September 2014 (Word 69.7KB)

Minutes of the open session of the Northern Ireland Board meeting held on
Monday, 22 September 2014 at 12 noon in the Boardroom, 17 Windsor Avenue,
Belfast, BT9 6EE.
Fiona Devlin
Kevin Bell
Anne Marie Marley
Alison Milliken
Francis Lavery
Roisin Devlin
Kathryn Gault
Margaret McCambridge
Mary Walker
Chair/Council Member
Council Member
Belfast Branch
Northern Branch
Southern Branch
South Eastern Branch (Northern Branch place)
South Western Branch
Northern Branch (Belfast Branch place)
South Eastern Branch
Joe McCambridge
William McCormick
Karen Oakes
Margaret Meehan
Paul McElwee
Belfast Branch
Belfast Branch
South Eastern Branch
Vice Chair/Southern Branch
North Western Branch
Staff in attendance
Janice Smyth
Maura Hannon
Garrett Martin
Carolyn Mason
John Knape
Joy Ireland
Personal Assistant to Director/Board Administrator
Deputy Director/Senior Officer Employment Relations
Head of Professional Development
Head of Communications, Policy and Marketing
Business Manager
Colette McGoldrick
Florence Sharkey
UK Case Management Administrator
South Western Branch
14/102 Chair’s remarks including declaration of interest and messages from
confidential session
The Chair, Fiona Devlin, reminded the Board that Florence Sharkey, South
Western Branch, will be joining the open session of the meeting as an
observer, and summarised the key messages from the confidential session
(agreed operational plan for next year, 2015 budget, exception report to
RCN Council, pay campaign, received voting report from Congress with
very good representation from NI, reviewed risk register, and discussed
supporting accredited representatives in governance roles).
Fiona called for any declarations of interest for the open session: none
Fiona reported that she had enjoyed attending the Belfast, South Eastern
and Northern branch AGMs and intends to join the North Western and
South Western branches. She felt there was much learning and good
practice that could be shared between branches and thanked the branches
for her invitation.
14/103 Minutes of the open session of the Board meeting held on Monday 19
May 2014
Minutes of the open session of the Board meeting held on Monday 19 May
2014 (paper nib/14/103 previously circulated) agreed and signed by the
Margaret McCambridge referred to line 4, page 2, “requested
administrative assistance” and thought she may have been misunderstood
as she was enquiring about why the administrative assistance had been
14/104 Matters arising
A Forum engagement by members – item 14/70
Carolyn Mason, Head of Professional Development, referred to the low
proportion of members linked to a forum and outlined the process to
potentially increase forum membership.
The Chair welcomed Florence Sharkey to the meeting.
B Administrative support for branches– item 14/72
The Director, Janice Smyth, stated that she does not have a problem
with staff agreeing to support branches; conversely across the UK some
branches perceive this as interfering. However the issue of branch
communication is part of a wider debate that Michael Brown, Chair of
Council, gave a commitment at Congress to resolve. As this has now
become a UK issue, staff locally thought it would be more prudent to
contribute to the national guidelines. Janice suggested that in the
meantime if branches need help and support they should request it.
Margaret McCambridge stated that she does not want to keep
information on her personal computer and Janice advised that Margaret
raise any issues with RCN Officer, Stephen McSherry.
C Use of discussion zone during RCN elections – item 14/74
Council member, Kevin Bell, referred Board members to paragraph 4.2
of paper nib/14/104c circulated at the meeting.
D RCN Frontline first campaign and feedback on monitoring of
additional hours worked within HSC trust – item 74
Deputy Director, Garrett Martin, referred to evidence available from
surveys regarding the additional hours worked within the trusts. He
referred to national information being collated by Rachael McIlroy, RCN
Research and Information Officer, who has given a commitment to
provide specific information on the RCN Northern Ireland (NI)
membership by mid-October. Garrett would hope to have a paper
available for the Board meeting in November.
E Normative staffing levels – item 14/75
Janice reminded Board members that as agreed at the May Board
meeting, she had written to the Commissioner of the Health and Social
Care Board (HSBC), and received a response on 6 August 2014 (copies
of both letters circulated at the meeting paper nib/14/104e). The letter
had sought clarification of the plan for implementation of normative
staffing ranges and how compliance would be monitored, and sought
confirmation on whether the HSCB has a policy for the use of beds
above the funded establishment and in particular any risk or quality
impact assessment requirements for the use of additional beds.
Following a robust discussion it was agreed that the Director should
write again to the Commissioner stating that his response is
unacceptable, the issues have not been addressed and request that
action is taken to address the situation in the three trusts where we have
confirmation that additional beds are being utilised. Janice will also write
to the Chief Executive of the HSCB to raise the Board’s concerns.
Janice advised that she is meeting with the Permanent Secretary on 1
October 2014.
F Our Promise to You – item 14/88(a)
Business Manager, Joy Ireland, confirmed that there are no additional
materials available from Matthew Batten at this stage. However, it is
anticipated that the promise will be launched to members early next
year. It is important that staff feedback any difficulties experienced in
meeting the promise.
G Pay campaign sub-group – item 14/88(c)
Garrett Martin had nothing further to add to discussions in the earlier
confidential session.
14/105 RCN NI Board elections 2014
The Director spoke to paper nib/14/105 circulated at the meeting outlining
the vacancies on the Board, nominations received, candidates standing for
election, and the election status.
The Board considered the number of nominations received from the Belfast
branch and discussed how communication with branches not represented
on the Board could be problematic. The Director reminded Board
members that when they are elected to the Board they are elected in a
governance role and not as a representative of a constituent part of the
RCN. Margaret McCambridge voiced concern that the links between
Council, boards and branches as illustrated by Jane Clarke, Head of
Governance Support, using cogwheels will not be reflected in the future
composition of the RCN NI Board. Janice again referred to the Board’s
governance role and their engagement strategy.
Mary Walker stated that she had submitted an electronic nomination for the
South Eastern Branch but had not received an acknowledgement. Mary
was advised to contact the RCN Governance Support Department. Kevin
Bell asked whether Mary’s nomination would change the situation
regarding elections and the Director stated that this was a matter for
governance and that it would not be possible to pre-empt any investigation.
Alison Milliken enquired whether voting would be open to all RCN NI
members and Maura Hannon confirmed that electronic voting will be open
to all members in NI with an email address.
14/106 Process for branch communications
John Knape, Head of Communications, Policy and Marketing, reminded the
Board that this matter had been addressed by Janice under agenda item
104(b) and that in the meantime there will be an opportunity to contribute to
the UK working group lead by Theresa Fyffe. John will endeavour to keep
members informed of the progress of this work.
14/107 Update on Networks Sub-Committee and Diversity Sub Group
Carolyn Mason, Head of Professional Development, spoke to papers
nib/14/107 previously circulated and paper nib/14/107(i) circulated at the
meeting. Carolyn outlined the recommendations in paper 107 and advised
that since the paper had been submitted NIRAQ had decided to withdraw
their request for funding from pooled network funds (as indicated at 6.1 of
paper 107(i)).
The Board agreed recommendation at 6.1 in paper 107 and
recommendations at 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 in paper 107(i).
14/108 Review of L&D pathway for RCN representatives in Northern Ireland
Garrett Martin spoke to paper nib/14/108 previously circulated and asked
the Board to consider the content of the paper, provide feedback and agree
the actions to be taken to address the issues as outlined in the paper and
appendices1, 2 and 3.
The Board discussed the difficulties around recruitment and retention of
reps, the balance between work and representing members, facilities
agreements, assisting reps to negotiate time off with their managers, Chair
of the Board asked for a workshop, tensions between clinical work and
stewards work, the perception of trade union reps by employers, bullying
culture in the workplace, building confidence through shadowing and
mentoring, clarity of role, preparation and support for reps, value of a
portfolio, branch contact and support, how modules are delivered, flexibility
and responsive to trainees’ needs, visibility of RCN staff at reps training,
reps and staff working collaboratively, more support from experienced
colleagues within the branches, branch officials joining training, more time
in the curriculum devoted to case management, continuing professional
development for reps, the use of real people and real situations in the
training, the value of building networks during training, and support from
members with trade union funded time.
Janice reported that Maria Wilson’s recent work examining mentorship and
supervision of reps across the UK has shown a lack of consistency and
that the four country directors are preparing a business case for resources
to address this matter. Garrett emphasised the importance of feeding into
this piece of work nationally.
Janice agreed to speak with the Nurse Leaders’ Network about release to
attend training, and an action plan will be brought to the February 2015
Board meeting.
14/109 UK L&D pathway for RCN representatives: curriculum review
Garrett Martin spoke to paper nib/14/109 previously circulated requesting
the Board to review the three revised RCN representative role descriptors
and to confirm that the versions shown in the paper are acceptable.
Following discussion there was agreement that the term “managing” would
be more applicable than “addressing”, and that something needs to be
added in relation to supervision and working in collaboration with staff.
These comments will be feedback to RCN HQ.
14/110 Congress 2014
Garrett Martin spoke to paper nib/14/110 previously circulated and there
was general consensus from the feedback received that it was a successful
Congress. Board members discussed the purpose of the pre-Congress
sessions, selection process, timing and release of funding details,
historical funds, flexibility around booking travel and accommodation, and a
member request for specific requirements in hotel accommodation (request
and staff response to it to be followed up).
14/111 Council report for RCN boards of 24/25 July & 2 September 2014
The Chair spoke to papers nib/14/111(i) and nib/14/111(ii) previously
circulated drawing particular attention to the action points Janice asked
whether any Board member would wish to sign up as a pay champion (to
be discussed at the pay campaign sub-group meeting on Thursday).
Garrett referred to the planned march and rally in London on 18 October,
advised that NIICTU are planning to hold an event in Belfast (Garrett to
update Board when details of event are available).
14/112 Whistle-blowing guidance for RCN Council, Board or Committee
Janice Smyth spoke to paper nib/14/112 previously circulated and asked
the Board whether they wished to add anything further to the draft
guidance. The Board confirmed that it is content with the guidance.
14/113 Visit Belfast bid to host RCN Congress
Janice informed the Board that Visit Belfast is bidding to host RCN
Congress 2017 or 2018 and although there will be some challenges Visit
Belfast is confident that they will be able to host such an event. As a
Belfast Ambassador Janice declared a potential personal conflict of
interest. Janice liaised with UU and QUB to ensure the universities will
facilitate the attendance of students, and that the Directors of Nursing will
support staff to attend. Visit Belfast is seeking the support of the RCN NI
Board in their endeavour to bid for hosting Congress in Belfast and if
successful that the Board will work with them to deliver a successful event.
RCN Council will consider all bids submitted.
The Board declared their support for the bid and Janice and John Knape
will draft a letter of support on behalf of the Board.
14/114 Matters from Board for Council
The Chair asked whether there were any matters that the Board wished to
bring to the attention of Council and Janice suggested: concern regarding
recruitment and retention of reps, the need to get learning and
development right for reps, improved time scales and flexibility around
travel and accommodation for Congress, administrative support for
branches, RCN pay campaign, and RCN elections.
14/115 Chair’s report
The Board noted paper nib/14/115 previously circulated and Fiona
updated on her contact with the Belfast and South Eastern branches since
the report was submitted.
14/116 Director’s report
The Board noted paper nib/14/116 previously circulated and the Director
offered to take questions; no questions asked.
14/117 Report from Health Practitioner Committee
The Board noted paper nib/14/117 previously circulated. John Knape
reminded the Board that at the meeting on 19 May it was agreed a
separate page should be added to the website to promote the work of the
RCN in representing and supporting health practitioner (HP) members
(agenda item 14/76), however, this paper indicates that the HP Committee
would like to see the new website integrate the work of nurses and HPs
rather than have a separate section for HP membership.
14/118 Audit of RCN representative data contained on the membership
The Board noted paper nib/14/118 previously circulated and the Chair
highlighted the improvement made by regional and country teams in
recording learning and development on the membership database.
14/119 RCN NI Board key messages
Board members agreed the key messages to be uploaded onto the RCN NI
website as follows:
a) Noted that RCN Council has initiated a UK-wide project to consider
support for RCN branches. The work will embrace ways to enhance
communications between branches and their membership.
b) Received and noted a paper outlining campaigning guidance and
regulations relating to the 2014 RCN elections. The Board also received
an update on the candidates who will stand for election to the Board.
c) Received and noted correspondence with the Director of Commissioning
at the HSCB in relation to the implementation of normative staffing ranges
and funded beds. The Director of Commissioning reiterated the Board’s
commitment to the agreed implementation of normative staffing ranges
but stated that: “... the pace of change may be impacted by the wider
financial context for Health and Social Care”. He also stated that: “... the
HSCB’s expectation is that routinely patients should only receive care in
funded beds within a ward environment. As a short term response to
peaks in demand or other pressures where a Trust needs to open
additional beds, it should be done in a context of having the appropriate
staffing levels and in an environment that does not compromise patient
safety, dignity or privacy”.
d) Noted the development and imminent implementation of a major new
RCN campaign to highlight the failure to date of the NI Executive to
honour its commitment to meet the recommendation of the independent
NHS Pay Review Body for a 1% across the board pay uplift for nursing
staff during 2014-2015. The campaign will also highlight a range of
staffing issues and their impact upon patient safety and standards of
care. The campaign is to be considered top priority for all RCN staff and
accredited reps in NI.
e) Gave further consideration to the review of a UK learning and
development pathway for RCN accredited reps. It was agreed that an
action plan addressing issues arising will be considered at the next Board
meeting on 3 November 2014.
Received a paper summarising feedback from members who attended
RCN Congress 2014. In most respects, the feedback was entirely
Received and noted new whistle-blowing guidance for RCN Council,
Board and Committee members.
Noted that Visit Belfast is preparing a bid to host RCN Congress in
Belfast in 2017 or 2018. Board agreed to support and endorse the bid.
Two observers attended the Board meeting.
14/120 Any other business
RCN NI diversity group
Margaret McCambridge referred to the strategic decision by RCN
Council to stand down the RCN UK Diversity Committee as diversity is
part of the mainstream business of the College and asked whether the
subgroup of the Board established to link with the UK Committee will
now stand down. John Knape responded that it had been his intention
to table this matter at the July meeting of the Diversity Sub Group,
however, due to the number of apologies received the meeting was
cancelled. John to reschedule the meeting and bring a
recommendation to the Board in November.
Human Rights Commission
Anne Marie Marley asked whether there was a mechanism for allowing
members to know the detail of the RCN’s contribution. John Knape
confirmed that the RCN’s submission is available on the website. It
was noted that Janice, Garret and Roisin Devlin attended on 15
September and that the questions were mainly related to staff welfare.
The Commission plans to publish a report in April 2015.
Health and care magazine
Janice referred to the RCN health and care magazine, an editorial by
Brenda McIlmurray, and a photograph of two HCAs who won an award
at Nurse of the Year and will send them a letter of congratulations on
behalf of the Board.
Invitation to Board members to attend Council meetings
Noted that three members of the Board have accepted Chair of
Council’s invitation to attend meetings on 26 and 27 November 2014.
RCN representatives’ Christmas seminar
Janice requested that Board members contact her with any ideas they
may have for this event.
Janice informed the Board that Maura Hannon is retiring on 1 January
2015 and Carolyn Mason in April 2015.
G NI community nursing network conference
The Chair asked Board members to encourage members working in
the community to contact committee members regarding the
conference on 14 November 2014.
Fiona thanked the observers for joining the meeting today and
Florence Sharkey thanked the Board for facilitating her attendance.
14/121 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the RCN Northern Ireland Board will be held on
Monday, 3 November 2014 at 10.00 am in the Boardroom, 17 Windsor
Avenue, Belfast, BT9 6EE
3 November 2014