Male Reproductive System - In the search bar type Testicular Exams

Common Problems
with the Reproductive SystemsGo to (click on Teen section)
(info from and
Male Reproductive System - In the search bar type Testicular Exams
1. What is a hernia?
2. How to most hernias occur?
3. Where do people commonly get hernias?
4. How is it repaired?
5. Can teenage boys get testicular cancer?
6. What is the most common age range for a male to be diagnosed with testicular cancer?
7. How often should a testicular exam be performed by a physician in a teenage male?
8. Performing self-testicular exams to check for lumps or bumps means the best chance of
____________________________ if diagnosed with testicular cancer.
On the TeenHealth website in the search area typeMale Reproductive System
Use this article for the questions below
1. Name 3 reasons why some parents choose to have their sons circumcised (p. 2)?
7 Common Causes of Male Infertility
p. 4 of this section (hint- test ?)
1. Cancer - cancer can cause infertility and the treatments can cause infertility too in some
cases. Chemotherapy and radiation are often used to destroy cancer cells, but they can affect
other cells / organs as well.
---- Sexually transmitted infections can cause infertility
3. Undescended testicles- what does this mean?
4. Hormone imbalances. Infertility can result from disorders of the testicles themselves or an
abnormality affecting other hormonal systems including the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid and
adrenal glands. Low testosterone and other hormonal problems have a number of possible
underlying causes.
5. Certain medications. Testosterone replacement therapy, long-term anabolic steroid use,
cancer medications (chemotherapy), certain antifungal medications, some ulcer drugs and
certain other medications can impair sperm production and decrease male fertility.
6. Environmental causes- Overexposure to certain environmental elements such as heat,
toxins (prolonged exposure to industrial chemicals), metals, radiation, or overheating of the
testicles can reduce sperm production or sperm function. Injury to the testicles
7. Lifestyle Causes - illegal drug use (including anabolic steroids), alcohol use, tobacco
smoking, emotional stress, obesity, prolonged bicycling.
Problems with the Female Reproductive System KidsHealth (teen
portion website)
Go to the article called: Female Reproductive System
1. ____Inflammation of the vulva and vagina caused by poor
hygiene or irritating substances.
2. ____When tissue in the uterus starts to grow outside the uterus.
3. ____Noncancerous sacs filled with fluid or semi-solid material.
Usually not a problem unless they grow very large.
4. ____When a fertilized egg doesn’t travel into the uterus, but
instead grows rapidly in the fallopian tube. Severe pain
and trip to the doctor is necessary.
5. ____When a girl has painful periods.
6. ____Infections in the reproductive organs commonly spread from
person to person through sexual contact.
7. ____When a girls has heavy periods with excessive bleeding.
8. ____Illness brought on by toxins released into the body during a
type of bacterial infection that is more likely to develop
if a tampon is left in too long.
toxic shock syndrome
ectopic pregnancy
ovarian cysts
sexually transmitted
g. menorrhagia
h. vulvovaginitis
Now go the article on this website called: HPV Vaccine
1. Human papillomavirus (HPV), the virus that causes _________________
______________, is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
2. The HPV virus can lead to problems with the cervix and even _______________
3. Most people infected with HPV don't know it because they have ________
4. People do not always develop __________________ _________________ when they are
infected with the virus, but it's still in their system and it could be causing damage.
Now there is a __________________ available to girls and guys so they might avoid
getting ______ and ultimately avoiding ___________________ cancer.
6. At what age do they recommend getting the vaccine?
Girls- _____________________________________
Does the vaccine protect against all types of HPV? ________________
A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in women’s health. Some experts believe
girls should see a gynecologist for the first time between ages 13-15. Even if they don’t go
specifically to a gynecologist, teenage girls should be going to the doctor annually for a regular
health exam and to talk about her development.
Most girls don't need breast exams or pelvic exams until their early 20s. If a doctor or nurse
notices anything unusual, though (or if you have problems, like heavy bleeding, missed periods,
vaginal sores or itchiness, or other symptoms) you may get a pelvic exam at your gyn
appointment. Doctors may do breast or pelvic exams if you have a family history of problems.
Look at the article called on the website: Pap Smear
A Pap smear is a medical test that helps doctors figure out if there are any problems with a girl's
___________________ (the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina). Pap smears
can identify ____________________ and other problems, including abnormal cells that may
develop into cancer if they are not treated. (checking for cancer of the cervix – called cervical
A doctor or nurse practitioner uses a small brush to wipe a sample of mucus from the cervix. The
sample is sent to a lab, where technicians check it for cells that aren't normal.
Teen girls don't need to get Pap smears unless their doctors think something's wrong. Once a
girl turns 21, she should start getting regular Pap smears as a way to monitor her health.
Women in their 20s with normal Pap smear results should have the test every 3 years. Some
women might need to get tested more often, though. So ask your doctor.
Now Look at the Article called: Breast Exams
Breast exams help doctors check that everything's normal. Doctors don't usually start doing
breast exams until a girl is in her __________________.
Why Do Girls Need Breast Exams?
Most teens don't need breast exams. That's because it's rare for teenage girls to have breast
problems. Doctors usually just look at a girl's breasts during her yearly checkup to see where
she is in her development. But if you have a family history of breast problems, your doctor or
nurse might give you a breast exam.
Girls breasts are often sore and/or tender around
Small fluid-filled cysts in the breasts change size based on where a girl is in her menstrual cycle
are called _______________________________________.
If you are worried about a lump in your breast, talk to your doctor. You should also call your
doctor if you have any of these problems:
-pain in your breast that seems ____________________________________________
-a red, hot, or _____________________________breast
-fluid or bloody discharge from your ________________
-a ___________________________________________ or near your collarbone