‘Come and See’ Assessment Tasks for Spring 2015 Lent/Easter – Giving AT Focus :- AT 1 (iii) Please find below a range of tasks to facilitate the process of moderation within Primary Religious Education within AT 1 (iii). We have placed the task into the context of the ‘Giving – Lent/Easter’ topic, in the ‘Come and see’ programme. The tasks are based on actual activities within the Reveal section of Come and See and have been adapted to meet the focus of the strand AT1 (iii). They can be amended in accordance with the appropriate ‘driver’ word to facilitate all abilities within a given class e.g. a Level 3 task in Year 3 can be adjusted accordingly to cater for pupils working at Levels 1 or 2. You may also personalise it to your class/school. The commentary section provides clarity on what is required to achieve a specific level within a given task and you may choose to use this to substantiate the reasons for the level you award. We feel it is important that, as a class teacher, you are aware of the tasks set within other levels/year groups. This will provide you with a wider understanding as well as enabling you to cater for all of the pupils in your class, regardless of ability. Please take note of the key ‘driver’ words (bold text) within the tasks, as these serve not only to guide you and the pupils but also guide the very direction of the task itself. It is also important to remember that this task only serves as evidence to support the ‘best fit’ level of attainment achieved by the pupil each term. Finally, it is essential that in accommodating the needs of all pupils, provision is given to those whose literacy/writing skills may be below that of their peers. To this end, evidence of a pupil’s achievement can be recorded orally and annotated accordingly. This could, for example, take the form of a picture surrounded by suggestions / comments that the pupil has made. You may also wish to adapt the nature of the task to accommodate individual pupils’ needs whilst still retaining the appropriate AT focus. Early Years - Growing – Spring 2015 Working towards Level 1 AT1 iii Context During the unit of work ‘Growing, pupils explore Lent: ..a time to grow in love to be more like Jesus and to look forward to Easter’. Within Focus Week 2 the pupils learn about Good Friday and getting ready to celebrate Easter (Refer to Church’s Story 1 p.34 / Church’s Story 1 pp.42-43). Scribe onto ‘cut-out eggs’ ways in which the pupils have grown during Lent. Pupils can decorate these and hang on the Lenten tree. (Based on Reception Focus Week 2, page 134, Adult Directed Group Activity, Activity 6) (Refer to Background Notes) Learning Objectives To begin to recognise that people because of their religion act in a particular way. To recognise that people because of their religion act in a particular way. Commentary In being able to begin to recognise ways in which they have grown during Lent the pupil is working towards Level 1 AT 1 (iii) In being able to recognise ways in which they have grown during Lent the pupil is working at Level 1 AT 1 (iii) Year 1 - Change – Spring 2015 Level 1 AT1 iii (with the option of Level 2) Context During the unit of work ‘Change, pupils explore Lent: …a time to change in preparation for the celebration of Easter’. Within Learning Focus 3 the pupils learn about Lent as a special time when the family of Jesus think about making a new start. Having read/listened to God’s Story 2 (p.50) and discussed the two pictures, draw two columns; one for times when they haven’t behaved as Jesus would want them to and the second column; ways in which they can make a new start – this can be evidenced through words, pictures and/or annotated pictures. (Based on Learning Focus 3, page 135, Activity 2) In order to achieve Level 2 the pupil would need to describe some new starts made in Lent (the pupil working at Level 2 will describe the specific actions e.g. I will help my mum by keeping my room tidy) Learning Objectives To recognise that Christians act in a particular way because of their religion. To describe ways in which religion is lived out by believers Commentary This pupil has recognised ways in which new starts are made. This shows achievement at Level 1 AT1 (iii). To achieve Level 2 the pupil needs to describe some new starts made in Lent (Refer to Background Notes) Year 2 - Opportunities – Spring 2015 Level 2 AT1 iii (with the options of Levels 1 and 3) Context During the unit of work ‘Opportunities’, pupils explore Lent, the opportunity to turn towards what is good in preparation for Easter’. Within Learning Focus 4 the pupils learn about The story of Maundy Thursday. Invite the pupils to produce a simple poster/guide, (based on LF2 and 4) which illustrates and describes some of the ways in which Christians serve and do things for other people in Lent (Based on Learning Focus 4, page 136, Activity 2). Learning Objectives To describe ways in which we as Christians serve and do things for other people in Lent Commentary This pupil has described some of the ways in which Christians serve and do things for other people in Lent. This shows achievement at Level 2 AT1 (iii). To achieve Level 3 the pupil needs to give further reasons for the ways/actions they have described. In achieving Level 1, the pupil could choose from a bank of words and actions to show that they recognise how we serve and do things for other people in Lent. (Refer to Background Notes) Year 3 – Giving all – Spring 2015 Level 2 AT1 iii (with a Level 3 option) Context During the unit of work ‘Giving all’, pupils explore Lent, a time to remember Jesus’ total giving. Within Learning Focus 1 and 2 the pupils learn about the ways in which we can be giving during Lent. Following Learning Focus 3, invite the pupils to use Lenten signs and symbols to make a Lenten promise and design a plan about how they will achieve this (Based on Learning Focus 1, page 139 Activity 2) Invite the pupils to give reasons for their actions. (Level 3) Learning Objectives To describe some ways in which religious belief is ‘lived out’ To give reasons for the above actions (accommodating Level 3) Commentary This pupil has described some of the ways in which religious belief is ‘lived out’. This shows achievement at Level 2 AT1 (iii) To achieve Level 3, the pupil would give reasons for these actions. (Different reasons, specific to the season of Lent – refer to Teacher Input LF1, 2 and 3). (Refer to Background Notes) Year 4 – Self discipline – Spring 2015 Level 3 AT1 iii (with options of Levels 2) Context During the unit of work ‘Self discipline’ the pupils explore Celebrating growth to new life through self discipline. Within Learning Focus 3 pupils learn about Living in God’s way. Invite the pupils to design an information sheet (which could take the form of a table or series of paragraphs) which outlines what Christians can learn about self-giving from what Jesus said (Based on Luke 6:27-28, 32-36, Learning Focus 3 p149 – refer to Scripture Notes on the Come and See Website) giving reasons for their actions. Include ways in which we can live out this message at school, at home and with our friends. (Based on Learning Focus 3, page 149, Activity 2). Learning Objectives To give reasons for the actions of Christians because of their belief in self-giving. Commentary This pupil should be able to (through writing, pictures and symbols) give reasons for the different actions of Christians because of their belief in selfgiving. This shows achievement at Level 3 AT1 (iii) In achieving Level 2, the pupil would be required to describe some of the ways in which belief in self-giving is lived out. (Refer to Background Notes) Year 5 - Sacrifice – Spring 2015 Level 3 AT1 iii (with option of Level 4) Context During the unit of work ‘Sacrifice’, pupils have been learning about Lent, a time of giving in preparation for the celebration of the sacrifice of Jesus. Within Learning Focus 1 the pupils learn about; Lent – the opportunity to grow spiritually. Using Church’s Story 3 (pages 96 and 98) and the Background notes design a guide/leaflet/information sheet entitled ‘Why Lent is important to Christians’, outlining what we do during Lent, why we do this and why it is an important time for Christians. (Based on Learning Focus 1 page 143, Activity 1). Learning Objectives To give reasons for the actions of Christians because of their belief in the Easter story. Commentary This pupil is aware of the actions of Christians during Lent and the reasons for these. This pupil is working at Level 3 in AT1 (iii). To achieve a Level 4 the pupil would display an understanding of a greater range of sources (hymns, scripture, prayers, ritual) and to the lives of people whose life has been shaped by their belief in sacrifice (e.g. Oscar Romero, Mother Theresa) (Refer to Background Notes). Year 6 – Death & new life – Spring 2015 Level 4 AT1 iii (with Levels 3) Context During the unit of work ‘Death & new life’, pupils’ have been learning about The Church’s seasons of Lent, Holy week and Easter; the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus led to new life. Using Church’s Story 3 (pages 96 and 98) and the Background notes design a guide/leaflet/information sheet entitled ‘Lent: a time to die in order to live new life’. (Based on Learning Focus 1 page 157/58 adapted from Activity 1). The pupil would draw upon a range of sources including scripture, hymns, prayers, ritual and the lives of Christians whose lives are shaped by this belief. Learning objective To show an understanding of how Christian belief shapes lives Commentary This pupil shows understanding of a range of sources including scripture, hymns, prayers, ritual and the lives of Christians whose lives are shaped by this belief. This pupil is working at Level 4 in AT1 (iii). A pupil working at Level 3 task would focus on giving reasons for the actions of believers. (Refer to Background Notes).