Carter Hubert 1/29/2016 Contemporary Science Ancient Babylonian Calculus Discovered Ancient Babylon was a Mesopotamian civilization, which revolutionized the world with Hammurabi’s code of laws (circa 1754BC) and massive architectural achievements such as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Babylon also invented a preNewtonian version of calculus according to German astroarcheologist Mathieu Ossendrijver. According to his findings, a recently discovered stone tablet containing writing which allowed the mathematicians of the time to orbit of Jupiter, a planet which they worshiped. According to, Ossendrijver worked from 2002 to 2008 on discovering the meaning of these tablets. Some of the tablets were in a British museum; others needed to be discovered out in the field. His recent discovery of their knowledge of the orbit of Jupiter makes us look at Babylon differently than we had previously. The recently undiscovered tablet that Ossendrjver worked with was created between the years of 350 and 50BC. This means that these tablets were constructed around the decline of the New Kingdom of Babylon. I am interested in how Ossendrijver was able to determine the age of the tablets despite the tablets being inorganic objects. I also wonder why that until recently, this had not been documented by any other civilization in the area that the Babylonians had discovered an accurate projection of the orbit of Jupiter with no telescopes or computers. Overall, I find this fascinating as it bridges ancient history with modern times through the use of innovative technology.