From Assessment into Action Final_2

Program Proposal Draft
CJCLS Program Proposal for ALA Annual Conference 2015
Section 1: ACRL Unit Information
Section 2: Program Proposal
Program Title
From Assessment into Action: Building on existing student information-seeking
behaviors to increase information literacy among community college students.
Brief Narrative Description
In any community college class, “digital natives” and “digital immigrants” are
present. Both groups will have different approaches to finding information.
Information literacy one-shots may present a single approach based on how
librarians think students should find and evaluate information. However this
myopic approach does not take into account students’ existing informationseeking behaviors. This program explores how assessment of students’ actual
research processes can provide a strong foundation for information literacy
instruction and skill-building.
How program content is relevant to academic libraries and librarianship
For many academic librarians, information literacy instruction constitutes the
majority of their workload. Information literacy is vital to educational success and
essential to lifelong learning. Designing effective information literacy instruction
and assessing its effectiveness is important to assure that students are developing
information literacy skills. Moreover, in today’s climate of rigorous
accountability, the library must show how its instructional program influences
student success and completion.
Section 3: Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
 Understand common information-seeking behaviors in college students, both for
school assignments and for personal interest.
 Obtain practical approaches to assessing student information-seeking behaviors
that can be used in attendees’ own information literacy instruction programs.
 Understand how to build on existing student information-seeking behaviors in
information literacy instruction in order to create a strong foundation for
improved skills in seeking and evaluating information.
How the program addresses the ACRL Plan for Excellence
This program addresses the following goals of the ACRL Plan for Excellence.
 Value of Academic Libraries: Develop and deliver responsive professional
development programs that build the skills and capacity for leadership and local
data-informed and evidence-based advocacy.
 Student Learning: Identify innovative practices in learning environments and
instruction that enable academic librarians to transform learning. Increase
understanding of new models of information fluency as pedagogy evolves.
Can the program be reused?
Yes Should we just say yes or offer a specific format that might work best?
Program format: Panel
If other format, please explain
In total, how many speakers will present at the program?
2-4 professional two-year college librarians
Expected size of audience
25-30 Probably a bit smaller than Culture of Assessment
1st choice date, Saturday
1st choice time midmorning or afternoon so as not to compete with Culture of
Assessment on the off chance both are accepted?
2nd choice date Monday
2nd choice time midmorning or afternoon so as not to compete with Culture of
Assessment on the off chance both are accepted?
Restrictions—can’t be scheduled against
Sunday morning CJCLS committee meetings
Will there be a poster session? No