

UVU meeting 05. February 2015

School tour starts in week 12

What is needed for the school tour?

Two different brochures. One will provide information about UVU and the other is to encourage youths to become volunteer guidance-counsellors.

Four roll-ups. Two that say “Bliv frivillig hos UVU (Become a volunteer guidancecounsellor at UVU)” and two that say ” Udlændinge Vejleder Udlændinge (Foreigners counselling Foreigners)”.

10-15 white t-shirts with the UVU logo on the left side of the chest and ”Udlændinge

Vejleder Udlændinge (Foreigners Counselling Foreigners)” written on the back.

Candy with ”UVU” written on the wrapper.

Banner with a motto written on it. Motto needs to be chosen.

We need to find out if the guidance-counsellors are going to make use of powerpoint during their presentations. If so, UVU’s logo has to be visible on every slide.

Business cards showing titles has to be made.

Schools in Odense we have heard from

Tietgen upper secondary school has offered us a stand in their canteen for one day; we only need to suggest a date. We have written to four public schools in Odense that have not answered. We will, instead of writting and calling, go to the schools to find out if they are interested in UVU visiting their school.

Transportation to Odense

Wildcards will be purchased for all who do not have it already. You can order it yourself, save the receipt and send it to UVU’s treasurer, Tine Billekop Reinert, who will then transfer the amount back to your account.

Who is going to Odense and when?

Tine has created a plan showing who will travel to Odense and when. She will upload the plan on


Wrap-up events

In May we will end the school tour with two wrap-up events in the districts Vollsmose (Odense) and Nørrebro (Copenhagen). There will be presentations, as during the school tour, and press as well as politicians will be invited. Guidance-counsellors that are to give presentations during the school tour will also give presentations at the wrap-up events.

The motto of the wrap-up events will be ”Mød din fremtid (Meet your future)”. Planning will be identical for both events, and the same team of people will work on both events in the two cities.

We will try to plan it so that there are two weeks in-between both events. UVU has received 25 000

DKK from the Nørrebro Local committee fund to be used on the wrap-up event on Nørrebro.


Guidance-counsellors need to be emailed about the need for speakers for the school tour. We will also try to recruit speakers on Facebook. Those who are interested will be invited to interviews and it will then be assessed if they should participate in the tour. The ones that are recruited on

Facebook will be asked to join UVU as a volunteer guidance-counsellors in order to participate. It is also important that we have speakers from the labour market. We need to have as many different speakers as possible.

Workshops in Odense

Due to recruitment of volunteer guidance-counsellors in Odense, there will be held two workshops in March.

Next week

We need to have different examples of a new UVU logo ready.

HR and Communications committees should have a text expressing our need for speakers ready to be uploaded on Facebook.

Prices of needed materials have to be determined (t-shirts, brochures etc.)

Week 8

This week all needed materials have to be ordered
