Course description

Staff Member Responsible for the course: Prof. Minkina Tatiana Mikhailovna,
full professor of Soil Science and Estimation of Land resources Academy of
biology of the Southern Federal University. Her principal research and teaching
interests lie in the area of Soil science, Soil chemistry, Environmental chemistry.
1. Education program containing the discipline
The discipline "Chemical Pollution of Soils" is held within the framework of
the higher education program "Soil Science", specialty 06.03.02 "Soil Science",
bachelor degree.
2. Total labor content
The total labor content of discipline mastering consists of 3 college units,
108 hours. The discipline program includes lectures (9 hours), practicums (46
hours), and unsupervised works (54 hours).
3. Position of the discipline in the structure of education program
"Chemical Pollution of Soils" is a basic component of the block of
disciplines. It expands and supplements knowledge and skill acquired in the study
of such disciplines as "Inorganic Chemistry", "Organic Chemistry", "Physical and
Colloidal Chemistry" "Ecology", "Soil Science", and "Soil Chemistry".
4. Aim of the discipline
The study of the chemical Pollution of soils and its environmental
implications for the current biosphere.
5. Requirements to the results of discipline mastering
In compliance with the Federal State Standard of Higher Education in
specialty 06.03.02 Soil Science (bachelor degree), the discipline is aimed at
developing the following competencies:
- ability of self-organization and self-education (OK-7);
- knowledge of the basic theory of soil development and rational use;
capacity of operating modern instruments and equipment in field and laboratory
research in the areas of soil science, land reclamation, physics, chemistry,
geography, biology, ecology, soil erosion, agrochemistry and agrophysics, soillandscape design, soil radiology, and the protection and rational use of soils (PK1);
- willingness to use specialized knowledge in soil science on the basis of
mastering the vocation-related disciplines within the bachelor-degree program
In the result of program mastering, the student should know the main
processes and reactions occurring in the soil under chemical pollution, the main
types of the chemical pollution of soils, the features of soil functioning and the
environmental implications of different types of Pollution, methods for the control
and regulation of chemical pollution, and the main methods for the remediation of
polluted soils;
be able to organize and implement research aimed at assessing the character
and degree of the technogenic pollution of soils and select the most suitable
methods for the analysis, processing, and presentation of information; and
master methods for the calculation of quantitative parameters of the level
and type of chemical Pollution and the buffer capacity of soils with respect to
heavy metals, as well as for their assessment.
6. Discipline content
The discipline "Chemical Pollution of Soils" is based on the module
principle with the separation of four main modules.
Section 1. Problem of chemical Pollution in the current ecology.
Essential natural and anthropogenic sources of the chemical Pollution of the
biosphere. Forms, types, and kinds of pollution. Contaminants (pollutants). The
main groups of pollutants. Priority pollutants. Routes of pollutants into the soil.
Section 2. Pollution of soils with inorganic pollutants. Pollution of soils
with acid-forming compounds. The main sources of acid-forming compounds in
the soil. Interaction of acid deposition components with soils. Migration and
transformation of pollutants in the soil. Buffer capacity of soils and their ability to
neutralize acids.
Pollution of soils with heavy metals. Heavy metals as environmental
pollutants. Sources of heavy metals in the soil. Reactions of heavy metals with soil
components. Transformation of metal oxides to soluble hydroxides, carbonates,
and hydrocarbonates. Adsorption of metal ions at the ion-exchange sites of soil
particles. Formation of low-mobile complex compounds with organic substances in
the soil. Formation of metal chelates in the soil.
Application of fertilizers and the Pollution of soils. Negative consequences
of the application of mineral fertilizers. Classification of fertilizers. Imperfection of
technologies for the storage and application of fertilizers. Violations of agricultural
technologies in crop rotation. Inadequacy of the quality and properties of mineral
fertilizers. Use of urban and municipal waste products as fertilizers.
Transformation of fertilizers in soils. Methods of fertilizer application.
Section 3. Pollution of soils with organic pollutants. Pollution of soils
with pesticides. Classification and functions of pesticides. Input of pesticides into
the soil. Accumulation and migration of pesticides in the soil. Transformation of
pesticides in the soil. International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of
Pesticides. Principles of pesticide control. Limitations of pesticide application.
Current state of pesticide application. Protection of the environment from Pollution
with pesticides.
Mineral oil as a pollutant. Oil carbohydrates. Sources of soil pollution with
oil products. Effect of oil on the biochemical parameters of soil. Responses of
mesofauna and microorganisms. Methods to control pollution with oil products.
Pollution of soils with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and dioxins.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the soil. Toxicity of hydrocarbons. Sources of
their input into the soil. Regulation of the content of aromatic hydrocarbons in
soils. Use of chemicals and other products containing dioxins as impurities.
Migration of dioxins in the environment and in the soil. Elimination, burial, and
transformation of dioxin-containing waste. Methods for the analysis and
quantification of dioxins in the soil.
Section 4. Regulation of soil Pollution. Conservation of soils and their
protection from chemical Pollution. System of soil state parameters for
monitoring chemical Pollution. Regulation of soil pollution. Concept of monitoring
and its objectives and tasks. Principles and stages of environmental regulation.
Soil-chemical monitoring.
Preservation of soils and their restoration from chemical pollution. Main
approaches to assessing the level of chemical pollution of soils. Principles of the
sanitary-hygienic regulation of chemical pollution. Development of standards for
the chemical pollution of soils. Problem of MPC and PPC. Detoxification of heavy
metals in the soil: mechanical, chemical, and agrotechnical methods.
7. Main education technologies
Teaching of the discipline involves the following forms of education process
organization: point-rating system of knowledge evaluation with routine control,
midterm control, interactive lectures, unsupervised work, tests, projects, and
8. Forms of control
The program of the discipline includes the following scope of testing:
routine performance control in the form of tests and presentations, midterm control
in the form of tests, and intermediate control in the form of assessments.
EXCELLENT - outstanding performance with only minor
VERY GOOD - above the average standard but with some
GOOD - generally sound work with a number of notable
SATISFACTORY- fair but with significant shortcomings
SUFFICIENT - performance meets the minimum criteria
FAIL - some more work required before the credit can be
FAIL - considerable further work is required
Motuzva G.V., Bezuglova O.S. Environmental Monitoring of Soils.
Moscow: Akademicheskii Proekt; Gaudeamus, 2007.
Minkina T.M. Heavy Metals in Soils. Textbook. Rostov-on-Don: UPL
YuFU, 2009, 47 p.
Sadovnikova L.K., Orlov D.S., Lozanovskaya I.N. Ecology and
Environmental Protection in Case of Chemical Pollution. Textbook. Moscow:
Visshaya Shkola, 2006.
Minkina T.M., Motuzova G.V., Nazarenko O.G. Composition of Heavy
Metal Compounds in Soils. Rostov-on-Don: Everest, 2009. 208 p.
Dobrovolskii G.V., Grishina L.A. Soil Conservation. Moscow: Izd. MGU,
Orlov D.S., Malinina M.S., Motuzova G.V. et al. Chemical Pollution of
Soils and Their Protection. Moscow: Izd. MGU, 1991.