Scoring Guide/Rubric for EDR 624.625 Common Course Assessment: Literacy Plan Elements 5.1 5.2 5.3 Candidates design the physical environment to optimize students’ use of traditional print, digital, and online resources in reading and writing instruction. Candidates design a social environment that is low risk and includes choice, motivation, and scaffolded support to optimize students’ opportunities for learning to read and write. Candidates use routines to support reading and writing instruction (e.g., time allocation, transitions from one activity to another, discussions, and peer feedback). Distinguished Proficient Progressing Unsatisfactory (3) (2) (1) (0) Candidate demonstrated a high level of skill in creatively arranging instructional areas to provide easy access to books and other instructional materials for a variety of individual, smallgroup, and whole-class activities and skillfully supported teachers in doing the same. Candidate arranged instructional areas to provide easy access to books and other instructional materials for a variety of individual, smallgroup, and whole-class activities and supported teachers in doing the same. Candidate attempted to arrange instructional areas to provide easy access to books and other instructional materials for a variety of individual, small-group, and whole-class activities and attempted to support teachers in doing the same. Candidate was unable to arrange instructional areas to provide easy access to books and other instructional materials for a variety of individual, small-group, and whole-class activities and was unable to support teachers in doing the same. Candidate demonstrated a high level of skill in modifying the arrangements to accommodate students’ changing needs. Candidate modified the arrangements to accommodate students’ changing needs. Candidate showed little skill in modifying the arrangements to accommodate students’ changing needs. Candidate did not modify the arrangements to accommodate students’ changing needs. Candidate created highly supportive social environments for all students, especially those who struggle with reading and writing. Candidate created supportive social environments for all students, especially those who struggle with reading and writing. Candidate created supportive social environments for some students. Candidate did not create supportive social environments for students. Candidate demonstrated a high level of skill in modeling for and supporting teachers and other professionals in doing the same for all students. Candidate modeled for and supported teachers and other professionals in doing the same for all students. Candidate showed little skill in modeling for and supporting teachers and other professionals in doing the same for all students. Candidate did not model for and did not support teachers and other professionals in doing the same for all students. Candidate demonstrated strong understanding of the role of routines in creating and maintaining positive learning environments for reading and writing instruction using traditional print, digital, and online resources. Candidate demonstrated understanding of the role of routines in creating and maintaining positive learning environments for reading and writing instruction using traditional print, digital, and online resources. Candidate demonstrated some understanding of the role of routines in creating and maintaining positive learning environments for reading and writing instruction using traditional print, digital, and online resources. Candidate did not demonstrate understanding of the role of routines in creating and maintaining positive learning environments for reading and writing instruction using traditional print, digital, and online resources. Elements 5.3 5.4 Candidates use routines to support reading and writing instruction (e.g., time allocation, transitions from one activity to another, discussions, and peer feedback). Candidates use a variety of classroom configurations (i.e., whole class, small group, and individual) to differentiate instruction. Distinguished Proficient Progressing Unsatisfactory (3) (2) (1) (0) Candidate created highly effective routines for all students, especially those who struggle with reading and writing. Candidate created effective routines for all students, especially those who struggle with reading and writing. Candidate created effective routines for some students. Candidate did not create effective routines for students. Candidate provided highly effective support for teachers in doing the same for all readers. Candidate supported teachers in doing the same for all readers. Candidate provided some support for teachers in doing the same for some readers. Candidate did not support teachers in doing the same for readers. Candidate was highly effective in using evidencebased grouping practices to meet the needs of all students, especially those who struggle with reading and writing. Candidate used evidencebased grouping practices to meet the needs of all students, especially those who struggle with reading and writing. Candidate was somewhat effective in using evidence-based grouping practices to meet the needs of all students. Candidate did not use evidence-based grouping practices to meet the needs of students. Candidate provided some support for teachers in doing the same for students. Candidate did not demonstrate support for teachers in doing the same for all students. Candidate provided highly effective support for teachers in doing the same for all students. Candidate supported teachers in doing the same for all students. 2.3 4.2 Candidates use a wide range of texts (e.g., narrative, expository, and poetry) from traditional print, digital, and online resources. Candidates use a literacy curriculum and engage in instructional practices that positively impact students’ knowledge, beliefs, and engagement with the features of diversity. Candidate demonstrated a high level of knowledge of and a strong critical stance toward a wide variety of quality traditional print, digital, and online resources. Candidate demonstrated knowledge of and a critical stance toward a wide variety of quality traditional print, digital, and online resources. Candidate provided highly effective support to classroom teachers in building and using a quality, accessible classroom library and materials collection that meets the specific needs and abilities of all learners. Candidate supported classroom teachers in building and using a quality, accessible classroom library and materials collection that meets the specific needs and abilities of all learners. Candidate demonstrated some knowledge of a wide variety of quality traditional print, digital, and online resources. Candidate provided some support to classroom teachers in building and using a quality, accessible classroom library and materials collection that meets the specific needs and abilities of all learners. Candidate did not demonstrate knowledge of a wide variety of quality traditional print, digital, and online resources. Candidate did not support classroom teachers in building and using a quality, accessible classroom library and materials collection that meets the specific needs and abilities of learners. Candidate provided effective ideas for differentiated instruction and instructional materials, including traditional print, digital, and online resources, that capitalize on diversity Candidate provided ideas for differentiated instruction and instructional materials, including traditional print, digital, and online resources, that capitalize on diversity Candidate attempted to provide ideas for differentiated instruction and instructional materials, including traditional print, digital, and online resources, that capitalize on diversity Candidate did not provide ideas for differentiated instruction and instructional materials, including traditional print, digital, and online resources, that capitalize on diversity Candidate effectively supported classroom teachers in providing differentiated instruction and developing students as agents of their own literacy learning Candidate supported classroom teachers in providing differentiated instruction and developing students as agents of their own literacy learning Candidate attempted to support classroom teachers in providing differentiated instruction and developing students as agents of their own literacy learning Candidate did not support classroom teachers in providing differentiated instruction and developing students as agents of their own literacy learning