PHILIPPINES DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN The PDF Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government (PDF WG-DLG) is a platform for policy dialogue and coordination of development assistance to achieve development outcomes through decentralization and local governance. The convenor of the Working Group is the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) while the World Bank (WB) is the co-convenor. The Working Group members include: (1) national government oversight agencies, e.g. DILG, Department of Budget and Management (DBM), Department of Finance (DOF), and National Economic Development Authority (NEDA); (2) LGU leagues; and, (3) development partners.1 In line with the 2011-2016 Philippine Development Plan’s (PDP) encompassing goal to achieve inclusive growth that is rapid and sustainable, that creates employment opportunities and reduces poverty, the PDF WG-DLG drafted the attached 2013-16 Work Plan. The PDF WG-DLG 2013-16 Work Plan identifies three Development Agenda to guide projects and activities, these are: (1) Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development; (2) Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth; and, (3) Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty. A new element of the PDF WG-DLG 2013-16 Work Plan is the inclusion of a results framework with outcomes and outcome indicators identified for each of the Development Agenda. The results framework is envisioned to play a vital role in monitoring the progress of PDF WG-DLG projects and activities and, more importantly, reaching the goal of inclusive growth. 1 Other members from government and the PDF include the Municipal Development Fund Office (MDFO) and the Mindanao PDF Working Group (MinDA). The LGU leagues include the: (1) League of Provinces of the Philippines; (2) League of Cities; (3) League of Municipalities of the Philippine; (4) Liga ng Barangay National Secretariat; and, (5) Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP). The development partners are the: (1) Asian Development Bank (ADB); (2) Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID); (3) Delegation of the European Union to the Philippines (EU); (4) Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD); (5) German Development Cooperation (GIZ); (6) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA); (7) KFW Development Bank; (8) Embassy of New Zealand; (9) United Nations (UN) organizations, e.g. UN Development Programme (UNDP), UN Children’s Fund, UN Population Fund; (10) United States Agency for International Development (USAID); (11) Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN I. Development Agenda and Results Framework Encompassing Goal of the PDP: To attain inclusive economic growth, that is rapid and sustainable, that creates employment opportunities and reduces poverty (PDP) Development Agenda and Goals 1. Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Proposed 2013-16 Work Plan Outcomes 1.1 Improved local fiscal policies, procedures and capacity Outcome Indicators 1. 2. 3. No. of policies/programs/systems adopted on improving local fiscal autonomy (including timeliness/accuracy/integrity of data ) Percentage of local government units (LGUs) adopting programs/systems to improve efficiency in fiscal policies and procedures: o Synchronization of planning (DBM) o Timely release and direct remittance of national wealth (DILG) o Electronic Statement of Receipts and Expenditures (e-SRE) Version2.1 (BLGF) o Electronic Field Appraisal and Assessment Sheet (e-FAAS) (BLGF) No. of LGUs adopting performance standards for Local Finance Officers o Assessor’s (2013) o Treasurer (2014) o Local Budget Officer (2015) 2013 Baseline 1 SRE 2016 Target 9 policies & 3 programs/systems Source BLGF BLGF TBD TBD BLGF 2 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda and Goals Proposed 2013-16 Work Plan Outcomes 1.2 Improved revenue generation capacity Outcome Indicators 2013 Baseline 25% 2016 Target 50% 4. Percentage of LGUs classified by LGFPMS as good revenue generators by LGU type and income class 5. No. of LGUs with ordinances on updated SMVs following the Philippine Valuation Standards. 30 cities, 18 provinces 40 cities/ provinces 6. No. of LGUs (e.g. Provinces, Cities and Municipalities) with ordinances on updated Local Revenue Codes 30 cities, 18 provinces 40 cities/ provinces 7. No. of LGUs (e.g. Provinces, Cities and Municipalities) imposing and collecting Idle Land tax 9 cities, 2 provinces 30 cities/ provinces 8. Real Property Tax Accomplishment Rate (RPTAR): Actual RPT collections to targeted RPT collections TBD BLGF, LGFPMS 9. 1.3 Increased access of LGUs to debt financing 2. Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth 2.1 Increased engagement of citizens and Civil Society organizations (CSO) in local governance Percentage of own-source revenues for all LGUs (i.e. Provinces, Cities and Municipalities) 10. No. of LGUs accessing credit financing 11. No. of syndicated LGU loans processed 12. Percentage of LGUs with functional Local Development Council and Local Special Bodies citizens’ participation (functionality criteria based on Local Government Code provisions and related guidelines issued by DILG) Source SRE, BLGF As of March 2013, 134 LGUs have accessed the MDF-SGF. Approximately, 135 LGUs will access the MDFSGF. MDFO TBD TBD TBD 100% MDFO DILG 3 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda and Goals Proposed 2013-16 Work Plan Outcomes 2.2 Improved transparency and accountability in local operations 2.3 Improved frontline LGU service delivery Outcome Indicators 13. Percentage of LGUs passing the Good Financial Housekeeping (formerly Seal of Good Housekeeping) criteria, as contained in the Seal of Good Local Governance (compliance to FDP, COA findings) 14. Percentage of LGUs meeting benchmarks under the Public Financial Management Assessment Tool (PFMAT) 15. Improvement in the LGPMS overall performance index (OPI) 2013 Baseline 84% (SGH CY 2012, w/o ARMM LGUs) 2016 Target 5% increase DBM Starting 2014 TBD Starting 2014 3. Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty 3.1 Improved LGU competitiveness that encourages business activity 19. No. of LGUs adopting standards for the streamlining of construction and inspection for business permits DILG TBD LGPMS/ DILG TBD 16. Percentage of LGUs passing the Seal of Good Local Governance 17. Number of LGUs (provinces, cities and municipalities) adopting a “Citizen Satisfaction Index System” 18. Percentage of total LGUs with streamlined BPLS Source BLGS-DILG 35 110 As of Dec 2012, only 430 LGUs conform to BPLS standards 100% LGU adopting solutions that conform to BPLS standards. 0 110 DILG-LGA/ DILG 4 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda and Goals Proposed 2013-16 Work Plan Outcomes 3.2 Increased inter-local government cooperation for local economic development activities 3.3 Increased LGU capacity for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Outcome Indicators 2013 Baseline 10 2016 Target TBD 21. Adoption of a financing framework for inter-local alliances TBD TBD 22. No. of Inter-Local Alliances accessing the MDFSGF Financing Facility 23. Percentage of LGUs (of the 18 National Government -identified vulnerable major river basins systems) that have integrated Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and/or Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) into their local plans 0 5 20. Increased no. of functioning cooperation/ alliances established inter-local Of the 18 MRS P=0 C=6% M=3% Of the 18 MRS P= 58% C=58% M= 59% Source GIZ/DILG-BLGD MDFO DILG 5 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN II. Work Plan: Projects and Activities Development Agenda 1: Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Outcome Improved local fiscal policies, procedures and capacity Official Project Objectives2 Expected Outputs / Deliverables National Government Agencies (Development Partners) Project/Activity: Deployment of e-SRE System (Version 2.1) to LGUs 1. To strengthen the capacities of local Version 2.1 e-SRE System adopted by the LGUs DOF-BLGF (EU/WB) treasurers to adopt the requirements of the new SRE system 2. To strengthen the capacities of the BLGF central and regional offices to effectively provide correct and timely guidance to local treasurers in implementing the SRE system Project Activity: Expand and enhance key treasury and assessment manuals, modules, and casebook DOF-BLGF (EU) To enhance capacity of local Updated and enhanced manuals, and modules on: - Local Treasury Operations Manual (LTOM)LGFPMS governments to generate revenue and SRE Analysis Manuals To allocate and spend public funds - Enhanced eSRE v2.1 User Manual more effectively and efficiently - Period of Implementation and Project Status3 May 2013 – June 2014 (OPE1) May 2013 – June 2016 (OPE1,OPE2,OPE3) Manual on the Examination of Local Treasury Operations of LGUs Manual on Assessment Evaluation/Examination and Monitoring for Manual and Computerized Systems Amended Manual on Real Property Appraisal and Assessment Operations PFM Manuals Resource Mobilization Manual 2 Guide Questions: (a) What is the rationale/motivation for project? Was this policy/information/ data available before the project? What are problems or gaps that motivate this project? Specify if completed or partially completed. If partially completed, list the activities that were completed. 3 6 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 1: Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Outcome Official Project Objectives2 Expected Outputs / Deliverables National Government Agencies (Development Partners) Period of Implementation and Project Status3 Casebook on new LGU best practices in local fiscal and financial management Project/Activity: Enhanced LGU Income Re-classification System To develop a single index or number or Draft bill on the enhanced LGU income reincome-ranking indicator to clearly and classification system easily measure the financial health of Legislative advocacy and consensus building in the LGUs 16th Congress on the bill Project/Activity: Establishment of Performance Standards for Local Treasurers To enhance the quality of local treasury Develop Manual eSRE-based Treasurer’s Performance services provided to the LGUs and the Standard Rating System public Project/Activity: Improved Planning, Budgeting and Execution 1. To improve the local planning system Updating of JMC 1 by: Development of the BuB Portal Exploring the feasibility of Roll-out of the CDP MAnula integrating planning and Harmonization of the BuB in local planning and budgeting documents. budgeting process Exploring the feasibility Development of tools to check the harmonization of Integration of operating and PPDFP and CDP and Link to LDIP and AIP capital budgets. Updating of the Budget Operations Manual for LGUs Developing, adopting and Development and roll-out of a Local Economic implementing the multi-year Enterprise (LEE) Guidebook perspective in fiscal planning, Development of an electronic system for budgeting expenditure and budgeting. and financial transactions Develop and implement policy options for linking performance based budgeting to grant and loan programs. DOF-BLGF (EU) May 2013 – Aug 2015 (OPE1, OPE2, OPE3) DOF-BLGF (EU) May 2013 – June 2015 (OPE1, OPE2) DILG / DBM (EU) July 2014 – June 2015 7 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 1: Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Outcome Official Project Objectives2 Expected Outputs / Deliverables National Government Agencies (Development Partners) To facilitate and expedite the budget process by enhancing existing tools and developing an electronic budgeting system Project/Activity: Enhanced Capacity of National Oversight Bodies on Local Public Financial Management 1. To build a better LGU PFM DBM / DILG / DOF Strengthened LGU Policy Units Environment by improving the BLGF (EU) o Training Needs Analysis institutional capacities of the oversight o Development of a Comprehensive Staff agencies at central and regional levels Development Plan on LGU PFM; o Basic In-house Trainings on LGU PFM 2. To strengthen competencies of staff to o Course on Training Management System provide technical assistance to LGUs on PFM; Project/Activity: Develop an LGU PFM Policy Agenda and Action Plan To develop an LGU PFM Policy Agenda DBM / DILG / DOF Diagnostic study on possible entry points for alignment and Action Plan (LGU PFM Road of the LGU PFM Road Map with the National PFM Road BLGF (EU) Map)which addresses current gaps in Map LGU PFM systems and is aligned with the Development of a Draft LGU PFM Road Map by the National PFM Roadmap Project’s Technical Assistance Team (TAT) Consultations and Workshops with various stakeholders Project/Activity: Consolidation of Barangay Financial Statements with LGU SREs To monitor the financial report of the Established Brgy. FS monitoring system for consolidation DOF-BLGF/ DILGbarangays and include in the consolidated to the LGU SRE NBOO (EU) SRE Project/Activity: Promoting Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Revenues for Social Services Delivery, Poverty Sustainability 1. To strengthen the capacities of national Activity Result: Timely release and direct remittance DILG/ DOF/ DBM and local governments including local (UNDP) of ENR revenues to LGUs and increased share of communities to access and manage LGUs from the National Wealth Period of Implementation and Project Status3 2. May 2013 – June 2014 (OPE1) May 2013 – February 2014 May 2013 – June 2015 (OPE1& OPE2) Reduction and Environmental January – December 2013 8 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 1: Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Outcome Official Project Objectives2 assets and revenues from sustainable management of environment and natural resources (ENR) for local economic development; 2. To increase budget allocation and level of spending for poverty-environment measures in lead agencies, sectoral departments and LGUs; 3. To improve the capacity of LGUs to integrate pro-poor and environmental concerns into the design and implementation of local development plans and programs; 4. To establish more efficient processes on the distribution of National Wealth (NW) between national government and LGUs through policy reforms and systems improvement; 5. To improve transparency of ENR revenues collection and payment, and its utilization by LGUs, and Expected Outputs / Deliverables Associated Actions: Develop and issue a new Joint Circular to remove hindering factors in the timely collection of ENR revenues and release of the complete LGU share from the national wealth in the processes provided in DOF-DBM-DENR-DILG JC 2009-1 and JC 2010-1. Organize a network of LGUs hosting extractive industries to lobby for and monitor the timely release of LGU share in the national wealth, and to serve as a venue where all issues on mining and other extractive industries can be raised and discussed. Review and lobby to amend the Local Government Code of 1991 or RA 7160 for a more efficient and immediate release of LGU share and delivery of basic social services to host communities. Review and revise Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA or RA. 9136) and Renewable Energy Act (RA 9513) relative to the Local Government Code (RA 7160), and their Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRRs) to increase LGU shares in the proceeds from energy resources and to utilize the revenue for poverty reduction and environmental sustainability programs - Develop a joint circular between DILG and DOE to provide guidelines for exemptions to the 80% minimum requirement of LGU share in national wealth to be used to lower the cost of electricity, in line with a provision in DOE-DILG Joint National Government Agencies (Development Partners) Period of Implementation and Project Status3 Reviewed existing procedures and practices on the computation and collection of ENR revenues and the release of the share of LGUs from National Wealth; Reviewed budget allocation and spending for ENR concerns and advocated for increase resources for poverty alleviation and environmental protection; Advocated for data-sharing and transparency in the collection, distribution and utilization of ENR revenues which led to the Philippines pronouncement to implement EITI; Proposals to amend laws, improve current inter-agency policies, and enhance information systems with regards to benefit sharing of ENR revenues between the national government and LGUs, increasing the amounts that LGUs receive 9 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 1: Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Outcome Official Project Objectives2 Expected Outputs / Deliverables 6. To increase number of people gaining employment and/or venturing into productive enterprises from sustainable management of ENR, especially from resource extraction activities such as mining, oil and gas, geothermal, etc. Circular No. 98-01 Review and revise the RA9513 IRR provision to further streamline the application and review process for the Development and Livelihood Fund (DLF) and Reforestation, Watershed Management, Health and/or Environment Enhancement Fund (RWMHEEF), and Electrification Fund (EF) Publish the advocacy paper for increasing ENRrelated budgets and disseminate the same to congressional committees, NGAs and other stakeholders - Activity Result: Improved utilization of ENR revenues through mainstreaming P-E linkages in the planning and budgeting system of LGUs Associated Actions: National Government Agencies (Development Partners) Period of Implementation and Project Status3 from NW, and giving them greater flexibility in the utilization of their shares for sustainable development programs were formulated; Developed guidelines, tools and methodologies on mainstreaming povertyenvironment (P-E) linkages in LGU planning, programming and budgeting system, and Conducted capacity building activities on P-E development linkage planning and management for 4 pilot LGUs, and valuation of mineral products for MGB personnel. Develop a P-E toolkit (training modules) Conduct capacity building for LGUs and DILG regional officers on mainstreaming P-E linkages into LGU plans, programs and budget in the 4 pilot LGUs Conduct a study to integrate Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development Protection Plan (ADSDPP) and CLUP-CDP guidelines and formulate relevant policy guideline, especially toward providing LGU budgets to ADSDPP formulation and implementation. Study the socio-economic and environmental impacts 10 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 1: Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Outcome Official Project Objectives2 Expected Outputs / Deliverables National Government Agencies (Development Partners) Period of Implementation and Project Status3 of resource extraction activities in selected LGUs and provide policy recommendations and other mechanisms to be able to monitor and influence the use of LGUs shares in the national wealth to reduce poverty and promote environmental sustainability. Align mining company’s Social Development Management Program (SDMP) to LGU’s CDP/CLUP - Compile SDMPs and conduct Cost-Benefit Analysis of selected/pilot SDMPs relative to the poverty and environmental impact of mining operations - Revise the DENR Administrative Order (DAO) 2010-13 to expand the coverage of SDMPs implementation and budget allocation Activity Result: Transparent collection and utilization of natural resource revenues Associated Actions: Develop a Mining Tax Information Management System (MTIMS) to properly and accurately monitor, document and disclose amount of taxes, fees and charges paid by mining companies/ stakeholders. Study the legal obstacles to public disclosure of tax payments and collections from extractive industries (at the national and local levels). Pilot the public disclosure of environment and natural resource revenues collection and payment and 11 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 1: Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Outcome Official Project Objectives2 Expected Outputs / Deliverables National Government Agencies (Development Partners) Period of Implementation and Project Status3 utilization in at least five pilot LGUs (Benguet and Surigao del Norte for large scale metallic mines, Bulacan and Rizal for non-metallic and Palawan for oil and gas). Propose enhancements to the LGU’s e-SRE: - Disaggregation by source of national wealth. - Additional column under the General Fund (GF) to keep track the expenditures of LGUs using their shares from national wealth, and Recording the expenditures in lines 22 to 30 (categorized by the type of expenditure) Improved revenue generation capacity Project/Activity: Improved Property Valuation and Taxation of LGUs 1. To scale up the adoption of improved Updating of Schedule of Market Values (SMV) in 10systems and procedures on property 40 cities/ provinces valuation and taxation Deployment of valuation information systems 2. To sustain reforms through policy and (Valuation Database and Information System legislative action and institutional [VDIS]/electronic Field Appraisal and Assessment strengthening Sheet [eFAAS]) to 5 LGUs (to include support for 3. To broaden the foundations for system enhancement) valuation education and professional Rollout of the Philippine Valuation Standards (PVS) to development 2 national government agencies; Policy and legislative advocacy for the proposed Valuation Reform Act (VRA) Development and issuance of policy and operational guidelines on idle land tax Development of monitoring system on the LGU revenue impact of land administration and management reforms; DOF-BLGF (LAMP WB/REGALA_ADB) July 2013 – June 2016 (WB LAMP2 Additional Financing) For processing: ADB TA (Followon/Expansion of Support to Local Government Revenue Generation and Land Administration Reforms) 12 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 1: Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Outcome Official Project Objectives2 Expected Outputs / Deliverables Conduct of information, education and communication (IEC) campaign program and gender mainstreaming Development/enhancement of Compliance Reporting System on property valuation in the LGUs Development and delivery of valuation education courses and advance training programs, and provision for research grants on land valuation and management Updating of the Philippine Valuation Standards to incorporate the 2011 International Valuation Standards Conduct of research and policy studies on land taxes and fees Enhancement of computerized systems to support revenue generation management requirements of LGUs Capacity building support for BLGF regional offices Project/Activity: Policy Review of the Local Government Code To propose legislation to improve the Draft separate bills on the following: fiscal capacity of LGUs 1. Increase of revenue shares 2. Boost LGUs Motor Vehicles User Charges (MVUC) shares 3. Sharing of information with BIR-LGU 4. Widening tax base of LGUs and remove some tax exemptions 5. Increasing amount and ceiling on taxes 6. Easing tax administration of LGUS 7. Simplifying local tax structures 8. Rationalization of fiscal incentives National Government Agencies (Development Partners) DILG/ DOF-BLGF (ADB) Period of Implementation and Project Status3 2013-14 13 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 1: Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Outcome Official Project Objectives2 Expected Outputs / Deliverables National Government Agencies (Development Partners) Period of Implementation and Project Status3 Review of the expenditure and revenue assignments, fiscal transfers and borrowing powers of LGUs Project/Activity: Harmonization of LGU Computerized Tax/Revenue Administration System To enhance minimum standards of Enhanced minimum standards of computerized computerized tax/revenue administration RPTA and BPLS systems system and eventually develop and/or Developed or enhanced an existing system for RPTA enhance an existing system for property and BPLS assessments and taxation functions to be deployed to interested LGUs Improved access of LGUs to debt financing 4 DOF-BLGF / DILG/ DBM /NCC (EU) Project/Activity: Setting Up of Baseline Data and Monitoring System on LGU Impositions under Local Revenue Codes To establish baseline data/information and Established monitoring system and baseline data on Local DOF-BLGF / DILG (EU) monitor LGU impositions under Local Revenue Codes Revenue Codes Project/Activity: Enhancing Governance, Accountability and Engagement4 To improve capacity of LGUs in six conflict LGUs generating their own-source revenues MinDA(USAID) affected areas of Mindanao to generate own-source revenues Project/Activity: Capacity Building on Debt Management 1. To provide framework for LGU DOF-BLGF/ DILG (EU) Printed and distributed debt management manual borrowings and guidelines to the Conduct of capacity building trainings to LGUs proper management of new and existing debt 2. To improve, automate and link MDFO MDFO (ADB) finance and technical operations July 2014 – June 2016 (OPE2, OPE3) May 2013 – June 2014 (OPE1) April 2013- April 2018 May 2013 – June 2014 (OPE1) Partially completed; for presentation and test-run to MDFO management. This is a project of the PDF Working Group on Mindanao (MinDA) included in this PDF-WG 2013-16 Work Plan for information. 14 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 1: Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Outcome Official Project Objectives2 Expected Outputs / Deliverables National Government Agencies (Development Partners) Period of Implementation and Project Status3 Project/Activity: Technical Advisory services to MDFO for new financing policy, programs/ window 1. To provide MDFO technical expertise for the enhancement of the current financing facility; re-alignment of the subprojects and process of loan availment and approval. 2. To provide MDFO technical expertise for a possible new financing facility, existing programs and policies. Provided technical advisory services to MDFO for policy formulation and review of: LGU Financing Policy Framework Assessment on the Implementation of the PerformanceBased Incentive Policy (PBIP) and the Performance-Based Grant System (PBGS) Creation of new financing windows that are aligned with current administration’s thrusts Project/Activity: Sub-national Debt Policy TA To strengthen the capacity of the national government, particularly the Bureau of Local Government Finance, to enhance the regulation of local government borrowing Strengthened Sub-national Debt Monitoring Systems: Develop and implement an operating system for monitoring sub-national debt Strengthened Regulatory Framework for Sub-national Debt: Develop specific and actionable policy recommendations for comprehensively strengthening the effectiveness and efficiency of the fiscal rules and regulatory framework governing sub-national debt, including relevant provisions of the Local Government Code as well as requirements instituted by national oversight bodies such as BLGF and the Monetary Board. MDFO No funding DOF-BLGF (WB/DIALOG TF) July 2012 – Sept 2013 15 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 2: Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth Outcome Increased engagement of citizen’s and civil society organizations in local governance Responsible Period of Implementation Agency(ies) and Project Status6 Project/Activity: Vigilance to Volunteerism - Program for Intensifying People’s Engagement in Local Governance (VTV PIPELOG) 1. Develop knowledge base of CSOs DILG-LGA/Sub- August 2013 Consolidate CSO Mapping Report of 2 working with LGUs and extent of their WG on CSOs remaining regions (7 & ARMM) into the participation in local governance and LGUs National CSO Mapping Report (AECID) 2. Strengthen capacities of CSOs on July 2013-December 2013 Training on the Local Special Bodies (LSBs) how to engage with LGUs and find strengthening for the following Regions: 2, 4other venues for participation in local A, 4-B, 7, 8, 10, 12 for the 1st to 3rd class governance through policy municipalities discussions and development January 2014 – December 2014 Training on the Local Special Bodies (LSBs) strengthening for 17 regions for the 3rd to 4th class municipalities June 2013 to December 2014 Develop Modules of Ladderized Training Program for the Strengthening of LSBs: January – December 2014 - Basic Orientation on the LSB and Development Planning & Budgeting skills for 17 regions January – December 2015 - Specialized LSB Management and Competencies Development for 17 regions - Scaling Up and Preparation for Next January – December 2016 Planning Cycle for 17 regions 3. Official Project Objectives5 Expected Outputs / Deliverables Encourage volunteerism among citizenship, CSOs and LG by participating in LGU immersion programs and providing support in 1. Training of LGRRC Managers, Public Education & Citizenship focal Person and LRIs on the Mentors Training: Managing & Organizing Volunteers Effectively (MOVE) June 2013 5 Guide Questions: (a) What is the rationale/ motivation for project? Was this policy/information/ data available before the project? What are problems or gaps that motivate this project? Specify if completed or partially completed. If partially completed, list the activities that were completed. 6 16 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 2: Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth Outcome Official Project Objectives5 Expected Outputs / Deliverables 2. LGUs’ Volunteer & Citizenship Desk Managers Training Rollout in 17 regions 3. Implementation on LGU volunteer immersion program Project/Activity: Updated Guidelines on CSO Accreditation To enhance CSO participation in planning, Update the CSO accreditation policy to budgeting and local governance enhance CSO participation in local government units Responsible Agency(ies) project development, coaching and TA Period of Implementation and Project Status6 July 2013 to December 2014 August 2013 to December 2016 DILG/Sub-WG on CSOs and LGUs (EU) Dissemination of DILG enhanced guidelines on CSO accreditation Project/Activity: Strengthening Participatory Mechanisms in Local Planning and Budgeting (BUB) 1. To make the planning and budgeting 4. Establish and institutionalize the participation DBM/ DILG/ processes of both local and national of the CSOs in the budgeting, planning NAPC/ DSWD/ governments more participatory process under BUB NEDA//Subthrough the genuine involvement of 5. Institutionalize inclusive and participatory WG on CSOs grassroots organizations and planning and budgeting at the local level and LGUs communities (WB/AusAID) 2. To strengthen the convergence of the delivery of national services in the community Project/Activity: Enhancing Capacities of LGUs for Poverty Reduction, Local Governance and CDD 1. Institutionalized participation of DSWD/ DILG Enhance the capacity of the LGU on citizens in more inclusive LGU and LGUs governance and participatory, bottom-up planning and budgeting processes (AECID) planning and budgeting, facilitation and and activities management of CDD interventions and 2. Linked LGU development plans to activities. Local Poverty Reduction Action Plans Poverty-reduction projects identified and to improved access of poor implemented through community prioritization communities to sustainable basic processes and activities June-July 2013 March 2013 – October 2014 17 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 2: Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth Outcome Official Project Objectives5 public services. Expected Outputs / Deliverables Responsible Agency(ies) Period of Implementation and Project Status6 Operationalizing inclusive systems and processes for participatory, bottom-up planning and budgeting Project/Activity: Strengthening BUB Monitoring and Evaluation Systems To develop the monitoring system for the Development of a monitoring system of the implementation of the BUB projects at the LGU implementation of the BUB-funded LGU level projects Monitoring of the implementation of o P8 Billion worth of projects in 609 LGUs in CY 2013 o P20 Billion worth of projects in 1,233 LGUs in 80 provinces in CY 2014 Project/Activity: Empowerment Fund 1. To provide incentive to CSOs that are Policy guidelines on the access actively engaging and partnering with procedures of CSOs to the local governments in pursuit of local Empowerment Fund development agenda At least 84 CSOs provided with project 2. To support: grants; success stories, tested tools and - CSO Network Building and mechanisms developed and replicated Development - Capacity Building of CSOs - Dialogues and Policy Forums - Application and Replication of Tested Tools and Mechanisms that support participatory, transparent and accountable governance - DBM/ DILG/ NAPC/ DSWD/ NEDA/Sub-WG on CSOs and LGUs (WB/AusAid) 2013 2014 DILG/ DBM/ NAPC/Sub-WG on CSOs and LGUs (AusAID) Initial review of assessment tools and policies and guidelines is held in abeyance pending complete submission of reports of CSPF 2012 projects. Calls for Proposals will happen from May –June 2013 Assessment of Submitted proposals on July 2013 Provision of CSPF Grants on August 2013 18 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 2: Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth Outcome Official Project Objectives5 Expected Outputs / Deliverables Project/Activity: Enhanced CSO Participation in the Local Budget Process and Procurement To strengthen CSO participation in the Development of a Handbook on CSO budget process and in government Participation in the Budget Process and in procurement by identifying the entry points Government Procurement for and extent of CSO participation Roll-out to selected LGUs and CSOs Project/Activity: Enhancing Governance, Accountability and Engagement7 To increase civic engagement for peace Strengthened civil society and development in six conflict affected Increased involvement of youth and areas of Mindanao adults in civil society and community development activities Improved transparency and accountability in local operations Project/ Activity: Institutionalization of Public Disclosure To institutionalize the Full Disclosure National compliance report prepared every quarter Policy (to be monitored through the FDP Portal) Restructured FDP Templates Responsible Agency(ies) Period of Implementation and Project Status6 DBM/Sub-WG on CSOs and LGUs (EU) August 2013 – June 2014 MinDA (USAID) April 2013- April 2018 DILG-BLGS / DBM (WB) As of April 2013, 99% of LGUs have complied with the Policy for the 1st Quarter of CY 2013. Partially completed. This Department has conducted series of focus group discussions last March 2013 to identify the financial documents to be posted and their respective forms/templates. Enhanced FDP Portal (dependent on the technical assistance of prospective donors) Project/Activity: Linkage of Local Performance Monitoring Systems To harmonize local Performance Integration of PFM indicators in the SGH, LGPMS, DILG/ DOFMonitoring Systems for LGUs and LGFPMS BLGF (EU) Project/Activity: Implementation of Performance Challenge Fund and Institutionalization of Incentive Systems for Local Governance 1. To rationalize inter-governmental DILG-BLGD 2013-2016 Scale-up the incentive package for LGUs that transfer of funds to LGUs (AusAid/EU) passed the SGH assessment in different 2. To encourage convergence of levels (eg. bronze, silver, gold) development initiatives with national 7 This is a project of the PDF Working Group on Mindanao (MinDA) and is included in this PDF-WG 2013-16 Work Plan for information. 19 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 2: Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth Outcome Official Project Objectives5 government priorities Expected Outputs / Deliverables Period of Implementation and Project Status6 Expand coverage of the incentive package for LGUs that excel in specific sectoral areas Pre-testing CSO participation in monitoring PCF projects Project/Activity: Enhanced Effectiveness of LGU PFM Performance Monitoring Systems To institutionalize the conduct of PFM Enhancement of the PFMAT for LGUs assessments using the Public Financial Software Management Assessment Tool for Local Roll-out of the PFMAT for LGUs to all Non-BuB Government Units (PFMAT for LGUs) and LGUS the preparation and implementation of Validation of PFM Assessment Results and PFM Improvement Plans (PFMIP) Monitoring of the Implementation of PFMIPs Project/Activity: Strengthen Internal Control Systems/ Internal Audit Services at LGU level To strengthen internal control systems Development of an ICS/IAS Manual for LGUs and/or internal audit services at the local Roll-out of the ICS/IAS Manual to all LGUs level through the development of a uniform policy and approach Project/Activity: Enhancing Governance, Accountability and Engagement8 To increase transparency and Increased levels of citizen satisfaction accountability of local governments in six knowing their LGUs are planning and conflict affected areas of Mindanao implementing development activities meant to respond directly to their concerns Strengthened local mechanisms to promote peace and security Increased transparency and accountability of local governments as perceived by beneficiaries 8 Responsible Agency(ies) DBM/ DILG (EU) May 2013 – June 30, 2016 DBM/ COA (EU) July 2014 – June 2015 MinDA (USAID) April 2013- April 2018 This is a project of the PDF Working Group on Mindanao (MinDA) and is included in this PDF-WG 2013-16 Work Plan for information. 20 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 2: Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth Outcome Improved frontline LGU service delivery Official Project Objectives5 Expected Outputs / Deliverables Responsible Agency(ies) Period of Implementation and Project Status6 Project/Activity: Local Government Performance Management (LGPMS )and Citizen Satisfaction Index System (CSIS) 1. To institutionalize citizen assessment Implementation of the Citizen Satisfaction DILG-BLGS Pilot Test Phase II Consultation Forum, of LGU performance through a survey Development of Analysis Plan, Training of LRIs Index System in all 143 cities. which will complement the LGU and Field Work has been accomplished last Training of Local Resource Institutes in the implemented LGPMS February 2013. Cities to conduct citizen surveys in the locality 2. To generate feedback from citizens and nearby LGUs. on their level of satisfaction on local Implementation of Phase II, III, and IV for government service delivery in: Component Cities for 2014, 2015, and 2016, Education, Health, Peace and Order, respectively. Disaster Management and Environmental Governance, and Window Services Project/Activity: Development of the Seal of Good Local Governance 1. To recognize good performance of DILG-BLGS Completed: Assessment of 1,475 provinces, cities and provincial, city and municipal municipalities (PCMs) (CY 2014 target) Development of Indicator Framework and governments, not only on financial Implementing Guidelines (January 2014) housekeeping, but also on other Conferment of the Seal of Good Local Launching of the SGLG (January 2014) areas that directly benefit the people. Governance to all qualified PCMs Issuance of DILG policy on SGLG (March 2014) 2. To challenge local governments to Orientation to Regional and Sub-Regional perform better, and ultimately, Offices (April 2014) achieve a desirable condition where On-going: local governments: (a) Sustain the Data Gathering, Verification and practice of transparency and Certification (May – July 4, 2014) accountability in the use of public Upcoming: funds; (b) Prepare for challenges Online Data Entry and Documentation posed by disasters; (c) Demonstrate Upload (Up to July 15, 2014) sensitivity to the needs of vulnerable Data Quality Control: Review and and marginalized sectors of society; Calibration (July 15 – July 22) 21 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 2: Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth Outcome Official Project Objectives5 Expected Outputs / Deliverables Responsible Agency(ies) (d) Encourage investment and employment; (e) Protect constituents from threats to life and security; and (f) Safeguard the integrity of the environment Project/Activity: Enhancing Governance, Accountability and Engagement9 To improve service delivery of local Expanded local government capabilities to add governments in six conflict-affected areas and improve offered services in Mindanao Project/Activity: Education Governance Effectiveness (EdGE) To improve education governance at the Strengthened Government Effectiveness for local level, with the end goal of improving Education at the Local Level learning outcomes, particularly early grade Strengthened capacity of local officials of reading for at least one million children. DepED in planning, finance, management and advocacy, particularly at the school, district and regional level to manage education decentralization. This will also entail working with the central office for improved policy guidance. 9 Period of Implementation and Project Status6 National Validation (4th Wk, July to August) Selection of Recipients (August to September) Conferment of SGLG (October) MinDA (USAID) April 2013- April 2018 DepEd (USAID) October 2012-September 2017. Strengthened capacity of local government units, especially as regards the effective functioning of the Local School Board. This is a project of the PDF Working Group on Mindanao (MinDA) and is included in this PDF-WG 2013-16 Work Plan for information. 22 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 2: Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth Outcome Official Project Objectives5 Expected Outputs / Deliverables Responsible Agency(ies) Period of Implementation and Project Status6 Increased Transparency and Accountability at the Local Level Increased transparency in the collection, budgeting and execution of the Special Education Fund. Increased responsiveness and transparency in the use of the school maintenance and other operating expenses. Increased ability of stakeholders to track education outcomes through education report cards. Increased Participation of Stakeholders in Education Policy Formulation and Implementation Strengthened capacity of parents-teacher associations (PTAs), and increased levels of participation in School Governing Councils. Increased participation of civil society in education policy formulation, and monitoring. Increased private sector participation, particularly as regards provision of resources for school needs. 23 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 2: Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth Outcome Official Project Objectives5 Expected Outputs / Deliverables Responsible Agency(ies) Period of Implementation and Project Status6 Strengthened policy advocacy for improved education governance Project/Activity: Health Leadership and Governance Program (HLGP) Public-Private Partnership To improve health outcomes in USAID DOH (Zuellig Enhanced leadership competencies of target areas, especially on maternal and Family local chief executives and local health child health (MCH), family planning (FP), Foundation, officers and tuberculosis (TB), by enhancing USAID) Improved local health systems that are leadership and governance capabilities of more responsive to the needs for MCH, local chief executives and local health FP, and TB prevention and control officers Increased community participation and health seeking behavior in target areas through improved local health systems and local health leadership October 2013-September 2013 Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Outcome Improved LGU Official Project Objectives10 Expected Outputs / Deliverables Responsible Agency(ies) Period of Implementation and Project Status11 Project/Activity: Up-scaling of Business Permit and Licensing System (BPLS) 10 Guide Questions: (a) What is the rationale/ motivation for project? Was this policy/information/ data available before the project? What are problems or gaps that motivate this project? Specify if completed or partially completed. If partially completed, list the activities that were completed. 11 24 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Outcome competitiveness that encourages business activity Official Project Objectives10 Expected Outputs / Deliverables To streamline the business permits and Enhanced Policy Guidelines in Implementing licensing system (BPLS) in the Philippines the Standards in Processing Business Permits to as many LGUs as possible. A and Licenses in all Cities and Municipalities streamlined system consists of: Training Manual on BPLS Streamlining for (1) limiting the processing time of the LGUs LGUs to issue business permits and Pool of Trainers/ Coaches on BPLS licenses to a maximum of 10 days from Streamlining the date of the submission of the Computerized BPLS System: Databank application form as required by the Anti- BPLS Best Practices documentation Red Tape Law (2) using one single form each for new Target # of LGUs for 2013: 247 applications and renewals (3) limiting the number of steps in processing applications for new applications and renewals. Project/Activity: Local investment promotion 1. To improve capacity of LGUs in Organization and Strengthening of Local engaging business sector, Economic Investment and Promotions Officer promoting local trade/businesses (LEIPO) and generating employment Capacitate LGUs formulate their Business following reforms in their business Plans environment Assist LGUs formulate/update their Local 2. To enhance LGU competitiveness Investments and Incentives Code (LIIC) and towards increasing sustainable Local Revenue Code (LRC) growth and ensuring that growth is Training Modules on LED (LED4LGUs) inclusive. Project/Activity: Provincial Road Management Facility The overall goal of the Facility is to By August 2015 it is expected that: Responsible Agency(ies) DILG-LGA / DTI / Sub-WG on LIR (IFC / GIZ / USAID / CIDA) Period of Implementation and Project Status11 2013 onwards 1,018 LGUs trained on how to streamline their BPLS 841 LGUs with streamlined BPLS 177 are undergoing the reform process DILG / DTI/DOF (CIDA) Status of LEIPO Province 74 Cities 129 Municipalities 347 (optional) DILG-OPDS 2013-2015 25 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Outcome Official Project Objectives10 improve the capacity of DILG and selected provincial local government units (PLGUs) to deliver basic road infrastructure services which increase economic activity and improve public access to facilities and services in partner provinces in the southern Philippines. Expected Outputs / Deliverables 1. 2. 3. DILG will be able to assist PLGUs to better plan, manage and maintain their local road networks and will have developed a national roads program for local road management; PLGU’s will be maintaining and rehabilitating their provincial core road network in a condition that provides acceptable levels of service, connectivity and access based on the agreed targets; and PLGU’s will have strengthened institutional capacity and systems and better capabilities to manage their provincial road network transparently and sustainably in partnership with the private sector and civil society. Responsible Agency(ies) (AusAID) Project/Activity: Promoting inter-Local Cooperation among LGUs 1. To promote cooperation among LGUs Updating of ILC policy for local economic development Capacity building of DILG Regional Focal activities Persons on ILC 2. To develop capacity of LGUs in Technical support to the organization/revival of managing joint projects with other LGU clusters LGUs Support in the development of LGU Cluster Plans Physical Work Status Completed: 82.84kms On-going: 58.9kms Designed: 71.65kms for procurement Capacity Development All 10 provinces has been provided with appropriate capacity development intervention on the 5 key reform areas. Seven (7) provinces have generally met the minimum standard in the five (5) key reform areas. Two (2) provinces exceeding the minimum requirements, Bukidnon on Human Resource Management and Development and Misamis Oriental on procurement. One (1) province Surigao del Norte has difficulty in operationalizing the reforms in Procurement. The 10 PRMF partner provinces are: Bohol, Guimaras, Misamis Occidental, Bukidnon, Agusan del Sur, Surigao del Norte, Misamis Oriental,Aklan, Davao del Norte, and Lanao del Norte Increased interlocal government cooperation for local economic development activities Period of Implementation and Project Status11 DILG / Leagues / Sub-WG on ILC (GIZ/ CIDA) 2013 Draft policy for ILC, JMC ILC profiles of the baseline on the ILC 26 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Outcome Responsible Agency(ies) Project/Activity: Local Government Support Program for Local Economic Development (LGSP-LED) To reduce poverty by strengthening local Planned results for FY 2013-2014 DILG / DTI governance and supporting sustainable A. National level: (CIDA) local economic development (LED). The planned results for the year are: Enhanced LED policy harmonization and program coordination among DILG and other NGAs including the establishments and strengthening of inter-agency mechanism such as: Official Project Objectives10 Period of Implementation and Project Status11 Expected Outputs / Deliverables 2008-16 DILG’s partnership with DA, DENR and DAR National Convergence Initiative (NCI) for Sustainable Rural Development A similar inter-agency mechanism or national Transformation Team (ETT) for Tourism, agreeing to collaborate on areas such as product development, standards and accreditation, and tourism infrastructure; Regional and Provincial ETTs or similar mechanisms in four Batch 1 sites and five Batch 2 sites DILG and other NGAs’ capacities enhanced in the development and implementation of specific policies and measures related to: 1) The roles of LGU/Alliances under the Tourism Act of 2009; 2) LED-related concerns (LIIC, PPP,LRC, 27 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Outcome Official Project Objectives10 Expected Outputs / Deliverables 3) 4) Responsible Agency(ies) Period of Implementation and Project Status11 Local Economic and Investment Promotion Officers (LEIPO); Alternative measures on economic growth at the local level; and Reforms that addresses local competitiveness issues. Enhance DILG capacity in steering the delivery of bundled LED services and resources to LGUs/Alliances through ETT and other national and local convergence mechanisms, and in providing access to better information on LED trends, opportunities and practices to LGUs/Alliances enhanced. B. Local level The Program will work with Batch 2 LGU/Alliance to ensure that they have: A core LED Team with capacities to support the development of tourism circuits Business-friendly and LED-enabling strategies, policies, programs; Established local Tourism Councils and Business Associations Tourism Statistics and information systems to support evidence-based planning for LED; 28 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Outcome Official Project Objectives10 Expected Outputs / Deliverables Responsible Agency(ies) Period of Implementation and Project Status11 Product development action plans for their priority Tourism Circuits PFS and investment packages priority attraction or tourism infrastructure projects Programs to develop the skills of tourism enterprise workers and entrepreneurs Specific target outputs for Batch 2 LGU/ Alliance include the ff: Allah Valley Landscape Development Alliance (AVLADA) –two tourism circuits developed based on Lake Sebu as the anchor destination with Koronadal City (South Cotabato Province) and Isula/Tacurong City (Sultan Kudarat Province) as the respective gateways. Metro Iloilo Guimaras Economic Development Council (MIGEDC) – design and initial implementation of MIGEDC innovation Fund to encourage new ideas in local enterprise development and attraction site redevelopment along the MIGEDC Tourism Circuits. Metro Naga Development Council (MNDC) – development of three overlapping, activity-themed Tourism Circuits: Naga City Urban Tourism (including MICE, Heritage, Arts and 29 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Outcome Official Project Objectives10 Expected Outputs / Deliverables Responsible Agency(ies) Period of Implementation and Project Status11 Pilgrimage); ecotourism to Mt. Isarog and environs; and coastal tourism Province of Leyte – development of the Northwest Leyte Tourism Circuit based on seeking investors for accommodation establishments and tourism infrastructure in the Circuit site management and development of attractions in five LGUs Panglao-Dauis-Baclayon Bohol Marine Triangle (PaDaYon BMT) – development of ecotourism attractions and activities in its Tourism Circuit focused on training men and women from 3 LGUs on different frontlines services or entrepreneurial skills, and conduct of a value chain study on the opportunities and constraints for linking agri-and fishery-based MSMEs with the tourism sector in PaDaYon and in Bohol as a whole. Specific target outputs for Batch 1 LGU/ Alliance include the ff: One Pangasinan Alliance of LGUs (OPAL)- Support for the organic farmer’s association (Likas Saka) to increase the adoption and overall production of organic rice and vegetables from the 30 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Outcome Official Project Objectives10 Expected Outputs / Deliverables Responsible Agency(ies) Period of Implementation and Project Status11 area, and enhance the ability of OPAL municipal agricultural officers to deliver agricultural extension services to these farmers. Province of Guimaras-enhanced ability of PEDO to promote an enabling environment for the province’s community-based rural tourism enterprises through strengthened capacities for marketing Guimaras as an ideal destination for tourism as well as enhanced skills in investment promotion. Bohol Integrated Area Development V (BIAD V)-continued existence of a business environment conducive for organic rice production and marketing, through the presence of LED-supportive institutional mechanisms, local policies, and programs, including the enhancement of BIAD V PROMOTE-Rice program with integrated Rice-Duck Farming System (IRDFS) technology. Dapitan-Dipolog-Polanco-KatipunanRoxas-Manukan Growth Corridor (DDPKaRoMa)-enhancing the capacities of the Alliance to sustain an enabling environment for cassava agribusiness and eco-cultural tourism through strengthened abilities to promote, market 31 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Outcome Increased LGU capacity for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Official Project Objectives10 Expected Outputs / Deliverables and disseminate information about local tourism attractions and sites as well as enhanced PMO and staff skills in investment promotion and investor aftercare. Project/Activity: Development of Financing Policy and Windows for Inter-local Cooperation To provide MDFO policies and capacity Financing window on inter-local cooperation building on the development of the financing window on inter-local cooperation Project/Activity: Mainstreaming DRR/CCA in local governance To capacitate LGUs mainstream disaster 1. Technical Assistance to Provinces on the risk./vulnerability assessment in planning Preparation of Disaster Risk/Vulnerability and decision making Assessment Reports and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)/Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)-enhanced PDPFPs 46 draft Provincial DR/VA Reports 10 draft DRR/CCA-enhanced PDPFPs 2. 3. Reference Manual on Mainstreaming DRR/CCA in CLUPs Reference Manual pilot tested in one city (Surigao City) and 3 municipalities in Surigao del Norte (Claver, Bacuag and Gigaquit) Responsible Agency(ies) MDFO Period of Implementation and Project Status11 No funding MDFO has already presented a draft concept paper to the MDFO-Technical Review Committee. NEDARDCS/HLURB (co-financing under the Integrating DRR/CCA Project of UNDP-AusAID, and MDG-F Programme of UNDP-Spanish Government) All provinces are expected to have their DRR/CCA-enhanced PDPFPs by end of 2013. Reference manual and CLUPs are being finalized NEDA-RDCS (Integrating DRR/CCA Project funded by UNDPAusAID) 32 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Outcome Official Project Objectives10 Expected Outputs / Deliverables Responsible Agency(ies) Period of Implementation and Project Status11 Project/Activity: Strengthening the Local Governments institutional capacities on DRR/CCA To strengthen the institutional capacities of the local governments on Disaster Risk Reduction and their coordination mechanisms with DRR national institutions 1. Capacity building to strengthen the municipal capacities in matters of disaster risk reduction and response. 2. Capacity building to the local governments on the preparation of hazards maps, vulnerability assessment reports and DRR/ CCA municipal plans 3. Technical assistance to the provinces and national agencies to improve the intermunicipal coordination and with the regional and national DRR agencies/institutions DILG-LGA DRR (AECID) 2013 - 2014 Project/Activity: Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation through community driven development in Bicol Region To strengthen the capacities of rural communities and CSO on best practices for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reductionand Management 1. Capacity building to communities to strengthen the capacities in matters of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation 2. Preparation of Disaster Risk Reduction Plans DILG-LGA Region 5 (AECID) 2013 - 2014 33 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Outcome Official Project Objectives10 Expected Outputs / Deliverables Responsible Agency(ies) Period of Implementation and Project Status11 and strategies to include DRR in the communities rural development plans. Program 3. Strengthening and capacity building of the local management councils on DRR Project/Activity: Enhancing LGU Capacity on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Program The project aims to build the capacities of DILG-BLGD 2011-2013 Guidelines on DRR/CCA mainstreaming in the LGUs in addressing the impacts of (WB) local government system and procedures disaster and institutionalization of the Capacity-building to most vulnerable LGUs on framework and mainstreaming DRR/CCA mainstreaming DRR/CCA in CDPs in Local Government Systems and Enhanced LGU capacities to formulate Procedures DRRM/CCA compliant CDPs Project/Activities: Philippine Cities Climate Change Adaptation Project To enhance capacities on planning and Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment implementing projects for climate change, Mainstreamed into the LCCAP of 4 cities assessment, adaptation and disaster risk VAA/LCCAP mainstreamed into the CLUP and reduction CDP Cities with VAA Report DILG/HUDCC/D ENR/ OCD/NEDA (UN-Habitat) On-going Project/Activities: Inclusion of CCA and expanded coverage of Disaster Management Assistance Fund (DMAF) To encourage LGUs to avail of DMAF for Continuous orientation/workshop on LGUs to avail MDFO additional financing of DMAF Project/Activities: Green and Sustainable Urban Planning To capacitate three highly urbanized cities City climate profile (vulnerability and risk DILG 2013 (Santa Rosa, Laguna; Dagupan; General (AFD) assessment, GHG accounting, capacity Santos) in preparing strategic and action building assessment, air quality assessment) plans on climate change adaptation and 34 PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government CY 2013-2016 WORK PLAN Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Outcome Official Project Objectives10 disaster risk reduction Expected Outputs / Deliverables Responsible Agency(ies) Period of Implementation and Project Status11 Air quality management framework plan and DRRM Plan for Santa Rosa LCCAP for the two other cities Monitoring framework and Investment plan Mainstreaming above plans in CLUP and CDP for each cities Project/Activity: Water Security for Resilient Economic Growth and Stability (Be Secure) To improve water security for resilient ● Enhanced national stakeholders’ capacity in economic growth and stability in the developing and improving regional forecasting Philippines. ● Improved capacity of stakeholders in understanding of areas at risk to climateUnder the climate change adaptation related stresses component, Be Secure will specifically ● Improved capacity of stakeholders on climate increase resilience to climate-related water change and DRR inputs to planning at stress and hydrological extremes. provincial and municipal scales ● Increased capacity of water supply and waste water treatment service providers in DRR and CCA ● Risk-sensitive comprehensive land use plans and comprehensive development plans utilizing local hazards and vulnerability maps ● Increased recovery capability of stakeholders on the impacts of hydrological extreme events DPWH, DOST, DILG, selected Local Governments (USAID) July 2013-June 2017 35