1 1 Auxiliary Material for Paper 2011GB004202RR 2 3 Mercury isotopes in a forested ecosystem: implications for air-surface exchange dynamics and the global mercury cycle. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Jason D. Demers (University of Michigan, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA) 20 Joel D. Blum (University of Michigan, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA) Donald R. Zak (University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources and Environment, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA) Demers, J.D., J.D. Blum, D.R. Zak. (2012). Mercury isotopes in a forested ecosystem: new insights into biogeochemical cycling and the global mercury cycle. Submitted to Global Biogeochemical Cycles. Supplemental Information: Text 21 22 2. METHODS (Unabridged) 23 2.1. Site Description 24 The Rhinelander Free-air CO2 and O3 Enrichment (FACE) site is located in northeastern 25 Wisconsin, USA (49º, 40.5’N; 89º, 37.5’E; 490 m elevation). The Rhinelander FACE study was 26 designed to test the response of a northern hardwood ecosystem to elevated CO2, O3, and the 27 interaction of elevated CO2 and O3, during regeneration from seedlings to mature trees (Dickson 28 et al. 2000). The site consists of twelve rings (each 30 m diameter), spaced 100 m apart to 29 minimize treatment effects between rings, in a full-factorial design with three ambient control 30 rings, three elevated CO2 rings, three elevated O3 rings, and three elevated CO2 + O3 rings 31 distributed among 3 blocks from north to south. Blocks were based on slight differences in soils 32 across the study area (Dickson et al. 2000). Target concentration for the CO2 treatment was 560 33 µmol/mol (~200 µmol/mol above ambient 1996 levels); O3 treatment consisted of daily episodic 2 34 exposure following a diurnal profile, the maximum of which was adjusted based on daily 35 meteorological conditions and ranged from 50-100 nmol/mol (Dickson et al. 2000, and 36 references therein). Detailed information regarding the Rhinelander FACE study design and 37 execution has been published previously (Dickson et al. 2000). 38 The Rhinelander FACE rings were established on coarse sandy loam soils (mixed, frigid, 39 coarse loamy Alfic Haplorthod) that were under prior agricultural management. The sandy loam 40 surface soil (~15 cm) grades into an argillic horizon (Bt horizon; clay loam from ~15 to 45 cm 41 depth) that is underlain by a C horizon composed of sandy loam, stratified sand, and gravel. Soil 42 properties differed little across the site (see Dickson et al. 2000 for a complete analysis of soil 43 within each ring). In June 1997, each Rhinelander FACE ring was divided into three sections 44 and planted with three tree species common to northern hardwood forests of the Great Lakes 45 region: trembling aspen (Populous tremuloides Michx), paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), 46 and sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.). Half of each ring was planted with 5 different aspen 47 genotypes (8L, 43E, 216, 259, 271) with varying tolerance to O3 (Karnosky et al. 1996b) and 48 varying response to CO2 enrichment (Kubiske et al. 1998); the remaining two ring quarters were 49 planted with an aspen and sugar maple community, or an aspen and paper birch community. 50 Stem density (10,000 stems/ha) was within the range of naturally occurring ~10-year-old aspen 51 stands (Fraser et al. 2006, Mulak et al. 2006). Canopy closure was complete in all aspen-only 52 ring sections beginning in 2003 (Zak et al. 2007). 53 54 55 2.2. Sample Collection and Processing In this study, we focused on foliage, forest floor, mineral soil, and soil evasion THg(g) 56 measurements from the aspen-only community, with foliage mercury isotopes characterized for 57 only the aspen 216 clone, which displays a moderate response to CO2 and O3 (Karnosky et al. 58 1996a, Karnosky et al. 1996b). Atmospheric THg(g) samples were taken at the top of the canopy 59 at plot center within ambient treatment rings, and precipitation samples were obtained in an open 60 field nearby. 3 61 2.2.1. Foliage, Forest Floor, and Mineral Soils - Foliage, forest floor, and mineral soil 62 samples were collected during August 2008. Foliage was collected by hand with pole pruners 63 along profiles through the canopy (top, >75% of total canopy height; upper-middle, 50-75%; 64 lower-middle, 25-50%; bottom, < 25%) in each ambient and treatment ring section; canopy 65 heights were ~8-10 m. Forest floor samples (4 per ring, 26 cm x 26 cm quadrats, 0.0676 m2) 66 were collected randomly from each ambient and treatment ring section. After removal of the 67 forest floor, mineral soil cores (0-20cm) from each ring section were composited into a single 68 sample. Additional mineral soil samples collected in 2007 at depths of 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm were 69 also analyzed to assess differences in mercury concentration and isotopic composition along the 70 soil depth profile in ambient rings. All foliage, forest floor, and mineral soil samples were 71 immediately stored in plastic bags and then frozen until processed, vinyl or nitrile gloves were 72 worn during sampling and subsequent processing. Foliage consisted of new leaves, including 73 petioles, and was dried at 60ºC. Mineral soil samples (0-20 cm cores) were also dried at 60ºC, 74 whereas mineral soil samples from 2007 (0-5 cm, 5-10 cm cores) were freeze-dried. Forest floor 75 samples were also freeze-dried. All samples were ground in an alumina grinding cylinder in a 76 mixer mill; grinding blanks using Ottawa sand (baked at 750ºC) before and between forest floor 77 sample sets showed no contamination associated with the alumina grinding cylinders nor carry- 78 over from previous samples. To ensure accurate dry-weight concentrations subsequent to 79 grinding, sub-samples of all materials were re-dried in a freeze-drier, and stored in glass screw- 80 top vials in plastic bags in a dessicator prior to analysis. Organic matter content (%OM) of forest 81 floor and mineral soil samples was determined by loss on ignition (LOI) in a muffle furnace at 82 650ºC for 6 hours. 83 2.2.2. Atmospheric THg(g) - Total gaseous mercury (THg(g) = GEM + RGM) was 84 collected from the atmosphere at the top of the canopy in ambient rings simultaneously with 85 THg(g) evading from the forest floor in the ambient, elevated CO2, and elevated O3 rings during 86 June 2009, well after the forest canopy had fully developed. At the time of THg(g) sampling, the 87 forest floor predominantly consisted of the foliage cohort sampled one year prior. In order to 4 88 collect enough mercury for isotopic analysis of atmospheric THg(g), air was drawn through eight 89 gold-coated bead traps deployed in parallel via a PVC manifold at a target rate of 1.8 L/min per 90 trap for 24-72 hours (timing varied due to weather, samplers were not operated during 91 precipitation events) (modified from Gratz et al. 2010, Sherman et al. 2010). For each manifold, 92 flow was drawn from a single electrically powered pump, and total flow was recorded with a dry 93 test meter (DTM). In order to remove particulates from the sample stream, the inlet to each trap 94 utilized a pre-baked quartz-fiber filter (Whatman QMA 47mm disks, 0.7 µm nominal poresize) 95 mounted in a teflon filter housing (Savillex Corp.). To prevent condensation within the gold- 96 coated bead traps, traps were maintained at 55ºC. The performance of gold-coated bead traps 97 was verified with spikes of 10 ng Hg (NIST SRM 3133), blanked, and then blank-checked prior 98 to use. Mean recovery of spikes was 91.1% (n = 23, 5.7%, 1SD); maximum composite blank- 99 check per set of 8 traps was ≤ 0.3 ng. Upon completion of sampling, traps were retrieved from 100 the manifold sampler, capped, wrapped with Teflon tape, triple bagged, and sealed in a clean 101 cooler. All desorptions and analyses of mercury collected on gold-coated bead traps was 102 completed in the Biogeochemistry and Environmental Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory 103 (BEIGL) at the University of Michigan. 104 2.2.3. Soil Evasion THg(g) - Soil evasion THg(g) samples were collected in the same 105 manner as atmospheric THg(g) samples, except that each sample collection trap was connected to 106 the outlet of a flux chamber. Because the primary goal of our soil evasion collection was to 107 determine the isotopic composition of emitted mercury (rather than quantify fluxes) it was 108 necessary to isolate the evasion flux from ambient atmospheric THg(g); thus, our flux chambers 109 differed in design from dynamic flux chambers typically used for evasion flux measurements. 110 Flux chambers consisted of sturdy polycarbonate boxes (50 cm x 29 cm x 14.5 cm), with a 111 footprint surface area of 0.15 m2. Although polycarbonate is less transmissive of UV light than 112 Teflon (in particular, UV-B light <320 nm wavelength) and some studies have shown reduced 113 soil mercury emissions with chambers made of polycarbonate materials (e.g., Carpi et al. 2007), 114 numerous studies have also shown no consistent difference or that responses to natural light are 5 115 muted but not eliminated (e.g., Gustin et al. 1999, Wallschlager et al. 1999, Engle et al. 2001, 116 Lindberg et al. 2002). The inlet to the flux chamber consisted of a nylon ¼ inch fitting mounted 117 in one end-wall of the chamber, 3.5 cm above the ground surface, attached to a gold-coated bead 118 trap that acted as an ambient atmospheric THg(g) filter. The outlet from the flux chamber 119 consisted of a teflon ¼ inch fitting mounted in the end-wall opposite the inlet, 8 cm above the 120 ground surface and 3 cm from the top of the chamber, and was connected by Teflon tubing to the 121 quartz-fiber pre-filter of the sample collection trap. Chambers were installed over intact forest 122 floor by setting each chamber in place, carefully cutting around the perimeter, and then pushing 123 the chamber 3.5 cm into the soil. As the chamber was pushed into place, the inward sloping 124 walls promoted a firm connection with undisturbed soil. Additionally, chambers were pegged 125 into place and the forest floor and soil around the outer perimeter was firmly pressed back into 126 place around each installed chamber. The flushing rate based on DTM measurements was 2.2 127 L/min on average, with a chamber volume turnover rate of 6.6 minutes (calculated from data in 128 Supplemental Table S1), both of which are within the range used for dynamic flux chambers in 129 other studies (e.g., Carpi and Lindberg 1998, Lindberg et al. 1999, Wallschlager et al. 1999, 130 Gustin et al. 2002, Lindberg et al. 2002, Ericksen et al. 2006, Gustin et al. 2006, Kuiken et al. 131 2008) and are similar to the ideal high flushing rates suggested by Lindberg et al. (2002). 132 Polycarbonate chambers were cleaned by submersion in 5% trace metal grade nitric acid at room 133 temperature for 24 hours, rinsed copiously with Hg-free de-ionized water, dried in a Class-100 134 laminar flow hood in a clean room, and triple bagged in large clear plastic bags for transport to 135 the field. In block 1 and block 2, soil evasion measurements were made as described; for 136 comparison, in block 3, the effect of soil evasion on isotopic composition of ambient 137 atmospheric THg(g) at the forest floor was assessed by placing the inlet tubes, without chambers, 138 within 1cm of forest floor. 139 2.2.4. Precipitation - Precipitation samples were collected on an event basis during late 140 summer and fall 2010 using manual collection methods developed by the University of Michigan 141 Air Quality Laboratory (Landis and Keeler 1997), hereafter referred to as manual event 6 142 precipitation. In short, clean manual single-event sampling trains were deployed prior to 143 forecasted precipitation and retrieved upon completion of an event (after Landis and Keeler 144 1997). The sample train consisted of a borosilicate glass funnel (collection area 191 ± 9 cm2) 145 connected to a borosilicate glass s-tube vapor-trap housed within a Teflon adapter that secured 146 the funnel to a fluorinated polyethylene collection bottle (similar to Landis and Keeler 1997, 147 Gratz et al. 2010). In order to obtain enough sample for mercury isotopic analysis, three 148 completely separate sampling units were deployed approximately 2 meters above the ground on 149 a freestanding tripod in an open field. All parts of the sampling train were cleaned by 150 submersion in a 10% HNO3 bath at 75ºC for at least 12 hours; subsequently, sample bottles were 151 filled with 5% BrCl and allowed to soak for at least 24 hours. All materials were rinsed 152 copiously with Hg-free de-ionized water after each cleaning step, and ultimately set to dry in a 153 Class-100 laminar flow hood in a clean room. All sample bottles were deployed with a 20ml 154 aliquot of 1% HCl (trace metal grade, verified to be Hg-free) in order to preserve samples in the 155 field and prevent volatile losses (Landis and Keeler 1997). After collection, samples were 156 brought to 0.5% HCl by volume, further oxidized with 1% BrCl by volume (verified to be Hg- 157 free), and allowed to react in a dark cold-room at 4ºC for at least 1 month prior to analysis for 158 mercury concentration. 159 2.3. Mercury Concentration Analysis, Calculations, and QA/QC 160 Foliage, forest floor, and mineral soil sub-samples (~ 50 mg) were analyzed for total 161 mercury concentration by combustion at 850ºC and analysis by cold-vapor atomic absorption 162 spectrometry (CVAAS; MA-2000, Nippon Instruments). For foliage samples, linear standard 163 curves had coefficient of variation (r) ≥ 0.9995; standards recovered 95-110% across all 164 analyses; the reporting limit was 0.5 ng Hg. The second source standard recovered 92-102%; 165 continuing calibration verification (CCV) standards recovered 93-106%; continuing calibration 166 blanks (CCB) were all below detection limit (0.05 ng Hg). Reference materials were recovered 167 within 103-109% (Apple Leaves, NIST SRM 1515). Duplicate sample analyses agreed to within 7 168 a relative percent difference (RPD) of 4.2%. For forest floor samples, linear standard curves had 169 coefficient of variation (r) ≥ 0.9999; standards recovered 96-105% across all analyses, with the 170 lowest standard at the reporting limit of 0.5 ng recovering at 98-112%. The second source 171 standard recovered 97.1 – 99.4%; continuing calibration verification (CCV) standards recovered 172 92-103%; continuing calibration blanks (CCB) were mostly below detection limit (0.05 ng Hg), 173 with maximum CCB of 0.1 ng. Reference materials were recovered within 95-100% (Olive 174 Leaves, BCR 062). Triplicate analyses agreed to within 1.1% RSD (relative standard deviation). 175 For mineral soil samples, the linear standard curve had a coefficient of variation (r) ≥ 0.9999; 176 standards recovered 100-101%, with a reporting limit of 0.25 ng. The second source standard 177 recovered at 89%; continuing calibration verification (CCV) standards recovered 95-106%; 178 continuing calibration blanks (CCB) were all below detection limit (0.05 ng Hg). Reference 179 materials were recovered within 97-99% (Apple Leaves, NIST 1515) and 97-100% (NRCC 180 MESS-3). Duplicate analyses agreed to within a relative percent difference (RPD) of 5.2%. 181 The concentration of total mercury (THg, all forms of mercury) was determined for 182 manual event precipitation samples following a method modified from EPA Method 1631 183 (USEPA 1998) using an automated CVAAS (MA-2000 with liquid delivery system; Nippon 184 Instruments). Samples were analyzed with quality control that included independent primary 185 standard (NIST SRM 3133) and secondary source (Inorganic Ventures MSHG-10ppm), as well 186 as continuing calibration verification standards and continuing calibration blanks run before and 187 after every sample. The linear standard curve had a coefficient of variation (r) ≥ 0.9999, and all 188 standards recovered within 100-110%. The second source standard recovered at 98-101%; CCV 189 standards recovered within 97-105%; CCBs were all below detection limit; on a mass basis, the 190 method detection limit was 2.5 pg per 5 ml sample (i.e., 0.5 ng/L); the level of quantification was 191 5 pg per 5 ml sample (i.e., 1 ng/L). Matrix spikes were recovered within 98 – 103%. Duplicate 192 analysis of separately UV-treated sample aliquots ranged from 2.7 – 19% RPD (10.2 ± 7.9%, 193 1SD, n = 5); duplicate analysis of individual UV-treated sample aliquots ranged from 0.1 -16.3% 194 RPD (5.2 ± 4.8%, 1SD, n = 9); note that entire precipitation samples could not be UV-treated 8 195 because of effects on mercury isotopic composition. The three funnel replicates for each event 196 were analyzed individually before compositing by event date for isotopic analysis; field 197 triplicates agreed within 3.1 – 8.1% RSD. Bottle blanks, and funnel blanks with complete 198 sample train and bottle installed, were all below detection limit (0.5 ng/L Hg, n = 4 each). 199 Atmospheric and evasion THg(g) samples collected on gold-coated bead traps could not 200 be sub-sampled prior to preparation for isotope analysis. After the mercury on each set of eight 201 gold-coated bead traps had been desorbed into a 1% KMnO4 trapping solution (see Methods: 202 Sample Preparation for Isotopic Analysis), a small aliquot was analyzed for concentration and 203 the total quantity of mercury collected was calculated. Average atmospheric and soil evasion 204 THg(g) concentration (ng/m3) for each sample was determined by dividing total mercury mass 205 (ng) by total volume of air sampled (m3), as recorded using DTMs. 206 207 208 2.4. Sample Preparation for Isotope Analysis 2.4.1. Offline Combustion of Foliage, Forest Floor, and Soils - Foliage and soils were 209 prepared by two-stage combustion with inline trapping of released mercury in order to remove 210 matrix interferences and concentrate mercury for isotopic analysis. This apparatus and method 211 was based on a previous study (Smith et al. 2005) that was modified for lower Hg concentration 212 samples by Biswas et al. (2008). In this study, we further modified the procedure to allow for 213 slow, controlled, complete combustion of organic matrices (i.e., vegetation) while preventing the 214 generation of condensation of organic combustion residues upstream of the trapping media. 215 Two tube furnaces (Lindberg Blue M) were placed in series and housed a custom-made 216 continuous linear quartz glass combustion tube. Dry samples of foliage, forest floor, or soil were 217 weighed into ceramic boats (up to 3.5 g for foliage and forest floor, up to 5.0 g for mineral soil), 218 encased in sodium carbonate, calcium hydroxide, and alumina powders, all of which were 219 cleaned by pre-combustion at 750ºC for 6 hours in a muffle furnace (Nippon Instruments Inc.). 220 Sample boats were placed within the first furnace for combustion, and a 5 cm loosely packed 221 plug of quartz wool was placed within the second furnace to create turbulent flow, retard passage 9 222 of particulates, and aid in complete decomposition of gases released during combustion. The 223 combustion furnace was heated from 25ºC to 750ºC over 7 hours during a series of ramp and 224 dwell periods (Supplemental Table S8), and the decomposition furnace was held at 1000ºC for 225 the duration of the procedure. A flow of ~12 ml/min O2 was injected into the inlet of the 226 combustion tube prior to the combustion furnace, and a flow of ~6 ml/min O2 was injected into 227 the midpoint of the combustion tube prior to the decomposition furnace. The right-angle outlet 228 of the combustion tube was connected to a borosilicate sparger with medium frit that was placed 229 into a 24g solution of 1% KMnO4 (m/m) in 10% sulfuric acid (v/v) (hereafter, referred to as 1% 230 KMnO4) that oxidized elemental mercury released during combustion to Hg(II). Importantly, all 231 exposed portions of the combustion tube were wrapped in heat tape and aluminum foil and 232 maintained at or above 100ºC for the duration of the combustion. Upon completion of the 233 combustion program, trap and sparger were removed from the combustion unit, and the sparger 234 was rinsed into the 1% KMnO4 trap with 1.5% hydroxylamine hydrochloride (v/v) (USEPA 235 1998), which completely removed residues from the sparger tip while maintaining oxidizing 236 conditions within the trapping solution to retain Hg(II). To quantify offline combustion 237 recovery, the 1% KMnO4 trap was reduced with hydroxylamine hydrochloride, and a small 238 aliquot was diluted with 1% BrCl for analysis by AAS using methods similar to precipitation 239 concentration measurements (see Methods: Mercury Concentration Analysis; Nippon 240 Instruments Inc.). Reduced combustion trap solutions were concentrated into secondary traps (as 241 small as 8g of 1% KMnO4), both to achieve the required 1-5 ng/g concentration required for 242 isotopic analysis and to remove matrix interferences within the combustion trap solution. 243 Finally, the mercury concentration of a small aliquot of transfer trap solution was measured in 244 order to determine full procedural recovery, as well as to allow matching of standard and sample 245 concentrations for isotope analysis. 246 Offline combustion performance was monitored with procedural blanks, combustion of 247 reference materials, and by the percent recovery of samples based on independent sample 248 mercury concentration analyses (see Methods: Mercury Concentration Analysis, Calculations, 10 249 and QCQA). Procedural blanks consisted of ceramic boats packed only with combustion 250 powders, and were performed at a frequency of at least every 8 samples; average procedural 251 blanks were 0.009 ng/g (± 0.008, 1SD, n = 9) prior to transfer and 0.027 ng/g (± 0.013, 1SD, n = 252 9) subsequent to transfer. We combusted NIST SRM 1515 (Apple Leaves, 44 ± 4 ng/g) with 253 recovery ranging from 88.5 to 99.3% (96.6 ± 3.6%, 1SD, n = 9); we also combusted several 254 aliquots of BCR 062 (Olive Leaves 280 ± 20 ng/g) with recovery ranging from 95.1 to 105.7% 255 (102.9 ± 6.9%, 1SD, n = 3; Supplemental Table S2). Mean percent recovery for samples of 256 foliage was 92.7% ( ± 3.2%, 1SD, n = 12) for forest floor was 97.9% ( ± 5.9%, 1SD, n = 18) and 257 for mineral soils was 94.3% ( ± 2.7%, 1SD, n = 9). 258 2.4.2. Desorption of Atmospheric and Evasion THg(g). Atmospheric and soil evasion 259 THg(g) samples collected on gold-coated bead traps in the field were concentrated into a 1% 260 KMnO4 solution for isotope analysis through a multi-step process, modified from the procedure 261 used by Gratz et al. (2010) in order to increase efficiency, and decrease the procedural blank. 262 First, each gold-coated bead trap was dried for 1 hour in a gold-filtered stream of Argon gas at 263 0.5 L/min. Next, each set of eight gold-coated bead traps was flash heated to ~500ºC with a 264 nichrome wire and released mercury was re-trapped on a secondary analytical gold-coated 265 sorbent trap by modifying the flowpath of the AAS used for concentration measurements (MA- 266 2000, Nippon Instruments Inc.), with back-up trap in place, and while monitoring for 267 breakthrough of mercury, which was negligible. Desorptions onto the secondary analytical trap 268 were performed with gold-filtered ambient clean room air, at a flow rate of ~ 0.5 L/min. The 269 secondary analytical trap was then thermally desorbed into a 24 g 1% KMnO4 trap solution by 270 slowly heating to 550ºC using a nichrome wire connected to a Variac transformer and a 271 programmable temperature controller (Temperature Controller R/S, Barnant Company) over 3.5 272 hours in a gold-filtered Argon gas-stream (8 mL/min). The 1% KMnO4 trap solution was then 273 measured for mercury concentration, and subsequently transferred and concentrated into a 274 secondary 1% KMnO4 trap solution resulting in final concentrations ranging from 2.9 – 4.4 ng/g 275 for isotope analysis, following the same procedure as outlined for the offline combustion trap 11 276 solutions (see Methods:Offline-Combustion of Foliage, Forest Floor, and Soils). The 277 performance of the desorption procedure was monitored with procedural blanks and procedural 278 standards analyzed in the same manner as samples. Procedural blanks and procedural standards 279 began with sets of eight blanked gold-coated bead traps; traps for the procedural standards were 280 loaded with 30 and 80 ng Hg (NIST SRM 3133) per set to span the range of THg(g) collected. 281 Average procedural blanks were 0.55 ng (± 0.40, 1SD, n = 3). Recovery of procedural standards 282 using NIST SRM 3133 ranged from 89.2 – 94.2% (91.1 ± 1.9%, 1SD, n = 6), and were not 283 significantly fractionated relative to NIST SRM 3133 bracketing standards (Supplemental Table 284 S2). 285 2.4.3. Purging and Trapping of Precipitation Samples - Mercury in manual event 286 precipitation samples was purged and trapped into 1% KMnO4 solution for isotope analysis. Up 287 to 1 L of previously acidified and oxidized precipitation was brought to room temperature and 288 then weighed into a clean 2 L borosilicate glass media bottle, combining precipitation samples 289 from all three collection funnels for each event. Samples of less than 1 L were diluted up to 1 L 290 with similarly acidified and oxidized Hg-free de-ionized water, and thoroughly mixed. Samples 291 were treated with 300 µl of 30% hydroxylamine hydrochloride (USEPA 1998), capped tightly, 292 and allowed to react for 1 hour. We verified that all solutions turned clear, indicating complete 293 destruction of free halogens, before initiating the purge and trap procedure. Once reaction was 294 complete, a clean Teflon stir bar was added to the 2 L media bottle, and a three-port Teflon 295 transfer cap was securely attached. The first port was reserved for the delivery of 100 ml of 5% 296 SnCl2 via peristaltic pump without compromising the closed system. The second port was used 297 to draw gold-filtered clean-room air into the sample solution through a sparger with a medium 298 frit in order to purge reduced mercury into the headspace of the 2 L media bottle. The third port 299 was an outlet tube that connected to another sparger and medium frit within a narrow elongated 300 borosilicate glass trap (~2 cm diameter, ~30 cm height) containing 5.5 g of 1% KMnO4 trapping 301 solution. The sidearm of the transfer cap of the 1% KMnO4 trap was connected in series to an 302 inline soda lime trap to neutralize acid fumes, a flow meter, and a diaphragm vacuum pump. 12 303 Once the purge and trap system was assembled, moderately vigorous stirring was initiated with a 304 magnetic stir plate, and vacuum was applied to the system, achieving a flow through the system 305 of ~ 0.7 L/min. After flows were established, the 5% SnCl2 was dripped into the sample solution 306 at a rate of ~10 ml/min, and sample solutions were purged for 3 hours. If there was more than 1 307 L of sample for a single precipitation event, the sample was split into 2 separate purge and trap 308 bottles, and then purged sequentially into a single 1% KMnO4 trap; one precipitation event 309 sample had to be split into 3 separate bottles. All connections and tubing in contact with liquid 310 sample or part of the gaseous sample flow path were made of Teflon or borosilicate glass, and 311 were cleaned in 10% HNO3, rinsed copiously between samples, and dried completely before use. 312 Media bottles were cleaned by submersion in 10% HNO3 at 75ºC for at least 8 hours, rinsed 313 copiously with Hg-free de-ionized water, soaked in 5% BrCl for at least 12 hours at room 314 temperature, rinsed again, and set to dry in a Class-100 laminar flow hood in a clean room. 315 Upon completion of the purge and trap procedure, the sparger in the 1% KMnO4 trap was rinsed 316 into the solution following the same procedure as outlined for the offline combustion trap 317 solutions (see Methods:Offline-Combustion of Foliage, Forest Floor, and Soils). 318 To quantify purge and trap recovery, mercury concentration of the 1% KMnO4 trap 319 solution was determined as outlined for the offline combustion trap solutions (see Methods: 320 Offline-Combustion of Foliage, Forest Floor, and Soils), scaled to total precipitation volume, 321 and compared to total mass of mercury within the three collection funnel samples from each 322 event. The final concentration of Hg in precipitation samples in 1%KMnO4 for isotope analysis 323 was 1.1 - 1.7 ng/g. We monitored the performance of the purge and trap system with procedural 324 blanks (0.012 ± 0.005 ppb, 1SD, n = 3) and procedural standards. Procedural standards consisted 325 of 12 ng of Hg (NIST SRM 3133) split between one, two, or three 2 L media bottles, and diluted 326 to 1 L with Hg-free de-ionized water acidified and oxidized the same as sample solutions. 327 Procedural standards were then purged, trapped, and analyzed in the same manner as samples. 328 Procedural standard recovery was 90.2 ± 2.0% (1SD, n = 3); there was no apparent difference 329 among samples purged singly, or in multiple sequential aliquots; purge and trap procedural 13 330 standards using NIST SRM 3133 were not significantly fractionated relative to NIST SRM 3133 331 bracketing standards (Supplemental Table S2). 332 333 334 2.5. Mercury Isotope Analysis 2.5.1. MC-ICP-MS - Mercury from natural environmental samples was concentrated 335 into a 1% KMnO4 solution and analyzed for isotopic composition with a multiple collector 336 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS; Nu Instruments) using continuous 337 flow cold vapor generation with Sn(II) reduction (Lauretta et al. 2001, Blum and Bergquist 338 2007). We employed an arrangement of faraday cups that allows for simultaneous collection of 339 masses 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, and 206. Instrumental bias was corrected 340 using an internal standard (NIST SRM 997, 205Tl/203Tl ratio of 2.38714) and strict sample- 341 standard bracketing with NIST SRM 3133 Hg standard. Isobaric interferences from 204Pb were 342 monitored to allow correction using mass 206; however, interferences from 204Pb were always 343 negligible. On-peak zero corrections were applied to all masses. 344 Samples stabilized in 1% KMnO4 were pre-treated with an aliquot of 30% hydroxylamine 345 hydrochloride equivalent to 2% by weight, and then diluted to 1-5 ppb Hg, with standard 346 concentrations matched to within 5% of sample concentrations. Mercury in sample solutions 347 was reduced inline with 2% SnCl2 (USEPA 1998), and the mixed solution was delivered to a 348 phase separator. Reduced mercury was stripped from solution with a counter-flow of Ar into 349 which a dry Tl aerosol was introduced using a desolvating nebulizer (Aridus, Cetac). 350 351 We report isotopic compositions as permil (‰) deviations from the average of NIST SRM 3133 bracketing standards using delta notation: 352 353 (Eq 1) δxxxHg (‰) = ([xxxHg/198Hg)unknown / (xxxHg/198Hg)NIST SRM 3133] – 1) * 1000 354 355 where xxx is the mass of each mercury isotope between 199Hg and 204Hg. We use δ202Hg to 356 assess MDF. Whereas 204Hg has a larger mass difference relative to 198Hg, 202Hg has a greater 14 357 natural abundance and no isobaric interferences (Blum and Bergquist 2007). MIF is reported as 358 the deviation of the isotope ratio from the theoretically predicted values based on the kinetic 359 mass-dependent fractionation law and measured δ202Hg (Blum and Bergquist 2007). MIF is 360 reported in “capital delta” notation (∆xxxHg) in units of permil (‰) (Equation 2), and is well 361 approximated for small ranges in delta values (≤ 10 ‰) by Equation 3: 362 363 (Eq 2) ∆xxxHg (‰) = 1000 x ({ln[(δxxxHg/1000) + 1]} – β x {ln[(δ202Hg/1000) +1]}) 364 365 (Eq 3) ∆xxxHg (‰) ≈ δxxxHg – (δ202Hg x β) 366 367 where xxx is the mass of each mercury isotope 199, 200, 201, 204 and β is a constant (0.252, 368 0.502. 0.752, 1.492, respectively; Blum and Bergquist 2007). 369 2.5.2. Reporting Analytical Uncertainty - We characterized the uncertainty of mercury 370 isotope measurements using a secondary standard that is widely distributed (UM-Almaden), as 371 well as with procedural standards for each natural environmental matrix (Blum and Bergquist 372 2007). To characterize the reproducibility of the mass spectrometry, we measured the isotopic 373 composition of UM-Almaden several times (3-7x) at each analytical concentration within each 374 analytical session. The 2SD uncertainty was then generated from the average of session 375 averages for each delta value; there was no difference in reproducibility for concentrations 376 ranging from 1-5 ng/g during the analytical sessions reported in this study. We do not report 377 internal precision (i.e., the uncertainty on the 24 ratio measurements made during a single pass of 378 a single sample or standard preparation) because it was typically much lower than the external 379 reproducibility of the method (Blum and Bergquist 2007). For procedural standards, we 380 calculated uncertainty as 2SE of the average of session averages. A separate estimate of 381 uncertainty was made for each sample matrix: for foliage, forest floor, and soil samples, the 382 procedural standard was generated by offline combustion of NIST SRM 1515 (Apple Leaves); 383 for THg(g) samples, the procedural standard was generated by loading NIST SRM 3133 onto 15 384 gold-coated bead traps; and for precipitation samples, the procedural standard was generated via 385 purge and trap of NIST SRM 3133; all as described in Methods: Sample Preparation for Isotope 386 Analysis. 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