Attachments - Government of Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Flood Mitigation Framework:
Flood Assessment Fund-Application Form
All information submitted to the Government of Nova Scotia as part of an application to the Flood Assessment Fund will be governed by the
provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ( Any information
submitted will be retained by the Government of Nova Scotia.
1. Applicant information
Project Title:
Contact person & title:
Municipal Lead:
Street Address/P.O Box:
Partner Organization(s):
Contact Person & Title:
Street Address/P.O Box:
2. Project description, context and vulnerability
Please provide an overview of the project being proposed (200 words or less). It should be clear and concise and
provide an easily understandable overview of what you are proposing. This will be used to communicate the
project to a third party. This description should be carefully crafted to accurately represent the proposal to a nontechnical audience.
Provide information and evidence detailing why flooding is an issue in your community. This should include
information on historic flooding events, how frequently past flooding have occurred, and the severity of those
past events (information sources, previous reports, historic maps, local library and newspaper articles, etc.
should be cited)
Identify any supporting planning or strategy documents and how this project supports those actions.
Select the type of flooding your community is vulnerable to (if other, describe briefly)
☐ Fluvial/river
☐ Tidal
☐ Storm water
☐ Groundwater
☐ Infrastructure failure
☐ Other
☐ Surface water/lake
The purpose of section 2.5 is to gather information that demonstrates the current state of vulnerability in
the community such that those who are most vulnerable to flooding are prioritized. This section will be
worth 50% of the projects evaluative score.
A way of measuring the significance of current vulnerability to flooding in a given community is through
the use of vulnerability indicators. The measurable attributes and descriptions in this section will be used
to estimate the degree to which a community is vulnerable to flooding. Fill out each section with as much
relevant information as possible and reference supporting documentation.
Please describe the location of the study area and provide information on why the study area was chosen.
Holistic approaches that aim to assess all factors that contribute to flooding are preferable. Please attach
any supporting maps and label them at the bottom of this application form.
Please identify people and groups potentially vulnerable to flooding within the study area. Also, if
applicable, identify groups of people that may be disproportionately vulnerable to flooding, such as
resulting from socio-economic circumstances, location/isolation, access to emergency services, etc.
Provide an estimate the number of properties, institutions, businesses, and industries potentially
vulnerable to flooding within the study area. Provide additional information of any structures of special
significance that may vulnerable to flooding (i.e. major industrial facilities, business centres, hospitals,
waste water treatment, dams, culverts, etc.)
Identify any pieces of the transportation system (roads, bridges, railway, etc.) that lie within the study
area potentially vulnerable to flooding. Provide information on the location, age and state of repair of the
infrastructure, as appropriate, and describe why it is vulnerable.
Identify any social and/or cultural assets within the study area potentially vulnerable to flooding
(museums, landmarks, heritage buildings, community centres, etc.)
Identify any environmental assets within the study area potentially vulnerable to flooding (parks,
protected areas, etc). Describe any ecosystems of significance that may be affected by a flooding event.
Also, identify potential environmental impacts resulting from a flooding event (Hazardous and toxic sites,
landfills, ports, etc.)
Please provide an estimate of the total dollar ($) amount of assets within the study area potentially
vulnerable to flooding.
Briefly describe any other factors that indicate your community is potentially vulnerable to flooding.
3. Assessment methodology
Please detail the methodology to be used to conduct the flood assessment. Be as detailed as possible.
Methodology may include a description of the information/data requirements, any tools/techniques to be
applied, equipment and instrumentation, consultation requirements, and the activities to occur as related
to the time frame. Indicate clearly if technical or consulting services are required.
Information/data to consider may include:
land/soil permeability
soil, bedrock and surficial geology
erosion and sedimentation characteristics
discharge rates
tidal influences
climate change scenarios (relative sea level rise)
historical flood extents/floodplain delineation
Large and small scale topographic and cadastral map, LiDAR;
Channel, lake/ocean bathymetry
Maps that show existing and proposed land use, infrastructure such as transportation routes, utilities,
surface drainage, in-ground disposal of stormwater, and in-ground disposal of waste water and or
Air photos of different years (historical to present) and scales;
In areas of logging: forest cover maps, forest development/stewardship plans, watershed assessments,
past and proposed forest road construction and logging, and other relevant logging related
4. Project management and deliverables:
Provide details on the specific deliverables of the project. This can include results/accomplishments/milestones
to be achieved throughout the project. Be clear and tangible; deliverables will be used to measure project
accountability and success. Every project should clearly indicate a start and finish date or time frame.
Provide the details of how you plan to meet the deliverables outlined above. Identify key individuals,
organizations, agencies, departments, etc. that need to be involved in order to successfully complete the project
(i.e. public works, planners, engineers, emergency management officers, etc). Clearly indicate roles and
responsibilities for the project.
Identify any partnering organizations and their contributions, if applicable. If more than one organization will be
involved (partners, contractors, etc.) define the relationship as they relate to the project.
5. Long-term benefits and impact:
Please describe how conducting a flood assessment will benefit the community, improve planning practices,
enable better decision making and/or flood management practices. Consider the following questions when
preparing this section:
How will this project fill an information gap in your community related to flooding?
How will this project prepare your community to make better decisions regarding flooding?
What opportunities will the project address?
Who will benefit from the information made available through this project?
How will other organizations use the information, products, or services made available after the project is
Information in this section should be used to help formulate the communications/ engagement/ education plan.
6. Communication/engagement/education plan details:
Provide an outline and plan for how the results of the flood assessment will be communicated to stakeholders
and individuals within the community. Identify how the results of the flood assessment will be evaluated based
on its effectiveness/practical use. Items to consider include:
Various engagement activities/tools (media and press release, workshops, newsletters, website, email and
social media, etc.)
Information provided to individuals, property owners, businesses, etc.
How might the information or approach be used elsewhere
7. Other Relevant Information:
Use this space to provide information relevant to the project that was not detailed in the above sections.
Include information such as: Will this project require regulatory approvals? If so, state the details and the
timeline required to obtain approvals.
8. Project budget:
All financial information related to the project must be presented in this section accurately. All tables must be
completed or the application will be consider ineligible. Please note the Province reserves the right to perform a credit
check on the project proponent and/or partnering organizations and/or require financial security (performance bond,
letter of credit, etc.).
Project Expenses: Provide a summary of the project expenses using the following table. Create new rows for expense
categories if necessary. Please review the Flood Assessment Fund Guidelines for details on eligible costs, funding
guidelines and other requirements. Remember to provide detailed listings of all expenses.
Expense Category
Fund Request
Professional Fees
(technical, consulting,
contracting, etc.)
Administration Costs
Other (please specify)
Contributor 1 (name)
Contributor 2 (name)
Total Project
Please list any attached documents supplementing this application in the space provided. Include the file name and
File No.
File Name
Proposal Submission
Submit the completed proposal and all attachments by July 1, 2014 electronically to:
Climate Change Unit| Nova Scotia Department of Environment
1903 Barrington St, Suite 2085 | Halifax, NS B3J 3L7
Ph: (902) 424-0737 / Fax: (902) 424-0528
You will receive an acknowledgement that we have received your application via e-mail. For assistance with
your application, or for any questions you may have, please contact us.