Project Title: Introduction:

Title: (title & pictures related to the project)
Introduction: (Explain the framework of the project and the problem to be solved)
Project Brief: (Describe the project specifying the main objective and its outcomes, design specifications, etc…)
Contact person: (name, e-mail, phone number)
Project team:
Number of students:
Students speciality:
 Business Management
 Mechanical engineering
 Electrical engineering
 Electronics engineering
 Chemical engineering
 Computer engineering.
 Telecommunications engineering.
 ………….
 ………….
Title: Design and construction of an information point for buildings energy efficiency purposes.
Introduction: The objective is to design a device at the entrance buildings that indicates the
energy consumption and its temporal analysis. It is a useful tool to show transparency to the
user. It allows to justify the energy improvement actions that are not usually shown, and
specially will help the energy manager of the building to control the energy systems.
Project Brief: The Outcome of the project is to build a prototype of information point with a
touch screen, which shows energy data from a building in real time.
The project has the next different parts:
- Design of the information point. The device should be made of recycled material and with low
environmental impact.
- Program the software for the touchscreen and design of the implementation interface with
the user.
- Select and install sensors in the building and design of the communication protocol to
connect them to the computer.
Economical study and market possibilities of the designed prototype.
Address: XXXXXX
Contact person: XXXXXX
Project team:
Number of students: 4 to 5
Students speciality:
 Business Management
 Mechanical engineering
 Electrical engineering
Electronics engineering
 Chemical engineering
 Computer engineering.
 Telecommunications engineering.
 ………….
 ………….