STUDENT’S NAME PERMANENT ADDRESS 111 1st AVE Somewhere, WI 54444 CURRENT CURRENT ADDRESS ADDRESS th 12111 College 11 St. Lane E Menomonie, WI 54751 Cell: 111-111-1111 OBJECTIVE To obtain a computer programming position where there is a need for strong software development skills, problem solving and communication skills EDUCATION University of Wisconsin-Stout, Wisconsin’s Polytechnic University, Menomonie, WI Major: Applied Math & Computer Science, GPA 3.7 Concentration: Software Development Degree: Bachelor of Science, May 2011 RELEVANT COURSEWORK Database Systems Calculus I, II & III Computer Science I & II Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence Systems Programming Web and Internet Programming HONORS AND AWARDS Member, National Honor Society Fall 2009 – Spring 2011 Recipient, Chancellor’s Award for Academic Excellence – 3 semesters. TECHNICAL SKILLS Languages Java (Fluent), (Fluent),, C++, C, JSP(Java Server Pages), Java Script,, HTML, CSS, PHP, Spin(embedded device language), Intel Assembly, CUDA Technologies WCF(Windows Communication Foundation), TCP socket programming, OpenGL Software Eclipse, Visual Studio, Adobe Dreamweaver, Maple, Word, Excel, PowerPoint Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Ubuntu (Linux), Re dhat Linux COMPUTER EXPERIENCE Programmer, UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI Jan. 2008- Current Develop software with a team (ISaw) designed to analyze scientific data Worked effectively with all project team members and all support groups Conduct trial runs of programs and software applications to be sure they will produce the desired information and that the instructions are correct Perform revision, repair, or expansion of existing programs to increase operating efficiency and adaptability to ever-changing requirements Computer Science Student Instructor, UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI Sept 2008 – May 2009 Developed in-depth understanding of programming by aiding students in understanding their programming solutions Maintained strong organizational skills by assisting professor and keeping up to with students Lead a four hour nightly session for students to come in for one-to-one help outside of class Researched labs and assignments to better understand student’s questions EXCELLENT REFERENCE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST