Quiz Fahrenheit 451: “Burning Bright”

Quiz Fahrenheit 451: “Burning Bright”
Part I. Short Answer Questions: Answer the following questions completely.
(1) 1. What does Montag do to the Black family?
(1) 2. Why does Montag tell Faber to burn the bed spread and the chair in Faber’s house?
(1) 3. What does Montag watch on the parlor walls as he runs from Faber’s house?
(1) 4. What do the police suggest everyone do at the same time?
(1) 5. As he leaves the river, what was looking at Montag through the bushes?
(1) 6. What is the colorless fluid in the small bottle supposed to do?
(1) 7. Why is the chase still going on if the police have lost Montag?
(1) 8. Why do the men at the fire carry books in their heads instead of their hands?
(2) 9. Who led the group of men back to the city? Why?
(2) 10. What do the men say they plan to build first upon returning to the city? Why?
Total ____/ 20
(10 POINTS) Part II. Choose one (1) of the following and discuss the item in a cohesive response on the
following page(s) using three specific references to the novel throughout the response.
1. Beatty suggests that mindless entertainment can weaken or destroy the mind. Is
there evidence of this? Discuss the effects of different forms of entertainment on our
ability to think, learn and comprehend.
2. Are there any circumstances where censorship might play a beneficial role in society?
Are there some books / media that should be banned?
3. Does the violence prevalent in the futuristic world of this novel comment in any way
on our own society? Do we, in a way, love violence as well? Is there anything wrong
with that? What’s healthy and what’s not?
4. Explain the symbolism of the salamander, phoenix, and dragon in the novel as it
pertains to plot development and character evolution.
5. Montag comes to learn that "firemen are rarely necessary" because "the public itself
stopped reading of its own accord." Bradbury wrote his novel in 1953: To what extent
has his prophecy come true today?
6. Explain whether technology advancements in our society are positive or negative in
relation to education, socialization and production.
7. Consider the titles of each of the three sections of the novel: The Hearth and the
Salamander, The Sieve and the Sand, and Burning Bright. How do each of the titles
of these sections relate to Bradbury’s message? What do they represent?