Station 3: Organization & Classification Unit Review Matching

Station 3: Organization & Classification Unit Review
Matching: Match the term to its definition:
1. __________ Ionic bond
8. __________ Adaptation
2. __________ Plant cell
9. __________ Vertebrate
3. __________ Atomic mass
10. _________ Hydrosphere
4. __________ Archaebacteria
11. _________ Lithosphere
5. __________ Covalent bond
12. _________ Atmosphere
6. __________ Prokaryote
13. _________ Biosphere
7. __________ Community
A. Organism or cell with no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
B. Water portion of the biosphere
C. Bond in which electrons are shared
D. Air portion of earth; layer of gases surrounding earth
E. Cell with a nucleus, organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplast, and vacuole, and a cell
wall made of cellulose
F. Trait that helps an organism survive in its environment
G. Groups of different populations living in the same area
H. Animals that have spines (vertebrae)
I. Land/ rock portion of biosphere
J. Bacteria found in extreme environments, such as hot springs and deep sea vents
K. Bond in which electrons are transferred
L. Number of protons plus number of neutrons
M. The Earth; the global ecosystem
14. What is matter? & what are the three states of matter?
15. Matter consists of elements. Define elements:
16. The smallest particles that exhibit the characteristics of an element are ___________, which are
composed of subatomic particles:
o Protons: which have a ____________ charge and are found __________________.
o Neutrons: which have a ___________ charge and are found __________________.
o Electrons: which have a ___________ charge and are found __________________.
17. Isotopes are atoms with a different number of ________________________________________.
18. Atomic number is the number of _________________________________ found in the atom. Atomic
mass is the sum of the number of _____________________ and _____________________ in the atom.
19. Lithium has an atomic number of three, which means it has ___________ number of protons.
20. Plants are eukaryotic, multicellular, autotrophs, which means they are/can:
a. single-celled
b. made of cells with no nucleus
c. make their own food/energy
d. consume other organisms for energy
21. Which of the following represents a population?
a. A tiger, a rabbit, a tree, & the sun
b. A single tiger
c. All the tigers in an area
d. A tiger, a rabbit, a tree in the rainforest in India
22. Evolution occurs through which process:
a. inheritance of acquired traits
b. natural selection
c. individuals changing their own genes by choice
d. Darwinism
23. Organisms are divided into 2 groups, based on cell structure, and then divided again in 6 kingdoms: Fill
in the blanks:
Prokaryotes: no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
1. Archaebacteria: known as ________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
Eukaryotes: have a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
3. Fungi: eukaryotic multicellular absorptive heterotrophs
4. ________________________________: eukaryotic single- & multi-celled autotrophs &
5. Plants: eukaryotic multicellular autotrophs (make their own food & energy from sunlight)
6. __________________: eukaryotic multicellular heterotrophs (have to consume food for
24. Which of the following organic compounds function in storing genetic information?
a. Lipids
b. Nucleic acids
c. Proteins
d. Carbohydrates
25. What does autotroph mean?
26. All of the following are elements except:
a. water
b. oxygen
c. nitrogen
d. carbon
27. A group of individuals of the same species occupying a given area is called a _____________________.
28. A community of living organisms interacting with one another and their environment is called an
29. What are organisms that feed on plants called? (There are two names you can provide)
30. Complete the levels of organization: atoms  compounds  ____________________________ 
tissues  organs  organ systems  ______________________________________  population 
community  _______________________________________________  biome  biosphere.
31. What are the five main types of vertebrate animals?:
32. Zinc has an atomic number of 30 and an atomic mass of 65. How many neutrons does zinc have?
a. 30
b. 65
c. 15
d. 35
33. Which of the following organelles are found in prokaryotic cells:
a. mitochondria
b. chloroplast
c. endoplasmic reticulum
d. nucleus
e. none of the above
34. Who is credited with formulating the theory of evolution by means of natural selection?
a. Lyell
b. Malthus
c. Wallace
d. Darwin
35. Organisms are classified based on the following scheme: FILL IN THE BLANKS
Kingdom  ___________________________________  Class  Order
_______________________________________  Genus  __________________________________.