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Name: ___________________________ Class: ________
1. _________________________________________
From ________________________________________________________
Barrier of tough, keratinized cells
Pain receptors warn body of possible damage
From ________________________________________________
Unbroken surface
Acidic secretions inhibit bacterial growth
Phagocytes ingest foreign material
From ________________________________________________
From _________________________________________________
Melanin absorbs UV light and prevents it from reaching deeper layers
Pain receptors warn body of possible damage
From _________________________________________________
Keratin and other substances keep skin fairly waterproof
2. _____________________________________________
How does the skin help us cool down?
How does the skin help us warm up?
The sweat glands excrete metabolic wastes (urea, uric acid), salt, and lactic acid (in addition to water)
4. _________________________________________________
When UV light hits the skin, modified cholesterol molecules are converte into vitamin D.
Skin Structure
The skin is composed of two layers:
1) Epidermis – made of __________________________ tissue
2) Dermis-
made of __________________________ tissue
Epidermis Strata
The epidermis has multiple ________________or layers.
Only the deepest layer contains actively dividing cells and melanocytes.
As new cells form, older cells are pushed towards the surface
As the cells are pushed away from the blood supply, they ______________
and flatten.
The most superficial layer is made of the dry, _____________________
membranes of skin cells
Epidermis Cells
1) ___________________________________________________
Keratin-producing cells
Keratin is the protein that makes skin tough and waterproof.
Most abundant cell in epidermis by far!
2) __________________________________________________
Melanin-producing cells
Melanin is the brown-black pigment that is largely responsible for skin, hair, and eye color
Melanin absorbs UV light to product DNA from damage
Found only in deepest layer of epidermis
Skin Color
 Major determinants of skin color
Amount / type ______________________
Amount ____________________ (from fruits and veggies)
Amount ______________________ in blood
 Adaptive significance
Trade off between _______________________ and __________________________
The dermis is made of what tissue? _________________________________________________________
___________________________________ tissue cushions and binds things together. In the skin, the _______________
tissue holds together lots of different elements:
Exocrine glands
Hair follicles
Nerves and sense receptors
Blood vessels
The collagen and elastic fibers of the dermis give skin its strength and elasticity
Burn Classification
First degree burns
 __________________________________________________________________________
Signs: ______________________________________________________________________
Example: most sun burns
Will heal on own
Second degree burns
 ____________________________________________________________________________
Signs: _______________________________________________________________________
Will heal with care
Third degree burns
Signs: _______________________________________________________________________
Skin will not heal; grafts must be done
How do burns disrupt homeostasis?
Burned skin can no longer carry out its functions
Most critically, skin can no longer
______________________ and _______________________ can cause kidneys to shut down and
patients to go into shock due to low blood volume.
Happens almost immediately, unless fluids are replaced.
________________________ becomes a major concern within 2-3 days following severe burns.
Other complications
Burned skin cannot _________________________. ______________________becomes a problem.
3rd degree burns cannot __________________________________. Scar tissue forms. Scar tissue does a poor
job of performing the functions of skin, and if the scar tissue is extensive, mobility may be affected.
Skin Appendages
The skin appendages include cutaneous glands, hair,
and nails.
Why are these a part of the integumentary system and
not something else?
Vocab Check!
What is cutaneous?
What is an exocrine gland?
Cutaneous Glands
1) _______________________(oil) glands
Found everywhere except palms of hands and soles of feet
The ducts mostly _________________________________
Produce oily product called __________________
Become much more active in adolescence
2) Sweat (__________________________) glands
_____________________ glands produce sweat (water, salt, urea, lactic acid)
Duct lead to ___________________________
___________________________ produce a milky secretion fully of fatty acids and proteins.
Duct leads _________________________
Function: __________________________
Make a Venn Diagram comparing the three types of cutaneous glands. You may work with a partner.
Hair Follicle
The hair follicle is composed of the
(outer) _______________ sheath and
(inner) ___________________sheath.
The follicle is slanted unless the
muscles are contracted
Hair can be divided into the _______________ (part outside of
body) and ______________ (inside body)
Hair is produced by division of ______________________
epithelial cells in the hair bulb, but as the cells are pushed away
from the bulb they begin to die.
Like the outer layer of the skin, the hair shaft is composed of
Produced by the cells of the
The nail root, closest to the nail
matrix, is living
The outer part, like the hair and
skin, consists of
Quick Review
Are the skin appendages (cutaneous glands, hair, hair follicles, and nails) found in the dermis or epidermis?
Justify your answer.
What did we talk about today that you don’t see on this diagram?
Common Types of Skin Cancer
There a three main types of skin cancers, defined by the type of cell from which they arise.
______________________________________ – arise from the basal edge of the epithelial tissue.
_______________________________________ – arise from the keratin-producing cells in the middle of the
epithelial tissue.
_______________________________________ – arise from the melanin-producing cells at the basal edge of
the epithelial tissue
Excess ___________________________________ increases the risk of each of these cancers
Basal cell carcinoma
Most common form of skin cancer
Affects ~2.8 million people in the US each year
Slow-growing and rarely fatal
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Second most common form of skin cancer
Affects ~700,000 people in the US each year
Grow and invade surrounding tissue quickly
<5% are fatal
Third most common skin cancer
Affects ~76,000 people in the US each year
Quickly metastasizes (spreads) to blood vessels and lymph nodes – which allows it to spread to other locations in
the body
Fatal in more than 10% of cases
Melanoma may be the least common type of skin cancer, but it is by far the most deadly.
Moreover, while rates of most other cancers are declining in the US (due to a reduction of smoking) melanoma rates are