Workshop programme Wednesday 3 September # 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Activity Registration in the lobby Opening of workshop in the auditorium Session 1: Risk assessment in the northern zone Intro I: Introduction to the new EFSA guidance on DegT50 Intro II: Normalization of field degradation data and the inclusion of aged sorption in DT50 determination Work-sharing and authorization of pesticide products in the Northern zone Venue: Bioforsk, Høgskoleveien 7, 1430 Ås Who Start 09.30 10.00 Arne and Marit Chair: Marianne Stenrød Michael Klein, Fraunhofer IME, Germany 10.10 Wendy van Beinum, The Food and 10.40 Environment Research Agency (FERA), UK Paulien Mulder, Norwegian Food Safety 11.10 Authority Graham L. Reeves, Dow AgroSciences, UK 11.30 The challenge of Formulation Re-reg: Dow AgroSciences' Perspective Lunch, in the Bioforsk canteen 11.50 Anne Louise Gimsing, Danish EPA Groundwater projects performed by the Northern Zone Fate group 12.30 Marit Almvik, Bioforsk, Norway Slow degradation of fungicides in soils from cold temperate climate 12.50 Kai Kunnis, National Institute of chemical 13.10 The use and monitoring of pesticides in Estonia Physics and Biophysics (KBFI), Estonia Inara Turka, Latvia University of Agriculture 13.30 The use of pesticides in intensive agriculture in Latvia Break: Coffee, tea, fruit 13.50 Session 2: Modelling of pesticide transport in the northern zone Chair: Roger Holten Intro: Modelling the transport of pesticides in the northern zone: challenges Paulien Adriaanse, Environmental risk 14.10 and knowledge gaps assessment team, Alterra, the Netherlands Karin Steffens, Swedish University of Direct and indirect effects of climate change on herbicides leaching to 14.40 groundwater – a regional scale assessment Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Katri Siimes, Finnish Environment Institute 15.00 Inventory of MCPA losses in Finland (SYKE) Ole Martin Eklo, Bioforsk, Norway WISPE-new Norwegian scenario 15.20 Julien Moeys, Swedish University of Local and regional scale assessment of the risk for pesticide leaching to 15.40 surface- and groundwaters in Sweden Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Introduction to group discussions Ole Martin 16.00 Bus leaving for Drøbak Fjord cruise Drøbak-Oslo, dinner on board Arrival in Oslo (at Revierkaia) Bus leaving Oslo for Ski and Ås. Gather outside the Opera entrance at 20.45. Thursday 4 September # Activity 3.1 Coffee, tea, sweets Group discussions. Start: in the auditorium. Group 1 (Marit) Group 2 (Kai) Group 3 (Inara) Group 4 (Jaana) Group 5 (Mats) Group 6 (Anne Louise) Presentations from group discussions. 1 PP-slide per topic (5 topics). Lunch Session 3: Transport of pesticides in the northern zone Intro: Pesticide residues in surface and groundwater in the Northern zone 3.2 3.3 The Norwegian Agricultural Environmental Monitoring Programme Transport of glyphosate and AMPA in drainage flow and in surface runoff 3.4 3.5 Pesticide impacts on water systems during a 10 year period – based on pesticide usage data in Finland Pesticide transport – ongoing research in Sweden 3.6 The Danish Pesticide Leaching Assessment Programme Wrap-up Workshop end 16.40 17.00 19.30 20.50 Who/Where Ole Martin. Auditorium. Meeting room “Korsmo” Meeting room “Jørstad” Meeting room “Rygg” Meeting room “Vidme” Meeting room “Årsvoll” Meeting room “Schøyen” Group leaders Chair: Marit Almvik Jenny Kreuger, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Marianne Stenrød, Bioforsk, Norway Jaana Uusi-Kämppä, MTT Agrifood Research Finland Kati Räsänen, MTT Agrifood Research Finland Mats Larsbo, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Annette E. Rosenbom, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) Marianne and Marit Start 08.50 09.00 10.30 11.30 12.00 12.30 12.50 13.10 13.30 13.50 14.10 14.20