Outdoor Air Pollutants Pollutant Carbon Monoxide Sources Human Health Effects Environmental Effects Clean up/Control Exhaust emissions Power stations Gas appliances Cigarette smoke Prevents transport of oxygen in the blood stream causing asphyxiation Forms ground level ozone Regulation of car emissions Lead Lead gasoline Exhaust emissions Metal processing Neurological impairment (retardation and behavioral disorders common) Kidney, heart and liver problems Deposited on plants and in the soil disrupting plant growth and food chains Regulation of industrial waste Increased pH of soil Inspection of homes Nitrogen Oxides Fossil fuel combustion Wastewater management Industrial processes Agriculture Respiratory effects Creation of particulates and ground level ozone Reduction of fertilizer use Reduction of transportation Reduction of fossil fuel use Particulate Matter Industrial and domestic dust and ash Volcanic eruptions Forest fires Respiratory effects Cardiovascular effects Reduced visibility Increased acidity of water Soil depletion and crop damage Reduce combustion and emissions from industrial processes Ozone Exhaust emissions Industrial emissions Photochemical reactions Respiratory effects Cardiovascular effects Possible nerve damage and reproductive system damage Damage to plants Changes in UV radiation Reduction of emissions Reduction of chemical reactants in ozone reactions Sulfur Oxides Industrial processes Fossil fuel combustion Exhaust emissions Respiratory effects Acid rain Soil and water acidification Increased particulate that become a part of smog Emission regulations VOC Industrial processes Exhaust emissions Chemical solvents Carcinogenic Respiratory effects Liver, kidney, and nerve damage Soil and water deposition Damage to food chains and webs Emission and chemical regulationsf Neurological damage from chronic exposure Legislative restrictions Damage to plants Indoor Air Pollutants Pollutant Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Sources Human Health Effects Clean up/Control Cigarette smoke Tobacco fires Respiratory effects Lung cancer Liver cancer Cardiovascular effects Stop smoking Regulation of public smoking Ventilation and regular cleaning of fabrics and upholstery Carbon Monoxide Gas appliances Cigarette smoke Respiratory effects Lung cancer Neurological damage Detectors Ventilation Radon Soil and rock containing uranium Granite countertops Leaking pipes through a slab foundation or basement Respiratory effects Lung cancer Detectors Ventilation Asbestos Insulation Building materials (popcorn ceilings, roof tiles, floor tiles, etc.) Fire retardant materials Respiratory effects Lung cancer Removal of all asbestos from building materials Regulation of construction materials Formaldehyde Construction material New furniture and flooring Eye, nose and throat irritation Respiratory effects Cancer risk Inspection and chemical tests