Women`s Health History form

Women’s Health History
Name: __________________
10. Physician prescribed diet □ No □ Yes, type___________________
1. Reason for your visit.
□ Recheck __________
□ Depo Injection
□ STD testing/exposure/symptoms
□ Other ___________________________________
□ Pap smear
□ Birth Control
2. Pap Smear History: First Pap □ Yes □ No, Date of last ___________
□ Normal □ Abnormal
Ever had an abnormal pap □ No □ Yes
3. Menstrual History: Age of 1st menstrual period _______
Date of last menstrual period _________ □ Regular □ Irregular
Describe any changes in menstrual period ___________________________
# of pregnancies ______ # of births _____
Pregnant now □No □Yes Breast feeding □No □Yes
4. Breast History: Check all symptoms you are currently experiencing.
□ Breast discharge, color _________, □ Breast changes, ________________
□ Lump in breast □Warm or tender breasts □ Other _________________
□ Do you perform breast self-exams □No □Yes □ Monthly □ Occasionally
5. Vaginal History: Check all symptoms you are currently experiencing.
□ Discharge: color ____________, How long______ □ odor
□ Pain: Location ___________ □ Bleeding
□ itching
□ Burning with urination
□ Burning, Other ______________
□ Sore or lesions? ______________________
□ Have you had 3 HPV Vaccines □No □Yes
6. Sexual History:
Have you ever had sex □No □Yes, Age began ________ Last sex ________
Number of partners in past 3 months________, lifetime ___________
Sexual preference □ Male □ Female □ Both , Site □ Oral □ Anal □ Vaginal
Birth control method(s) ______________________
Condom usage □ Always □ Usually □ Sometimes □Never
Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease □No □Yes, ___________
7. Do you have any drug allergies □ No □ Yes List drug and reaction
8. Do you have any food or other allergies □ No □ Yes List and describe the
reaction ______________________________________
9. Current Medications
Reason Prescribed
11. Caffeine use: □ Never □< 2/day □> 2/day □> 2/week □ >2/month
How long? _________ Type: □ Coffee □ Soda □ Energy drinks
12. Tobacco Use: □ Never
□ Yes, complete information below.
□ Cigarettes □Never □< 1/2 pk/day □> 1/2 pk/day
□ 1 pk/day □>1 pk/day How Long?_________________
□ Other : Type_________ Amt________ How long? ____________
13. Alcohol Use: □ Never □< 2/day □> 2/day □> 2/week □ >2/month
How long? _________ Type: □ Beer □ Liquor □ Both
14. Illegal drugs: □ Never □< 2/day □> 2/day □> 2/week □ >2/month
How long? _________ Type: ________________
15. Medical History Circle any current medical problems you have. Record
date or year of diagnosis.
Mental problems
Migraine Headaches
Bleeding disorder
Heart murmur
Physical limitations
Heart problems
Rheumatic Fever
Cerebral Palsy
High blood pressure Scoliosis
Congenital Defect
Irritable bowel
Thyroid problems
Cystic Fibrosis
Kidney stone
Medical disability
Pos TB skin test
Other: ______________________________________________
16. List any surgeries with dates: ______________________________
17. List any recent hospitalizations, reason & date:___________________
18. Family History: Complete if this is your first visit. List family member
Has anyone in your immediate family (parents, siblings, grandparents) had
a history of any of the following?
□ Thyroid problems __________
□ Alzheimer’s/Dementia ________
□ Anemia-Sickle cell _________
□ Asthma/Respiratory _________
□ Bleeding problems _________
□ Cancer ____________________
□ Diabetes _________________
□ Tuberculosis _______________
□ Heart Disease _____________
□ High blood pressure ________
□ Mental/emotional problems ___ □ Stroke ____________________
Is your Mother living
□ Yes □ No
Is your Father living
□ Yes □ No