
Help Sessions
Language and Literature
Room 608
Mrs. Taylor
Language and Literature
Grade 6
Room 609
Miss Cosier
Grade 6
Room 606
Mrs. Reel, Mrs. Sellars, Mrs. Gregory
Grade 7
Room 706
Mrs. Baldwin
Grade 7
Room 711
Dr. Tsangaris
Grade 8
Room 810
Miss Hwang
Humanities (only the 2nd and 4th Wednesday)
Grade 6
Room 611
Mr. Goodman, Mr. Mayfield
Grade 7
Room 704
Mr. Miller
Grade 8
Room 803
Mr. Weidman
To Kill a Mockingbird
Grade 8
Room 802
Mrs. Gollnick, Mrs. Welch
READ 180 Help
Grade 6, 7, 8
Room 303
Mrs. Gage
Grade 7,8
Room 804
Mrs. Campbell
Science and AVID
Grade 7
Room 702
Mrs. Monroe
Grade 8
Room 805
Mrs. Davenport
Room 806
Mrs. Ouedraogo
Language Acquisition (Spanish)
Grade 6, 7, 8
Room 901
Miss Carlisle
Language Acquisition (Spanish)
Grade 6, 7, 8
Room 903
Mrs. LaGrotto
Language Acquisition (Spanish)
Grade 6,7.8
Room 904
Mr. Roberts
Language Acquisition (French)
Grade 6, 7, 8
Room 902
Mrs. Calin
Language Acquisition (Chinese)
Grade 6,7,8
Room 503
Miss Yang
Clubs and Activities
Connections Club Miss Neff
Room 607
Connections is a way for student to build a bridge from where they are of have been (mentally, physically,
etc.) to where they will be going and what they will be doing. In this club, that means having a chance to
share, listen, be, and just breathe in an effort to prepare for a positive and productive school day. We will
also support each other through goal setting exercises.
Computer Work Time Mr. Fiesbeck and Mr. Gee
Room 701
Open to anyone who needs to work on a computer based assignment. Students are expected to work on
assignments the entire time.
Euchre Club Mrs., Storm and Mr. Boekankamp
Room 504
Learn to play and perfect your Euchre card game skills. All grades and skill levels welcome. If you’ve
ever watched someone play Euchre you know that it can be a fun and fast moving card game.
Generation On Club Mrs. Beatson, Mr. Goodman and Mr. Mayfield Room 807
This club will research, select and participate in a service learning project in our community. Any and all
students and staff are welcome. This club will meet the first and third Wednesday of the month.
Games Club Mr. Bauserman, Mr. Keith and Mr. Brewer
North Gym
Students come to Games Club to play board games and card games (no video games of any form are
allowed!) While there, students practice following rules, playing fairly, and winning and losing
gracefully. They practice communicating with others different from them socially, a skill that can
increase their future earning potential tremendously. All students may participate as long as the do not
need to use the school tutorials.
Vocabulary Games Mrs. Clark
Room 707
Students will participate in games that will reinforce their vocabulary. All grade levels can attend, but it
will be focusing on Grade 7 vocabulary.
Stems Club Mrs. Muller
Room 703
In this club, students will learn Greek/Latin roots and stems. We will practice, play games and apply our
knowledge through higher order thinking and improve literacy skills.
Media Club Mr. Hayes
Room 808
New York Times and Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and the Indianapolis Star All of the above
newspapers will be made available as we read, watch documentary clips and study current events! Great
discussions take place in the room as well as an occasional trip to the Media Center to use the electronic
edition of the New York Times! “All the news that’s fit to print” and learn and enjoy!
Scrabble Club Mrs., Gartner
Media Center
Open to all students in all grades, Scrabble Club is a great chance to practice new words while playing a
timeless game. We’ll learn strategies, timer use and even play in a state-wide tournament in February.
Everyone plays with a partner, so bring a friend.
Yoga Club Mrs. Witmer
Room 610
Mrs. Witmer will be leading yoga and meditation exercises for a positive and relaxing start to our
Wednesdays. All staff members and students Grades 6-8 are welcome! Namaste!
International Club Miss Carlisle
Room 901
All grades are welcome. Members of our local community come in and present information about their
native country. Each session will vary because there will be a different speaker each month. This club
meets the fourth Wednesday of the month.
Magic the Gathering Mr. Ramirez
Room 602
Magic the Gathering is a strategy card game. All grades are invited. Students can challenge each other or
Mr. Ramirez!
Reading Club Mrs. Thiems
Room 601
All grades are invited to this club. Students may do self-selected reading or form book groups. Join us
for a relaxing start to your Wednesday.
Band Club Ms. May
Room 205 (Band room)
Welcome to the band club. Students that want to work toward solo and ensemble contest can prepare on
Wednesday mornings. Students may come in for extra help as needed. Students must get a pass from
Ms. May prior to coming in for help.
Bluettes Miss Mitchell
Room 202 (Choir room)
Bluettes is an auditioned 7th and 8th grade show choir. This group is limited to the auditioned group.
LEER (Leer y Escribir En Realización) (Read & Write in Performance) Miss Northrup Room 304
All grades can be involved with LEER. (Pronounced lay-AIR) The purpose of this club is to focus on
strengthening our reading and writing abilities in the Spanish language. Any student who wants to
improve his or her literacy in Spanish is more than welcome to room 304! Think of LEER as a mini book
club in Spanish. Together, we will read short stories and enjoy picture books in Spanish. We will also
work on our writing, focusing mostly on spelling and grammar.
Photography and Scrapbooking Club Mrs. Farnsworth and Mrs. Freeman
Room 302
Any student or teacher with a camera or camera phone can come learn basic to advanced photography
techniques and how to creatively display their pictures.
Club AVID/ 40 Developmental Assets Mrs. Patsel
This club will be for 7th and 8th graders only. We will focus on study skills and life skills.
Best Buddies Mrs. Zore, Mrs. Kleeman and Miss Cutter
Mrs. Zore’s Room
Are you looking to meet new friends? Want to have fun? Then Best Buddies may be the club for you!
Best Buddies is a friendship club that meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month beginning in
September. The first meeting will be September. Listen to announcements for more information and how
to join this club.
Athletic Study Tables
Please listen to announcements for details.
Open Art Studio Ms. O’Neill
Art Room
A time for students to come in and have access to art materials, if they need extra time on projects or have
missed class and need to make up any assignments.
SPLITS Mrs. Woods
Room 600 (Mrs. Woods office)
This will be an opportunity for kids of divorce or separated families to talk together for a positive
Wildcat Orchestra Practice Club Mr. Holmes
Room 201
Students can come in to practice their instruments. Mr. Holmes will be there to help. Advanced string
players will also be there to be mentors.