Mathematics Mastery Provision Framework KEY ASPECTS Tasks Are designed with the same learning objective in mind for all pupils to master Or Are designed with the same learning opportunities for all pupils to experience. Teacher Pupils Pupils’ learning is outstanding (Ofsted 2012) because... Conveys the message that progress is made through engagement and effort Have high aspirations, believe they can achieve and work hard in order to do so There are very high expectations which are explicit Expects every pupil to succeed Want to learn and enjoy learning Everyone feels safe and contributes to a safe and positive learning environment Is enthusiastic about the learning expected There are very high levels of collaboration, courtesy and cooperation Pupils are calm, orderly and considerate Pupils’ attitudes are enthusiastic and positive Pupils show high levels of engagement and interest High expectations of engagement and attainment for every child Support through increasing level of scaffolding, modelling and structure Extend through further developing depth of language, conceptual understanding or mathematical thinking Teaches ‘fewer topics in greater depth’ Explore mathematics and ask questions to deepen their appreciation of the subject Differentiates through, scaffolding, questioning, and use of concrete and pictorial representations - in preference to offering different tasks to different pupils Supports pupils in making connections between representations and exploring their limitations and affordances Has a full understanding where and why this lesson falls in the sequence and in the longer term development of pupils’ mathematical understanding Fewer topics, greater depth Develop communication of mathematical ideas, justifications and proofs Depth of mastery for all Students know how to improve work Pupils’ understanding is systematically and effectively checked Marking and constructive feedback is frequent and high quality Manipulate concrete objects or use pictorial representations to deepen their understanding Students acquire knowledge quickly and in depth, with a high level of understanding and excellent subject knowledge Make links between concrete, pictorial and abstract representations Link new learning to previous learning in mathematics, other subjects and beyond school Anticipates and incorporates misconceptions and inaccuracies Demonstrate conceptual understanding through applying concepts/skills in unfamiliar contexts Uses modelling to support pupils in developing independence in their mathematical recording Participate in pair/group discussion tasks and are involved in class questioning/discussion Teaching of reading, writing and communication is exceptional Speak in full sentences Models expected language use clearly and accurately Develop mathematical thinking and ability to generalise Ensures every pupil participates in active thinking, through a variety of appropriate questioning techniques Involve pupils in generalising by comparing and classifying mathematical objects or conjecturing about what might be sometimes, always or never true Every opportunity is used to develop mathematical problem solving Intervention is anticipated and occurs which impacts on learning Individual needs are matched accurately Immediately acts on assessment from questioning and observation, with LSA support Develop conceptual understanding through multiple representations and connections Task are challenging and enable all pupils to make progress Use correct mathematical terminology Do as much of the cognitive work – the writing, thinking, analysing and talking – as possible Seek general patterns and create examples Ensure that lesson time is purposefully used from the very start (e.g. Do Now) Plans what pupils will be doing at every point on the lesson, so no time is wasted Participate fully Have a clear purpose of increasing fluency or developing problem solving Ensures delivery is pacey Work independently for some of the lesson Clearly distinguishes between teacher exposition (telling) and the introduction of problems to be solved, minimising teacher talk Students think deeply, have clear personal values and are open to new ideas Collaborate, discussing their thinking Demonstrate mastery and the ability to ‘go it alone’ Planning is astute Time is used very well Every opportunity is used to successfully develop crucial skills (including literacy and numeracy) Lessons proceed without interruption Appropriate independent learning tasks are set Pupils are resilient, confident and independent Well judged and often imaginative teaching strategies are used Appropriate and regular homework contributes very well to pupils’ learning Almost all groups of pupils make rapid and sustained progress Attainment and progress Because of all the above... Attainment is at least in line with national averages for almost all groups of pupils The gap between different groups is closing rapidly Copyright © Mathematics Mastery 2012 Intended for use in Mathematics Mastery Professional Development Community member schools, as part of a comprehensive approach to mathematics education. Not to be used in isolation. 6 December 2012 Copyright © Mathematics Mastery 2012 Intended for use in Mathematics Mastery Professional Development Community member schools, as part of a comprehensive approach to mathematics education. Not to be used in isolation. 6 December 2012