and other organisations for planning purposes. We have strict rules regarding the use of personal information, in accordance with the Data Protection Act. About your business Name and role Business name Business type Number of staff employed Address (including postcode) Contact telephone number Flood Warnings Q1a Is your business registered to receive Flood Warnings from the Environment Agency? Q1b Please give your correspondence address registered for Flood Warnings (if different from above) Yes Q1c Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Would you like to register your business for Flood Warnings? Q2a Did you receive a Flood Warning? *Please note this service is not No If No, please go to Q1c If No or N/A, please go to Q3a available in every area at the moment. If you did receive a Flood Warning please tell us: Q2b What type of warning did you Flood Alert receive? Q2c Did you know what to do when you received your warning? Q2d What action(s) did you take? Yes Flood Warning No Severe Flood Warning General Property Information Q3a What type of property(ies) is your business in? (for example: office block, warehouse, small unit etc...) Q3b Approximate age of the property? Q3c What is the area of your building(s)? square feet or m2 Flooding Information – The damage caused by flooding is also affected by how often it occurs and how deep the water was in the property. Q4a Did you have flooding inside your property(ies) Yes No If No, please go to Q4p If yes, please indicate which areas of the business: Office Lobby Manufacturing areas Storage areas Staff rooms Other (please detail) Q4b If you were flooded, did you Yes receive a warning prior to water entering your premises Q4c Date of flooding No Q4d Duration of flooding (hours) Q4e Time water entered property Q4f Your best estimate of the depth of flooding inside the property Q4g Your best estimate of the depth of flooding outside the property Q4h Approximate time of peak flooding in your property Q4i To your knowledge was the water from River Sea Drain Other (please describe) Q4j Was the property affected by sewage flooding? Yes Q4k How long has your business been in the property? One year No 2-5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years Q4l Has flooding happened before? Yes No If No, please go to Q4n If Yes, please give month and year Q4m If you answered Yes to Q4l, how often does flooding occur inside the property? Q4n Annually 2-5 years 5-10 years More than every 10 years It would be useful if you could estimate the cost of damage you have suffered Less than £10,000 £10,000-100,000 (this will help us to understand the cost of flooding and keep our calculations current when carrying out studies for possible future works) £100,000-250,000 £250,000-1m Greater than £1m Q4o What were the impacts of flood in short/medium term to your business? Q4p Did you contact any organisation? Was the response helpful? Please describe why the response was good or bad. (Please circle as appropriate) County Council Local Authority Environment Agency Fire and Rescue Service Water Company Electric Company Gas Company Phone Company Citizens Advice Bureau Other (Please circle as appropriate) Space is included here for your observations about where the floodwater comes from, how it reaches your property, or any comments you wish to make. If you have photos you would be willing to share with us please state when they were taken (to the minute if possible), where from and what they were looking at. If you have electronic copies of images please email them to us at: flooddata@environment-agency.gov.uk Please note there is a 10mb file size limit. Thank you for taking the time to provide this essential information. Please return the completed questionnaire to us in the reply paid envelope provided. If you have any queries relating to this questionnaire please telephone 03708 506 506