Support Zone Committee Meeting (Held on Friday 16th January 2016 at 2.00pm) Present: Apologies: Jack Paulley (JP) Alex Ogedengbe (AO) Kash Lotfi (KL) Lucy Curd (LC) Jenny Hall (JH) VP Support & Committee Chair Zone Member Zone Member Zone Member(attending via Skype) Zone Manager Gueth Aluoch (GA) Koyin Akinsiku (KA) Zone Member Zone Member 1. Welcome and Introduction JP welcomed the zone members back from the Christmas break and advised that this zone meeting was to be a brief update on current activities. 2. VP Support Update 2.1 Exam and revision guide JP showed zone members copies of the booklet ‘Your Essential Guide to Exams and Revision’ that he has worked on with JH and Lisa Lynch, Communications Manager. The booklets contain useful tips for exam season and information such as where to find study space on campus. The booklets cost £1000 to print. AO asked whether it is too late to mark on the campus map in the booklet where common rooms and study space are and JP advised that yes, it is as the booklets have already been produced. 2.2. Study Zone on Level 1 Level 1 (formerly Chancellors) has been turned into a study zone for students to use during the exam period. This cost £200 to set up with free tea, coffee etc. JP has just put in another order for milk etc as the free refreshments have been very popular. 1 JP has put up a ‘Feedback Wall’ in Level 1 and showed the zone feedback that students have left. The response has been very positive so far. Some students have asked for a microwave and JP will find out what is happening about this. Action JP: speak to Alan Sutherland about microwave in Level 1 2.3 Dog Therapy The Dog Therapy charity visited on Tuesday 12th January with 10 dogs for students to meet in order to combat exam stress. This event was organised by JP and Maddie Thomas, Volunteering Co-ordinator. There were 80 spaces available and JP had 150 responses in 3 hours. This is clearly something that there is a big demand for and we do plan to ask the charity back for the next set of exams. 3. Future meeting date Zone members who were present confirmed that they have received their timetables for the new semester. JP will send out a Doodle poll with the aim of finding a new time for the zone meetings starting week 1 (8th February). 4. Elections JP highlighted that although exams are ongoing this is the time for zone members to start thinking about how they can help promote and support the running of elections. He encouraged zone members to consider running and asked that they encourage people they know to consider running for any of the positions on offer. Zone members may also be asked to give their feedback on their experience of being a zone member while also studying full-time. JP advised that nominations open on 8th February and will close on 17th February. The deadline for manifestos to be submitted is 20th February and Question Time will be held on 28th, 29th February and 1st March. The support zone target is to get 20 candidates, with the overall target for the election being to get 100 candidates and a vote turn-out of 5000. JP said that this year the Union are looking for students to host some of the debates so if zone members are not running themselves this is a fun way to be involved in the election. If anyone is interested they should contact VP Voice Munya Mudarikiri. 2 The election results will be released on 4th March. 5. AGMs AGMs will start after Easter. As there are so many to hold it’s important for zone members to get appropriate training. There is still plenty of time to arrange this. Zone members should contact Student Voice Manager Kathy Phillips to arrange their training session. KL asked if zone members can chair the AGM of a society if they intend to run for a position with that society. JP advised that no, this would be seen as a conflict of interest so the zone member should advise that they would not be able to chair that particular AGM. 6. Updates from Zone members KL said that he wants to meet with GA to continue discussions about the Frequently Asked Questions support page that they have been working on but it has been hard to co-ordinate diaries recently. AO has sent through an email about the proposed student column. He will think of things he would like to work on for the zone. He is on the project team for the Sport Relief Mile so will be able to represent Support on the project. LC asked if the first year Business Management students who attended a zone meeting last year with a proposal for a Health Fair have sent the business plan the zone asked for? JP advised that he has not heard any more from the students but asked zone members if they are happy to go ahead with the idea themselves? Zone members agreed that they are happy to do this. JP will set up a meeting to discuss further planning. There will be a lot of work involved with an event of this size so planning is important. LC then updated the zone. She met with VP Voice before Christmas to discuss the role of NUS delegates. The plan is to promote attendance of other students as observers at NUS Conference in Brighton. They would also like to give NUS delegates an ongoing role throughout the year, perhaps helping to explain their role to other student and disseminate information from Conference. 3 LC has also discussed the Non-Alcoholic Events policy with VP Voice. They want to promote Level 1 as an alcohol free space and encourage students to hold events. The plan is to apply for accreditation. Accreditation will bring in further resource. It might be possible to apply for accreditation in the Spring, otherwise to get as much as possible ready for applying in the next academic year. LC also plans to meet with the rest of the zones and take the policy to the Union Executive Committee. 7. A.O.B There was no further business so JP thanked zone members for attending and closed the meeting. 4