NURP 111 Pharmacology II Assignments 2 Group Discussion Project Fall 2009 Pharmacology II Semester Project Due: TBA Assignment: This project must be accomplished in groups. Groups will be formed by the instructor and at the instructor’s discretion. Once your group is formed, you will be provided a topic for discussion held within a specific week by the instructor. Your group will then be required to facilitate [lead the rest of the class] in a discussion group covering the topic provided by the instructor. Once your group has been formed and the discussion topic/week has been provided, it is then the group’s responsibility to prepare material for their led discussion utilizing an advanced organizer. The advanced organizer will then be provided to the rest of the students at the beginning of the topic week by the instructor. Advanced Organizer: An Advanced Organizer is an outline of what is to be covered during the presentation week. It is a method by which the group presenting the material can clearly define the objectives, readings, questions, and summaries that will be included for the discussion topic. Each Advanced Organizer must be very clear and neat. It must include all of the following: o Title o Group members presenting the material o Objectives o Required Readings o Questions to be answered by the rest of the class o Summary of Key Content A template will be provided within Blackboard for the group to use as a guide. The Advanced Organizer must be created within Microsoft Word© for easy transition into the online format. Additional Requirements Each student must participate in this assignment. There must also be students from the group assigned to answer any questions or comments raised by other classmates. o This may be broken down however the group decides (e.g. 1 student answers questions on Monday; another answers on Tuesday, etc…) Discussion board facilitator must respond to questions no more than 48 hours following initial post. The complete list of materials must be provided to the instructor at least one week in advance. In other words, discussion boards typically begin on Monday. If the advanced organizer is not turned in by 8am on Monday the week prior to the presentation, it is considered late. o If the advanced organizer is not turned in at least one week in advance, the entire group will receive 10% off the final grade for every day it is late. The advanced organizer may be emailed to the instructor. It MUST include any websites, articles, or further references discussed in the presentation. An example of an Advanced Organizer (and grading criteria) can be found on subsequent pages. 3 Group Discussion Project Advanced Organizer Example Dinoprostone (Cervidil) as an alternative to Oxytocin for Labor Induction Group Members: Scott Snell, Ian Christopher, Jenni Payne, Brother Daryll, and other brother Daryll Objectives: 1. Read and understand the administration of dinoprostone to induce labor. 2. Describe the differences between dinoprostone and oxytocin in relation to induction of labor 3. Discuss the application of these medications with respect to the induction of labor in the discussion board forums of Pharmacology II. Required Readings: Textbook: Karch, A. (2008). Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (4th Ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (pp. 646-650) Journal Article: Tan, P., Valiapan, S., Tay, P., & Omar, S. (2007, July). Concurrent oxytocin with dinoprostone pessary versus dinoprostone pessary in labour induction of nulliparas with an unfavourable cervix: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 114(7), 824-832. Retrieved November 24, 2008, from CINAHL with Full Text database. Questions: Post an initial response to the following questions, then follow up at least two other responses from other classmates. What is your opinion of the use of labor induction methods? What new information did you learn from the journal article? (Provide specific pg. # and example) Summary of Key Content: Dinoprostone (Cervidil) is classified as an abortifacient. Abortofacients are drugs used to expel contents from the uterus by stimulating powerful uterine contractions. Purpose of medication o Initiate an abortion or expel uterine contents in cases of fetal death or missed abortions o Utilized to stimulate uterine contractions that help to efface and dilate the cervix in an attempt to stimulate induction of labor. o Stimulates cervical “ripening” before labor. The medication is administered as a 10mg intravaginal insert for inducing labor. Action: Stimulates they myometrium of the pregnant uterus to contract Pharmacokinetics: Metabolized in the liver, excreted in the urine Common Side Effects: Headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, leg cramps, joint swelling, weakness Serious Side Effects: Dysrhythmias, uterine rupture, anaphylaxis Contraindications: Allergy to dinoprostone, hepatic/cardiac disease, asthma, anemia, jaundice, diabetes mellitus, convulsive disorder, hypertension, hypotension, glaucoma Sometimes used in conjunction with oxytocin and, at times, cervical balloons. Pitocin (oxytocin) [an oxytocic drug] is utilized to initiate uterine contractions {& induce labor} and/or stimulate milk production in lactating women. 4 Group Discussion Project Grading Criteria Pharmacology II Fall 2009 Scott Snell – Instructor Criteria Objective Assigned Discussion Topic Group Members Objectives Required Readings Discussion Questions Summary of Key Content Discussion Board Facilitated Appropriately by Chosen Members Facilitator(s) responded to all questions within 48 hours of post Advanced Organizer Turned in On Time? Sufficient Amount of Material Covered Final Grade (All members receive same grade, regardless of contribution) Points Possible 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Assigned Discussion Topic: Topic relates to subject provided by instructor (10pts) Group Members: All group members are presented clearly (10pts) Objectives: Relate directly to content being discussed (10pts) Required Readings: Applicable and readily available/accessible to readers. THE GROUP MUST UTILIZE AT LEAST TWO SOURCES OF INFORMATION. ONE CAN BE TEXTBOOK, OTHER MUST BE FROM SOURCE OTHER THAN COURSE TEXTBOOKS USED IN THE PRACTICAL NURSING PROGRAM (10pts) Discussion Questions: Stimulate reflective thinking and provides evidence that learning has occurred with the reader. Summary of Key Content: Topic is outlined in an easy-to-read format that provides an overview of the topic with key points of interest provided for the reader. Discussion Board Facilitated Appropriately by Chosen Members: The facilitators must be clearly identified. (prior to the opening of discussion forum) The facilitator must provide feedback to all posters and this feedback must be reflective, knowledgeable, and relevant in relation to the other students’ postings. This facilitated response must be free of bias, opinion, and personal judgment. Facilitator(s) responded to all questions within 48 hours of post: Once a classmate has posted a question/comment, the facilitator responds to that comment within 48 hours of initial posting. Advanced Organizer Turned in On Time: The Advanced Organizer must be turned in to the instructor by 8am on the Monday PRIOR to the week of group’s presentation. Sufficient Amount of Material Covered: The amount of material covered will vary according to topic. There must, however, be sufficient information available that will provide a strong foundation from which to examine and process the important aspects of the topic. A failing grade on this project will result in a failure for the entire course! 5 PHARMACOLOGY ATTACHMENT G DRUG/EXPECTED ACTION USUAL ROUTE SIDE EFFECTS D/D DRUG USED FOR DRUG/FOOD IN'ACTION NSG. IMPLICATIONS 6 HOW TO STUDY A GROUP OF DRUGS A. B. C. D. E. Identify the drug sub group. Look for name clues. Identify major actions of the sub group/drug. Identify major side effects and adverse effects of the subgroup/drug. Identify related nursing care of subgroup or individual drug. Family or Subgroup: Examples Name Clue: Major Actions of Subgroup Related Nursing Care Major Side/Adverse Effects of Subgroup Related Nursing Care 7 “This project was funded in part (68%) by a grant awarded under the President’s Community-Based Job Training Grants, as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration.” “The product was funded by a grant awarded under the President’s Community Based Job Training Grant as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment & Training Administration. The information contained in this product was created by a grantee organization and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. All references to non-governmental companies or organizations, their services, products, or resources are offered for informational purposes and should not be construed as an endorsement by Department of Labor. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it and is intended for individual organizational, non-commercial use only.”