Yearly Overview – Year Three Colour code - Topic based units Term Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Topic Mayans Science Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Festivals Journeys through different worlds Life is a Stage Myths and Legends Revolutionary Romans Plants (Local study) Light Animals including humans Forces and magnets Art & design Looking at the mask of Lord Pakal. Designing and making Mayan masks Researching and creating rangoli patterns. Creating shadow puppets to tell the story of Rama and Sita Design and build a home/ shelter and mode of transport for Charlie Small Researching and creating Ancient Greek Masks Sketching and printing mythical creatures Artist study – Paul Klee Recreating mosaic patterns and architectural drawings Computing Swimming Swimming Authoring e-Safety Digital research Paul Klee Keeping informed Database Veg and Plants Turtles and games Scratch Using 3D nets to create models of Mayan temples. Designing and making Mayan masks Locating Ancient Maya on a map. Exploring rainforests in Central and South America Designing, creating and evaluating clay Diva lamps. Cooking and sampling foods from around the world Designing, creating and evaluating Charlie Small puppets Exploring and creating masks and costumes Creating mythical creatures Locating different countries and continents on a map and exploring which festivals are celebrated in certain countries Create a 2D/ 3D map to reflect environments and journeys Exploring how theatres are used in different countries Mapping different countries where famous myths and legends come from Mapping the expansion of the Roman Empire through Europe, Africa and into Britain Local history study based on the Romans. Researching Ancient Roman beliefs, leisure and lifestyle. Reflecting on the impact the Romans had on our lives Frenchclassroom instructions Design & technology Geography Spring 1 Stand-alone units Rocks Designing and making Roman shields. Making Ancient Roman bread History Exploring the everyday lives of the Mayans. Creating a timeline of events for Mayan civilisation. Comparing the lifestyles of Modern and Ancient Mayans Exploring Ancient Hindu tales. Creating an annual timeline of festivals throughout the year Exploring multicultural and historical stories Comparing the history of British theatres and Ancient Greek Theatres Exploring the dates that different myths were created and plotting them on a timeline Languages FrenchNumbers FrenchColours FrenchDays and Months Frenchgreetings Frenchweather RE Stories about key religious figures- Islam Festivals – Diwali, Eid, Hanukkah PSHE Our Happy School (New Beginnings) E-safety / Out and About (Getting On & Falling Out / Say No to Bullying) Music Mayan music and tribal dances Exploring and performing Hindu music PE Swimming Swimming Events in Jesus’ life Looking Forward (Going for Goals) Islam My Friends and Family (Relationships) E-safety Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds (Good to be Me) Ready, Steady, Go (Changes) Composing music to accompany Charlie Small puppet show Carnival of the animals Recorders Recorders Gym Maypole Dancing Rounders Athletics/Cricket