Back to Reality: Reproduction Quiz Name: score : /40 1. The ovaries

Back to Reality: Reproduction Quiz
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1. The ovaries of the female reproductive system produce hormones and _______________.
A) cilia
B) estrogens
C) sperm
D) eggs
2. An embryo develops inside the ___________________.
A) vagina
B) uterus
C) cervix
D) ovary
3. The vagina is the passageway through which a baby moves during ____________________ .
A) fertilization
B) contraception
C) birth
D) menstruation
4. The ______________________ are the organs of the male reproductive system.
A) ovaries
B) testes
C) steroids
D) epididymis
5. The testes produce hormones and ______________________.
A) sperm
B) eggs
C) testosterone
D) estrogen
6. In males, both urine and sperm leave the body through the _____________________.
A) cowper's gland
B) epididymis
C) vas deferens
D) urethra
7. The _______________________ cycle is a series of changes in the female reproductive system that
occur about once a month.
8. During ______________________, a mature egg leaves an ovary and travels to the oviduct.
Back to Reality: Reproduction Quiz
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9. The process by which blood and tissue lining leave the uterus is called _______________________.
A) menstruation
B) menestration
C) ovulation
D) ovarization
10. Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell and an egg cell meet and their ____________________
A) semen
B) proteins
C) nuclei
D) ribosomes
11. An egg can be fertilized only after ovulation and only by _____________________.
A) one healthy sperm
B) one or more super sperm
C) one ova
D) one diploid nucleus
12. The new cell produced by fertilization is called a ___________________.
A) zygote
B) ovum
C) spermatic cell
D) clone
13. A human zygote has _______________ chromosomes in its nucleus. It goes through several cell
divisions while traveling to the uterus.
A) 48
B) 23
C) 8
D) 46
14. An embryo is a hollow ball of cells attached to the wall of the _______________________.
A) umbilical cord
B) placenta
C) uterus
D) vagina
Back to Reality: Reproduction Quiz
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15. I’m gonna rock my IGCSE bio-class because I prepare _______________.
A) rarely
B) sometimes
C) often times
D) always
16. An embryo receives nourishment and rids itself of wastes through the _______________________.
A) placenta
B) umbilical cord
C) vagina
D) uterus
17. The umbilical cord connects an embryo to the __________________________.
A) uterus
B) oviduct
C) vagina
D) placenta
18. The amnion (amniotic sac) cushions and protects the developing _______________________.
A) ovum
B) clone
C) embryo
D) sperm
19. Birth takes place in three stages:.
A) labor, delivery, and afterbirth
B) intercourse, labor, delivery
C) intercourse, afterbirth, labor
D) fertilization, development, delivery
20. Birth usually occurs after _____________________ months of development.
21. The stages of development in _____________________ are called the human life cycle.
A) pregnant women
B) mammalian
C) humanid
D) humans
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22. During _______________________, a person goes through a period of rapid physical change.
A) infancy
B) adulthood
C) childhood
D) adolescence
23. _________________________ is the stage at which the physical growth of the body is complete.
A) Childhood
B) Adolescence
C) Adulthood
D) Later Years
24. Sexual reproduction involves the following processes: A. Differentiation, B. Fertilization, C. Gamete
production, and D. Mitosis. Which sequence represents the order in which these processes occur?
A) B → A → C → D
B) C → B → D → A
C) D → B → C → A
D) A → B → C → D
25. A dogfish shark contains 24 chromosomes in each of its muscle cells. How many chromosomes are
normally found in each of its gametes?
A) 26
B) 48
C) 6
D) 12
26. Which structure is correctly paired with its function?
A) uterus —produces testosterone used in egg production
B) testis —produces nutrients for the offspring
C) placenta —allows nutrients to diffuse from the mother to the embryo
D) ovary —provides a place for the internal development of the embryo
27. Which situation would most likely produce a gene mutation in a squirrel?
A) Oak trees gradually become less common.
B) The squirrel stops using its claws for digging.
C) The weather becomes wetter for a short period of time.
D) The squirrel is exposed to radiation for several days.
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28. Which statement best describes the relationship between the blood of a human fetus and the blood
of the mother?
A) Their blood systems are separate, but certain materials pass from one to the other.
B) Their blood systems are separate and no materials are exchanged.
C) The blood flows directly from the mother into the fetus.
D) Their blood systems are separate only at certain times in development and connected at other times.
29. Thousands of genetically identical trees have been discovered growing in a remote, undisturbed
mountain area in Colorado. These trees are most likely the result of
A) biotechnology
B) genetic engineering
C) meiotic cell division
D) asexual reproduction
30. The film "The Island" centers around the ethical rights of ________________________.
A) enslaved humans
B) normal humans
C) scientists
D) cloned humans
31. A large number of sperm cells are produced by males every day. This large number of sperm cells
increases the chance that
A) enough sperm cells will be present to transport the egg from where it is produced to where it
develops into a fetus.
B) some of the sperm cells will survive to reach the egg.
C) several sperm cells will unite with an egg so the fertilized egg will develop properly.
D) at least one sperm cell will be reached when the eggs swim toward the sperm cells in the ovary.
32. The rate of sperm production is human males is said to be ____________________________.
A) 1,000 per second
B) 250 per second
C) 1,250 per second
D) 2,500 per second
33. Which hormone does not directly regulate human reproductive cycles?
A) estrogen
B) testosterone
C) progesterone
D) insulin
Back to Reality: Reproduction Quiz
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34. Which sequence represents the order of some events in human development?
A) fetus → tissues → zygote → egg
B) zygote → sperm → tissues → egg
C) zygote → tissues → organs → fetus
D) sperm → zygote → organs → tissues
35. Although all of the cells of a human develop from one fertilized egg, the human is born with many
different types of cells. Which statement best explains this observation?
A) Some cells develop before other cells.
B) Mutations occur during development as a result of environmental conditions.
C) All cells have different genetic material.
D) Developing cells may express different parts of their identical genetic instructions.
36. Which process will increase variations that could be inherited?
A) passive transport
B) recombination of genes in gametes
C) active transport
D) synthesis of proteins
37. The transfer of genes from parents to their offspring is known as: _________________________.
A) immunity
B) evolution
C) heredity
D) differentiation
38. Which sequence represents the correct order of processes that result in the formation and
development of an embryo?
A) fertilization → meiosis → mitosis
B) mitosis → fertilization → meiosis
C) meiosis → fertilization → mitosis
D) fertilization → mitosis → meiosis
39. Which hormones most directly influence the uterus during pregnancy?
A) testosterone and insulin
B) estrogen and insulin
C) progesterone and testosterone
D) progesterone and estrogen
40. Make a statement to describe one function of the placenta in mammals?