EdReNe Seminar – Oct. 26-27 2011 EduTablettes R&D project on the uses of tablets in K-12 education Mônica Macedo-Rouet Jean-Michel Perron Agence nationale des usages des TICE CNDP Tablets A new and emergent technology. A growing market : 17 millions in 2010 >>> 69 millions in 2011 (Gartner Consulting 11) ; 30 tab >>>> 100 under dev 2011 Little is known about its uses in K-12 education… What the research says First classroom experiments in France : 2010-11. National initiatives (French MoE website) Example http://www.cndp.fr/agence-usages-tice/temoignages/utilisation-detablettes-tactiles-en-primaire-1184.htm EduTablettes project EduPad – CNDP/CDDP – CG 19 – Cité des savoirs Sept 2012 Sept 2013 EduTablettes Development and use of applications : iTooch Curriculum compatible, 6th-9th grades, French, English, Math, History, Geography, Biology Project goals 1 Test new models of content generation (user generated). Introduce changes in the production, diffusion and marketing of educational contents. Project goals 2 Determine the impact of the uses of tablets and drill activities in the context of a virtuous circle involving students, teachers and parents via social networking or other modes of interrelation. Project goals 3 Gain a better understanding of users’ (pupils) behavior and determine the factors that influence efficient use, in the classroom as well as outside school. Expected results Gain insight on the actual uses of tablets in education Develop meaningful educational applications for tablets Gain expertise in R&D projects involving partners from different backgrounds Build up new publishing models in education