Appendix I.B

Appendix I.B Courses Mapped to Sets of Professional Standards
Program Objective
and Associated
1. Understand and apply
the foundations of library
science from
professional standards
used to resolve ethical
and legal issues
LIBS 6010 Foundations of
Library and Information
Related Professional Standards
ALA Core Competences of Librarianship (2009)
1. Foundations of the Profession
1A. The ethics, values, and foundational principles of the library and information profession.
1B. The role of library and information professionals in the promotion of democratic principles and intellectual
freedom (including freedom of expression, thought, and conscience).
1E. Current types of library (school, public, academic, special, etc.) and closely related information agencies.
1F. National and international social, public, information, economic, and cultural policies and trends of
significance to the library and information profession.
1G. The legal framework within which libraries and information agencies operate. That framework includes laws
relating to copyright, privacy, freedom of expression, equal rights (e.g., the Americans with Disabilities Act), and
intellectual property.
1H. The importance of effective advocacy for libraries, librarians, other library workers, and library services.
1I. The techniques used to analyze complex problems and create appropriate solutions.
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
1K. Certification and/or licensure requirements of specialized areas of the profession.
ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
3: Information and Knowledge
Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual collections of
resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the
needs of the diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to
generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.1 Efficient and ethical information-seeking behavior
Candidates identify and provide support for diverse student information needs. Candidates model multiple
strategies for students, other teachers, and administrators to locate, evaluate, and ethically use information for
specific purposes. Candidates collaborate with students, other teachers, and administrators to efficiently access,
interpret, and communicate information.
4. Advocacy and Leadership
Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus on
student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and
the community. Candidates are committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional
development activities for other educators. Candidates provide leadership by articulating ways in which school
libraries contribute to student achievement.
4.2 Professional development
Candidates model a strong commitment to the profession by participating in professional growth and leadership
opportunities through membership in library associations, attendance at professional conferences, reading
professional publications, and exploring Internet resources. Candidates plan for ongoing professional growth.
5: Program Management and Administration
5.2 Professional Ethics.
Candidates practice the ethical principles of their profession, advocate for intellectual freedom and privacy, and
promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility. Candidates educate the school community on the
ethical use of information and ideas.
NCDPI School Library Media Coordinators Standards (2013)
1: School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate leadership.
1d. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate high ethical standards.
5: School Library Media Coordinators reflect on their practice.
5b. School Library Media Coordinators link professional growth to their professional goals.
5c. School Library Media Coordinators function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment
ALA/ACRLStandards for Libraries in Higher Education (2011)
2. Professional Values: Libraries advance professional values of intellectual freedom, intellectual property rights
and values, user privacy and confidentiality, collaboration, and user-centered service.
8.3 Library personnel demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional development, maintaining and
enhancing knowledge and skills for themselves and their coworkers.
Program Objective
and Associated
Related Professional Standards
2. Analyze, evaluate and
synthesize research
literature in library and
information science, and
design basic practitioner
ALA Core Competences of Librarianship (2009)
LIBS 6012 Analyzing and
Synthesizing Professional
Library Information
(Title change to Research
Literacy in Library Science
ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
LIBS 6972 Research
Methods in Library and
Information Studies
6. Research
6A. The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
6B. The central research findings and research literature of the field.
6C. The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research
3: Information and Knowledge
Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual collections of
resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the
needs of the diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to
knowledge to improve practice.
3.4 Research and knowledge creation
Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates interpret and use data to create
and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries.
5: Program Management and Administration
Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources, and services in support
of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science,
education, management, and administration.
5.4 Strategic Planning and Assessment
Candidates make effective use of data and information to assess how the library program addresses the needs
of their diverse communities.
NCDPI School Library Media Coordinators Standards (2013)
4. School library media coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote
effective instruction practices
a. School library media coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-are curricula with 21st century
b. School library media coordinators know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty
ALA/ACRLStandards for Libraries in Higher Education (2011)
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession
Program Objective
and Associated
3. Use reference and
information resources in
a variety of formats to
promote information
LIBS 6014 Introduction to
Related Professional Standards
ALA Core Competences of Librarianship (2009)
5. Reference and User Services
5A. The concepts, principles, and techniques of reference and user services that provide access to relevant and
accurate recorded knowledge and information to individuals of all ages and groups.
5B. Techniques used to retrieve, evaluate, and synthesize information from diverse sources for use by
individuals of all ages and groups.
5C. The methods used to interact successfully with individuals of all ages and groups to provide consultation,
mediation, and guidance in their use of recorded knowledge and information.
5D. Information literacy/information competence techniques and methods, numerical literacy, and statistical
5E. The principles and methods of advocacy used to reach specific audiences to promote and explain concepts
and services.
5F. The principles of assessment and response to diversity in user needs, user communities, and user
5G. The principles and methods used to assess the impact of current and emerging situations or circumstances
on the design and implementation of appropriate services or resource development.
ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
3: Information and Knowledge
Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual collections of
resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the
needs of the diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to
generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.2 Access to information
Candidates support flexible, open access for library services. Candidates
demonstrate their ability to develop solutions for addressing physical, social and intellectual barriers to equitable
access to resources and services. Candidates facilitate access to information in print, non-print, and digital
formats. Candidates model and communicate the legal and ethical codes of the profession.
5: Program Management and Administration
Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources, and services in support
of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science,
education, management, and administration.
5.1 Collections
Candidates evaluate and select print, non-print, and digital resources using
professional selection tools and evaluation criteria to develop and manage a quality collection designed to meet
the diverse curricular, personal, and
professional needs of students, teachers, and administrators. Candidates organize school library collections
according to current library cataloging and classification principles and standards.
NCDPI School Library Media Coordinators Standards (2013)
3. School library media coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
a. School library media coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21 st century teaching and learning
b. School library media coordinators serve, promote and facilitate inquiry-based instruction and the effective use
of information and technology
ALA/ACRLStandards for Libraries in Higher Education (2011)
3.1 Library personnel collaborate with faculty and others regarding ways to incorporate library collections and
services into effective education experiences for students
3.2 Library personnel collaborate with faculty to embed information literacy learning outcomes into curricula,
courses, and assignments.
Program Objective
and Associated
4. Select, acquire,
develop and manage
collections to meet the
lifelong learning needs of
diverse groups in various
formats and library
LIBS 6018 Collection
LIBS 6135 Materials for
Related Professional Standards
ALA Core Competences of Librarianship (2009)
2. Information Resources
2A. Concepts and issues related to the lifecycle of recorded knowledge and information, from creation through
various stages of use to disposition.
2B. Concepts, issues, and methods related to the acquisition and disposition of resources, including evaluation,
selection, purchasing, processing, storing, and deselection.
2C. Concepts, issues, and methods related to the management of various collections.
2D. Concepts, issues, and methods related to the maintenance of collections, including preservation and
ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
2: Literacy and Reading
Candidates promote reading for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. Candidates are aware of major
trends in children's and young adult literature and select reading materials in multiple formats to support reading
for information, reading for pleasure,
2.1 Literature
Candidates are familiar with a wide range of children’s, young adult, and
professional literature in multiple formats and languages to support reading for information, reading for pleasure,
and reading for lifelong learning.
2.2 Reading promotion
Candidates use a variety of strategies to promote leisure reading and model personal enjoyment of reading in
order to promote habits of creative expression and lifelong reading.
2.3 Respect for diversity
Candidates demonstrate the ability to develop a collection of reading and
information materials in print and digital formats that support the diverse
developmental, cultural, social, and linguistic needs of P-12 students and their communities.
2.4 Literacy strategies
Candidates collaborate with classroom teachers to reinforce a wide variety of reading instructional strategies to
ensure P-12 students are able to create meaning from text.
NCDPI School Library Media Coordinators Standards (2013)
3. School library media coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program
a. School library media coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21 st century teaching and learning
b. School library media coordinators serve, promote and facilitate inquiry-based instruction and the effective use
of information and technology
ALA/ACRLStandards for Libraries in Higher Education (2011)
3.1 Library personnel collaborate with faculty and others regarding ways to incorporate library collections and
services into effective education experiences for students
Program Objective
and Associated
5. Understand and apply
appropriate concepts and
guidelines for the
organization and
discoverability of library
materials and resources
LIBS 6026 Organization of
Information in Libraries
Related Professional Standards
ALA Core Competences of Librarianship (2009)
3. Organization of Recorded Knowledge and Information
3A. The principles involved in the organization and representation of recorded knowledge and information.
3B. The developmental, descriptive, and evaluative skills needed to organize recorded knowledge and
information resources.
3C. The systems of cataloging, metadata, indexing, and classification standards and methods used to organize
recorded knowledge and information.
ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
3: Information and Knowledge
Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual collections of
resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the
needs of the diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to
knowledge to improve practice.
3.2 Access to information
Candidates support flexible, open access for library services. Candidates demonstrate their ability to develop
solutions for addressing physical, social and intellectual barriers to equitable access to resources and services.
Candidates facilitate access to information in print, non-print, and digital formats. Candidates model and
communicate the legal and ethical codes of the profession.
5: Program Management and Administration
5.1 Collections
Candidates evaluate and select print, non-print, and digital resources using
professional selection tools and evaluation criteria to develop and manage a quality collection designed to meet
the diverse curricular, personal, and professional needs of students, teachers, and administrators. Candidates
organize school library collections according to current library cataloging and classification principles and
NCDPI School Library Media Coordinators Standards (2013)
2. School library media coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of
a diverse population of students.
a. School library media coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st century teaching and learning
b School library media coordinators serve, promote and facilitate inquiry-based instruction and the effective use
of information and technology
4. School library media coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote
effective instructional practices
b. School library media coordinators know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty
ALA/ACRLStandards for Libraries in Higher Education (2011)
8.6 Personnel responsible for enhancing and maintaining the library’s IT infrastructure keep current with library
technology applications and participate in ongoing training.
Program Objective
and Associated
6. Understand and apply
the principles of
management, leadership
and advocacy to direct
and advance library
LIBS 6031 Library
Administration and
Related Professional Standards
ALA Core Competences of Librarianship (2009)
8. Administration and Management
8A. The principles of planning and budgeting in libraries and other information agencies.
8B. The principles of effective personnel practices and human resource development.
8C. The concepts behind, and methods for, assessment and evaluation of library services and their outcomes.
8D. The concepts behind, and methods for, developing partnerships, collaborations, networks, and other
structures with all stakeholders and within communities served.
8E. The concepts behind, issues relating to, and methods for, principled,
transformational leadership.
ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
4. Advocacy and Leadership
Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus on
student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and
the community …
4.1. Networking with the library community
Candidates demonstrate the ability to establish connections with other libraries and to strengthen cooperation
among library colleagues for resource sharing, networking, and facilitating access to information. Candidates
participate and collaborate as members of a social and intellectual network of learners.
4.2 Professional development
Candidates model a strong commitment to the profession by participating in professional growth and leadership
opportunities through membership in library associations, attendance at professional conferences, reading
professional publications, and exploring Internet resources. Candidates plan for ongoing professional growth.
4.3 Leadership
Candidates are able to articulate the role and relationship of the school library program's impact on student
academic achievement within the context of current educational initiatives. Utilizing evidence-based practice and
information from education and library research, candidates communicate ways in which the library program can
enhance school improvement efforts.
4.4 Advocacy
Candidates identify stakeholders within and outside the school community who impact the school library
program. Candidates develop a plan to advocate for school library and information programs, resources, and
5: Program Management and Administration
Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources, and services in support
of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science,
education, management, and administration.
5.3 Personnel, Funding, and Facilities
Candidates apply best practices related to planning, budgeting, and evaluating human, information, and physical
resources. Candidates organize library facilities to enhance the use of information resources and services and to
ensure equitable access to all resources for all users. Candidates develop, implement, and evaluate policies and
procedures that support teaching and learning in school libraries.
5.4 Strategic Planning and Assessment
Candidates communicate and collaborate with students, teachers, administrators, and community members to
develop a library program that aligns resources, services, and standards with the school's mission. Candidates
make effective use of data and information to assess how the library program addresses the needs of their
diverse communities.
NCDPI School Library Media Coordinators Standards (2013)
1. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate leadership
a. School library media coordinators lead in their schools
b. School library media coordinators advocate for effective media programs.
c. School library media coordinators demonstrate high ethical standards
5. School Library Media coordinators reflect on their practice
b. School library media coordinators link professional growth to their professional goals
c. School library media coordinators function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment.
ALA/ACRLStandards for Libraries in Higher Education (2011)
7.3 Library personnel participate in campus decision making needed for effectively library management
7.8 Library personnel model a culture of continuous improvement
8.5 Library personnel are professionally competent, diverse, and empowered.
Program Objective
and Associated
7. Understand and apply
appropriate technologies
to support or enhance
library functions and
LIBS 6042 Technology for
Library Services
Related Professional Standards
ALA Core Competences of Librarianship (2009)
4. Technological Knowledge and Skills
4A. Information, communication, assistive, and related technologies as they affect the resources, service
delivery, and uses of libraries and other information agencies.
4B. The application of information, communication, assistive, and related technology and tools consistent with
professional ethics and prevailing service norms and applications.
4C. The methods of assessing and evaluating the specifications, efficacy, and cost efficiency of technologybased products and services.
4D. The principles and techniques necessary to identify and analyze emerging technologies and innovations in
order to recognize and implement relevant technological improvements.
ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
1: Teaching for Learning
Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members
of the learning community to become effective
users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages
students' interests and develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.4 Integration of twenty-first century skills and learning standards
Candidates advocate for twenty-first century literacy skills to support the learning needs of the school
community. Candidates demonstrate how to collaborate with other teachers to plan and implement instruction of
the AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner and state student curriculum standards. Candidates employ
strategies to integrate multiple literacies with content curriculum. Candidates integrate the use of emerging
technologies as a means for effective and creative teaching and to support P-12 students' conceptual
understanding, critical thinking and creative processes.
3: Information and Knowledge
Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual collections of
resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the
needs of the diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to
generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.3 Information technology
Candidates demonstrate their ability to design and adapt relevant learning experiences that engage students in
authentic learning through the use of digital tools and resources. Candidates model and facilitate the effective
use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support
research, learning, creating, and communicating in a digital society.
NCDPI School Library Media Coordinators Standards (2013)
2. School library media coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of
a diverse population of students
a. School library media coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st century teaching and learning
b School library media coordinators serve, promote and facilitate inquiry-based instruction and the effective use
of information and technology
3. School library media coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program
a. School library media coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21 st century teaching and learning
b. School library media coordinators serve, promote and facilitate inquiry-based instruction and the effective use
of information and technology
ALA/ACRLStandards for Libraries in Higher Education (2011)
8.6 Personnel responsible for enhancing and maintaining the library’s IT infrastructure keep current with library
technology applications and participate in ongoing training.
Program Objective
and Associated
8.Instruct individually,
and in collaboration with
others, diverse user
groups to access library
resources and services
LIBS 6142 Instructional
Foundations of the
School Library Media
LIBS 6144 Instruction
Strategies and Leadership
for School Media
LIBS 6137 Materials for
Young Adults
LIBS 7050 Seminar on
Public Libraries
LIBS 6810 Academic
Related Professional Standards
ALA Core Competences of Librarianship (2009)
7. Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
7A. The necessity of continuing professional development of practitioners in libraries and other information
7B. The role of the library in the lifelong learning of patrons, including an
understanding of lifelong learning in the provision of quality service and the use of lifelong learning in the
promotion of library services.
7C. Learning theories, instructional methods, and achievement measures; and their application in libraries and
other information agencies.
7D. The principles related to the teaching and learning of concepts, processes and skills used in seeking,
evaluating, and using recorded knowledge and information.
ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
1: Teaching for Learning
Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members
of the learning community to become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design
and implement instruction that engages students' interests and develops their ability to inquire, think critically,
gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning
Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and cultural
influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best
practice. Candidates support the learning of all students and other members of the learning community,
including those with diverse learning styles, physical and intellectual abilities and needs. Candidates base
twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the assessment of
student achievement.
1.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher
Candidates implement the principles of effective teaching and learning that
contribute to an active, inquiry-based approach to learning. Candidates make use of a variety of instructional
strategies and assessment tools to design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments in
partnership with classroom teachers and other educators. Candidates can document and communicate the
impact of collaborative instruction on student achievement.
1.3 Instructional partner
Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners
with other educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of
engaging in school improvement processes, and of offering professional development to other educators as it
relates to library and information use.
2: Literacy and Reading
Candidates promote reading for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. Candidates are aware of major
trends in children's and young adult literature and select reading materials in multiple formats to support reading
for information, reading for pleasure, and reading for lifelong learning. Candidates use a variety of strategies to
reinforce classroom
reading instruction to address the diverse needs and interests of all readers.
2.1 Literature
Candidates are familiar with a wide range of children’s, young adult, and
professional literature in multiple formats and languages to support reading for information, reading for pleasure,
and reading for lifelong learning.
2.2 Reading promotion
Candidates use a variety of strategies to promote leisure reading and model personal enjoyment of reading in
order to promote habits of creative expression and lifelong reading.
2.3 Respect for diversity
Candidates demonstrate the ability to develop a collection of reading and
information materials in print and digital formats that support the diverse
developmental, cultural, social, and linguistic needs of P-12 students and their communities.
2.4 Literacy strategies
Candidates collaborate with classroom teachers to reinforce a wide variety of reading instructional strategies to
ensure P-12 students are able to create meaning from text.
NCDPI School Library Media Coordinators Standards (2013)
4: School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote
effective instructional practices.
a. School library media coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st century
b. School library media coordinators know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty.
c. School library media coordinators promote reading as a foundational skill for learning.
ALA/ACRLStandards for Libraries in Higher Education (2011)
3.2 Library personnel collaborate with faculty to embed information literacy learning outcomes into curricula,
courses and assignments.
3.3 Library personnel model best pedagogical practices for classroom teaching, online tutorial design, and other
educational practices.
3.4 Library personnel provide regular instruction in a variety of contexts and employ multiple learning platforms
and pedagogies.
Program Objective
and Associated
9. Obtain practical
experience in
professional roles for
which students are
LIBS 6991 Seminar:
Related Professional Standards
ALA Core Competences of Librarianship (2009)
7. Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
7A. The necessity of continuing professional development of practitioners in libraries and other information
7B. The role of the library in the lifelong learning of patrons, including an
understanding of lifelong learning in the provision of quality service and the use of lifelong learning in the
promotion of library services.
ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
4: Advocacy and Leadership
Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus on
student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and
the community. Candidates are committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional
development activities for other educators. Candidates provide leadership by articulating ways in which school
libraries contribute to student achievement.
4.2 Professional development
Candidates model a strong commitment to the profession by participating in professional growth and leadership
opportunities through membership in library associations, attendance at professional conferences, reading
professional publications, and exploring Internet resources. Candidates plan for ongoing professional growth.
NCDPI School Library Media Coordinators Standards (2013)
5. School Library Media Coordinators reflect on their practice.
a. School library media coordinators analyze student learning.
b. School library media coordinators link professional growth to their professional goals.
c. School library media coordinators function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment.
ALA/ACRLStandards for Libraries in Higher Education (2011)
8.2 Library personnel have education and experience sufficient to their positions and the needs of the
8.5 Library personnel are professionally competent, diverse, and empowered.