Incidence Mean age of onset Male: Female Affects Mortality Surgery required in Skip lesions Mucosal Layers Complications pANCA Race Protective factors Pathology Symptoms Extra-intestinal symptoms Crohn’s UC 5-10 per 100 000 10 to 20 per 100 000 26 34 Can also present in children – failure to thrive and also in those in their 60’s 1.2 : 1 1 : 1.2 Any part of GIt, most commonly the terminal Only colon, usually more distal regions are worse affected ileum.Also commonly affects the rectum, but not the colon Low Lower 50-80% 20% Yes No Deeper More superficial Fistula, abscess, stricture. Most commonly the Rare. Toxic megacolon fistulae come from the anus to the peri-anal region and the produce pus Negative Positive Most common in Caucasians Most common in Caucasians High residue, low sugar diet, relatives with Crohn’s Smoking, appendicectomy, high reside low sugar diet means you have an INCREASED RISK Thought to be very similar in both diseases. In genetically susceptible individuals there is anadverse reaction to bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Normally the reaction against this is self limiting, but in IBD patients once the inflammation starts it may not stop. Thus ultimately it is a kind ofautoimmune disease – and the inflammation ends up damaging the gut wall. The diseases follow a relapsing and remising course. Right iliac fossa mass/pain – this is present even Diarrhoea due to excess mucus production.often also contains when there is no abscess, abdominal discomfort, blood. Abdominal discomfort, bloating . symptoms usually less blood in the stools, vitamin B12 and iron severe than Crohn’s deficiencies – Crohn’s commonly affects the small intestine and thus can cause malabsorption. These are generally the same for both conditions. They include; large joint arthritis, irisitis (like conjunctivitis, but worse), erythema nodosum (red rashes on the shins, more common in UC), ulcers on mucous membranes (mouth and vagina – more common in Crohn’s), cholangitis, pyoderma gangrenosum – this is nasty dead black pussy necrotic tissue. Most commonly found on the legs and around the stoma, renal stones, gallstones, fatty liver, fat wrapping – only occurs in Crohn’s – this is where the messenetric fat spreads around the intestine Crohn’s disease is associated with an increased risk of bowel cancer –this is typicallyadenocarcinoma of the distal ileum Signs The acute presentation may be mistaken forappendicitis. However, a good history may reveal some facts pointing to a background acute disease. Barium swallow CT Colonosco py Treatment This is the most useful test. It can show areas of stricture, shortening of small bowel, fistulas and abscesses Will shows areas of wall thickening, strictures and abscesses Not that useful but can biopsy. Also may help you differentiate pseudopolyps from true polyps May be few in mild disease.may include weight loss and malaise. In an acute attackthere can be fever, malaise, iron def anaemia, raised WBC, platelets and ESR, hypoalbuminaemia PR Blood CT Thickened bowel wall Barium enema Reduced haustral folds due to fibrosis CLUBBING! Cessation of smoking is enough to induce remission in Mild disease: 5-ASA many patients. Unlike UC treatment is not given to Moderate disease: steroid to initiate remission, then 5maintain remission, only to initiate it. 5-ASA compounds are ASA not used Severe disease: trial steroid for 5-7 days. If no Basically the same as UC, without the 5-ASA. remission, then operate immediately. Try to maintain Immunosuppresants used in severe disease 80% of Crohn’s remission with 5-ASA, if not thenimmunosuppressant patients will end up having surgery. Many require B12 and may be used. iron supplements Steroids are often given as a rectal foam Low residue diets and low fat diets can help reduce symptoms.Patients may need to be given supplements of the fat soluble vitamins (A D E K). patients are often given antibiotics to reduce the intestinal flora and diarrhoea – metronidazole Infliximab is used in patients that don’t respond to other types of treatment. 70% of Crohn’s patients will respond to it. It is particularly useful in perianal disease