Objects Used in Discussion

You may be interested in visiting our exhibition 'Everyday Objects Transformed
by the Conflict' and partaking in a workshop to discuss issues from the exhibition
with one of our facilitators.
I have attached a poster HERE giving details of the opening times of the
exhibition at Clones Library. And this document gives some details about the
workshops, the adult workshops are: Women and the Conflict, Territory and
Division, the Power of Words, and Life Went on. We can also provide a more
general workshop in which participants can talk about their impressions of
the exhibition and particular objects from it which stir memories for them.
Exhibition entry is free and workshops are also free. We can also arrange to
have the workshop back in the group's space if this is handier.
Everyday Objects Transformed by the Conflict
Educational Resources for young people and adults
Aim: The themes and objects chosen for discussion in the workshops have been
selected with the aim of supporting the overall aims of ‘Everyday Objects
Transformed by the Conflict’ which are to help to promote understanding and
appreciation of the different beliefs and perspectives of the conflict.
Time: 1hour 30 mins. This is a guideline time only. The activities can be used to
fit the time as appropriate.
Age group: The workshops have been designed to be used and adapted by a
wide range of participants to suit their needs.
Theme 1: Women and the Conflict in and about Northern Ireland
Objectives of the Workshop:
To discuss the role of women in the conflict in and about Northern Ireland.
To explore the meaning of Veil by Rita Duffy.
To reflect on the impact of Veil on participants.
To explore the use of domestic objects that were used in the Conflict in and
about Northern Ireland.
 To explore the image of the Farmer’s wife with a Shotgun.
 To reflect on the difficulties of carrying on a normal life during the Conflict in
and about Northern Ireland.
 To discuss the practice of making quilts and what they can represent.
 To explore the images on Quilt #9.
Objects Used in Discussion:
Veil by Rita Duffy.
Bin Lid.
Image of a Farmer’s Wife with a Gun.
Relatives for Justice Remembering Quilt. (Quilt # 9).
Theme 2: Territory and Division
Objectives of the Workshop:
To discuss the concepts of land and territory.
To explore the signifiers used in division.
To reflect on the effects of territorialisation and division.
To explore the idea of surveillance
To reflect on how the issue affected all sides of the divide.
To explore some aspects of being a soldier on the streets of Northern Ireland
during the Conflict.
 To explore the meaning and function of 'marking territory'.
Exhibition objects used in discussion:
Jonathan Olley: Golf Five Zero watchtower. Crossmaglen, South Armagh,
Northern Ireland, UK.
Me at Fort Whiterock. Photograph of Andrew Thomas, taken when he was a
private soldier serving with his battalion, the 2nd Battalion Royal Anglian
Regiment in Belfast, November 1996-May 97.
Stamp of Authority (Painted Post-boxes).
Theme 3: Life goes on
Objectives of the workshop:
To explore how the conflict in and about Northern Ireland became part of
everyday life.
 To explore what the lives of children were like during the Conflict.
 To reflect on the effects of the Conflict on contemporary children.
 To explore the ways in which people coped with the Conflict in and about
Northern Ireland.
 To explore various kinds of humour and to consider how humour is used in
times of tragedy.
 To consider how everyday objects were transformed into something else and
used for a different purpose during the Conflict.
Exhibition objects Used in Discussion:
On Patrol in Little Patrick Street, Belfast, c. 1973 (photograph).
Child's Drawing of the Conflict, 1972.
Behind the Barricades record by James Young.
Bus tickets from Belfast and Derry/Londonderry 1973-1974.
Theme 4: The Power of Words
Objectives of the Workshop:
To explore how the meaning of an object changes according to
To reflect on the meaning of the phrase 'legitimate target'.
To reflect on the possible power language has to help people through a
difficult period in their life.
To examine examples of work written by a variety of prisoners throughout
To reflect on the everyday lives of prisoners.
To explore the meaning of freedom as a concept and from a personal point of
Objects Used in Discussion:
Am I a Legitimate Target tee shirt.
Captive verses: dedicated to all Loyalist prisoners, quis separabit.
Prison ‘Comm’ toilet tissue.
Everyday Objects Transformed by the Conflict
Learning Resources for children
Aims: The objects chosen for discussion have been selected with the aim of
supporting discussion around cultural understanding, citizenship, social
awareness and appreciation of objects and the visual arts in line with curricula
North and South of the Border.
In visiting the Everyday Objects Transformed by the Conflict exhibition,
students should be able to:
Understand the historical context of the Conflict in and around Northern Ireland.
Discuss the range of images used in representing all angles of the Conflict.
Improve on their listening and observation skills.
Improve on their skills of critical analysis.
Consolidate their learning through set tasks and project work.
Time: A guideline time of one hour is given for each workshop, however can be
shortened to suit class-time restraints. Ideas for longer term project activities
are also supplied
Age group: The worksheets are designed with Primary School children in mind.
However, all of the themes could be used with older children to suit a range of
Theme 1: Every Object Tells a Story
Exhibition objects used in discussion:
1. Stamps.
2. Personal scrapbook kept by a resident of the Ormeau Road, Belfast.
3. A Year in the Black Taxis series by Brendan Ellis.
Theme 2: Signs and Symbols
1. Dove for Peace and Hope
2. Derry Civil Rights Badge
3. Stamp of Authority (Painted Post-boxes).
Project Idea: Mount your own exhibition
If you have been inspired by the Everyday Objects Transformed by the Conflict
exhibition and would like to try mounting your own exhibition at school, we have
some guidelines available which could help your group with this project.