Hidden Oaks Association, Inc. Rockport, Texas 78382 Board Meeting October 16, 2013 Members Present: Maurice Sutton, President Paul Kuehlem, Vice President Phyllis Holcomb, Property Manager Susan Borders Wanda Simmons Guests: Sandy Swanson, Webmaster Eric Scott, co-owner, unit 113 Shelly Dominguez, co-owner, unit 113 The meeting was called to order by Maurice Sutton, Board President, at 5:30 p.m. It was determined that a quorum was present. The meeting agenda was handed out to those present. Susan Borders made a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meetings of June 22, 2013, and September 18, 2013. Paul Kuehlem seconded the motion. The motion carried. The Scott family, co-owners of unit 113, had requested to address the Board concerning repairs to unit 113. Before the family was invited to the meeting, Maurice Sutton and Phyllis Holcomb presented additional background about the issue to the other Board members. Phyllis Holcomb stated that, to date, the Association had, in accordance with Article III, Sections 3.8 through 3.11, spent $13,075 to repair the exterior of the unit and the studs and structural beams. Shelly Dominguez and Eric Scott, representing the Scott family, read a certified letter requesting the Association to do the following: Pay all costs for exterior and interior repairs to unit 113. Change the wording of the fourth bulleted item of the Old Business portion of the minutes of the May 2, 2013, meeting to omit the phrase “The case is going to an attorney.” Pay GEO for the mold assessment report regarding unit 113. The assessment had been requested by family, Jesse Scott, III, et al. After the presentation, Shelly Dominguez and Eric Scott left the meeting. The Board then discussed and deliberated the Scott family’s request. The following actions were taken: Since the Association had completed its share of the repairs to unit 113 as required in the Declaration and By-Laws, it was not responsible for any further repairs. The Board voted to amend the May 2, 2013, meeting minutes, as requested by the current owners of unit 113. The Board declined to pay for the mold assessment report. A letter will be sent to the Scott family in care of Jesse Scott, III, stating the Board’s determinations. -1- Old Business: The current budget was presented for review, and it was determined that there is sufficient cash to repay the emergency fund in increments over the next three months. New Business: As had been requested, Phyllis Holcomb, Property Manager, reported on the following matters: o Additional roof repairs needed for units 104, 214, and 241; and window leak repairs in 122 and 114. o Leaky outside faucets in units 120 and 138. o Stucco repair to the backs of units 113, 114, and 214. o Investigating odor and yellowing ceiling in the interior coat closet of unit 145. o Investigating electrical shorts in lights in the pool and at the front entrance. This is a safety concern. Sandy Swanson, Webmaster, encouraged home owners to visit the Association’s web site, which presents reminders about matters relating to common areas discussed in the Declaration and By-Laws, such as assigned parking, garages, pets, trash disposal, offensive noise, appearance of patios, etc. The board determined to postpone window and door installations indefinitely. The next Board meeting will be held on January 16, 2014. Paul Kuehlem made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Wanda Simmons. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30. Respectively submitted, Phyllis Holcomb -2-