Data Sources IEP Participation in Assessment IEP Participation in Assessment IEP PLOP (Present Levels of Performance), MSP or WAAS Questions Assessment Which state assessment did the student take? What accommodations were provided for the student in the state assessment? What was the student’s score? ESD Support Principle 2, 5 2, 5 2, 5 How many years has the student failed to achieve 2, 5 the standard? DIBELS, easyCBM, Does the student participate in universal 2, 5 AimsWeb, MAP or other assessment screening or progress monitoring? -What does the universal assessment indicate? 2, 5 Services, Least Restrictive Environment, Specially Designed Instruction, Progress Monitoring IEP Summary of Services What services, amount, frequency, and location 2 or Service Matrix report are specified? Teacher and service -Are services being delivered as specified? 2 provider report, records IEP, teacher report What is the student’s specially designed 2 instruction? IEP Summary of Services Who delivers the student’s specially designed 2 or Service Matrix instruction? IEP Goals Are the measureable annual goals rigorous enough to enable the student to achieve the state 2, 5 standard? IEP Goals -What is the system for monitoring progress 2, 5 toward the goals? IEP, other progress -What evidence is there that the student is 2, 5 monitoring progressing? IEP Does the student have a behavior intervention 2 plan (BIP)? IEP, other progress - Is there evidence that the plan is working? 2, 5 monitoring IEP PLOP - Is the BIP based on a functional behavior 2 assessment? IEP Program If support is indicated, is it being implemented? Modifications or Support 2 for School Personnel LRE – Least Restrictive Environment In general ed. setting 80 to 100% of the time IEP In general ed. setting 40 to 79% of the time CEDARS LRE Code (01, 2 In general ed. setting 0 to 39% of the time 02, 03, 10, 11) In separate day school (public or private) Residential facility (public or private) Correctional facility Homebound/hospital Home-school/parentally-placed private school IEP General Ed IEP Accommodations/ Modifications IEP Goals, teacher report Attendance records, IEP PLOP Office discipline records, IEP PLOP Transcript MSP WAAS, Prepare a list SPP, Indicator 5A-C Title II HQ District records or report District records or report District records or report District records or report District records or report District records or report What are the areas in which the student participates in the core curriculum? -Are the accommodations specified used on a regular basis, as specified in the IEP? Are the standards considered in the design of the IEP? Student Availability for Instruction How many days was the student absent in the previous year? Has the student missed instructional time due to office discipline referrals or suspension? If so, how much? How many years has the student attended this school? District? District or School Level What number and percent of students with disabilities did not meet standard in each area? What was the range of scores? What students did not meet the standard in Reading? In math? What assessment did each student take? What accommodations (if any) were used? What cells does each student’s score affect? What is the district compliance level on LRE? Did the district meet the state targets? Are special education teachers highly qualified in the areas they teach? Is the core curriculum evidence-based or researchbased? Is the core curriculum aligned to the standards? Are tiered interventions evidence-based or researchbased? Are interventions aligned to the standards? Do special education teachers receive professional development on the standards and on the general curriculum in reading and math? Do special education teachers receive professional development on their additional curriculum tools and 2 2 2 2 2 2 2, 5 2, 5 2, 5 2, 5 2, 5 2, 5 2, 5 2 2 2 2 2 2, 4 2, 4 District records or report District records or report District records or report strategies? If paraprofessionals are delivering instruction, have they been adequately trained in the curriculum and strategies needed? Do special education teachers participate in grade level meetings or other PLCs? Are special education teachers involved in school improvement planning? 2, 4 2, 4, 5 2, 4, 5 Question: What reports do the different IEP software programs (GoalView, IEP On-line, Ecom, SEAS) have that answer some of these questions on a school or district level? Additional considerations for systems level: Academic Intervention System Universal screening of student achievement is conducted periodically during the year to identify students at risk academically. Interventions of increasing intensity are available for students according to need. Interventions are research-based or evidence-based. Students who are at-risk are monitored frequently for progress. Student decisions are based on data. Interventions are delivered with fidelity. Interventions are examined for efficacy, based on fidelity and student progress. Positive Behavior Intervention System Well-defined school-wide behavior expectations are agreed upon by staff, and are taught to students. A system is in place to acknowledge/reward positive school-wide behavior. Clearly defined and consistent consequences and procedures for undesirable behaviors are developed and agreed upon by staff. Tiered interventions are defined and are implemented as needed. A data system is in place to monitor office discipline referrals that come from classrooms. Discipline data are gathered, examined frequently by a leadership team, summarized and reported to faculty at least quarterly.