Upstate Livestock Exchange, Williamston, SC Weighted Average Report for Monday Jan 4, 2016 Cattle Receipts: 352 Last Sale: 574 Last Year: 517 This report reflects cattle with a USDA Grade, Weight and Sex in this market on this date. This report does not reflect all animals in this market on this date. No comparison due to Holidays. Slaughter cows made up 9 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 2 percent, replacement cows 8 percent, and feeders 81 percent. The feeder supply included 30 percent steers, 41 percent heifers, and 29 percent bulls. Near 18 percent of the run weighed over 600 lbs. Feeder Steers Head Wt Range 2 230-235 2 290-295 2 320-325 11 350-390 3 350-370 3 470-490 4 500-535 2 605-610 2 670-680 2 705-725 2 750-765 Avg Wt 233 293 323 370 360 478 521 608 675 715 758 2 6 3 340-345 360-395 560-590 343 374 580 2 4 3 2 2 200-205 315-345 355-390 515-535 550-585 203 333 377 525 568 Feeder Heifers Head Wt Range 2 205-220 4 260-295 3 300-310 8 355-380 9 405-435 8 460-490 4 500-535 4 555-595 5 600-640 2 3 3 2 2 4 315-315 370-395 420-440 480-490 565-595 605-640 Avg Wt 213 278 305 364 420 479 513 575 620 315 382 433 485 580 620 Medium and Large 1 - 2 Price Range Avg Price 235.00-242.50 238.79 222.00-222.50 222.25 235.00-239.00 236.98 200.00-212.00 206.54 219.00-231.00 224.94 167.50-174.00 171.37 162.50-169.00 165.43 150.00-164.00 156.97 148.00-155.00 151.47 130.00-134.00 131.97 130.00-134.00 132.02 Medium 2 215.00-217.50 216.26 189.00-200.00 195.40 146.00-152.00 149.32 Medium and Large 3 210.00-225.00 217.41 177.50-190.00 183.86 170.00-180.00 175.13 130.00-145.00 137.64 140.00 140.00 Medium and Large 1 - 2 Price Range Avg Price 230.00-240.00 234.82 210.00-220.00 215.69 212.50-215.00 213.33 185.00-192.50 189.16 167.50-175.00 171.15 146.00-158.00 150.93 141.00-152.00 145.71 134.00-146.00 140.21 137.00-147.00 141.53 Medium 2 200.00-207.50 203.75 170.00-175.00 173.28 150.00-162.50 157.62 132.50-140.00 136.29 117.50-125.00 121.35 129.00-131.00 130.01 Medium and Large 3 Fancy 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 210-235 265-295 300-345 425-445 460-490 505-540 705-725 805-845 Feeder Bulls Head Wt Range 8 400-420 6 450-470 8 500-530 5 555-590 3 600-635 223 278 315 435 470 523 715 825 Avg Wt 410 462 514 566 617 4 10 5 5 410-445 450-495 500-545 555-590 430 474 513 577 3 800-825 815 200.00-220.00 187.50-195.00 185.00-190.00 125.00-132.50 110.00-120.00 105.00-110.00 112.50-115.00 96.00-100.00 209.44 190.76 187.38 128.84 114.08 107.58 113.35 97.95 Medium and Large 1 - 2 Price Range Avg Price 190.00-201.00 195.49 180.00-186.00 181.51 160.00-169.00 163.37 148.00-155.00 150.96 135.00-144.00 137.92 Medium 2 177.50-187.00 182.64 160.00-176.00 171.22 141.00-150.00 147.10 132.00-143.00 138.01 Medium and Large 3 101.00-109.00 104.70 Bred Cows Head Wt Range 2 1500-1530 Medium and Large 1 - 2 Middle Aged Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 1515 1325.00-1425.00 1375.50 Per Hd 7-9 Months Bred Slaughter Cows Head Wt Range 4 1240-1340 Avg Wt 1305 10 4 945-1360 1055-1205 1118 1151 3 925-1120 1002 Slaughter Bulls Head Wt Range 3 1670-2155 2 1685-1940 Avg Wt 1837 1813 Breaker 70-80% Lean Price Range Avg Price 73.00-76.00 75.00 Boner 80-85% Lean 69.00-76.00 72.67 80.00-84.00 81.55 Lean 85-90% Lean 60.00-67.00 64.07 Yield Grade 1-2 Price Range Avg Price 101.00-104.00 102.70 93.00-96.00 94.61 High Dressing Low Dressing Goats: Receipts 42 last Sale 71. Goats are sold on a per head basis and weights are estimated. Kids Sel 2 40-60lbs 60.00-67.50, 60-80lbs 70.00-77.50; Yearlings Sel 2 60-80lbs 90.00-102.50; Nannies Sel 2 100-140lbs, one at 127.50, 140-180lbs, one at 145.00; Billies Sel 1 150-250lbs, one at 300.00, Sel 2 70-100lbs 112.50-117.50, 100-150lbs 120.00-127.50, 150-250lbs 135.00142.50, one at 180.00. Hogs: Receipts 29 last Sale 91. USDA 1-3 Barrows and Gilts 250-300lbs 40.0045.00, 300-350lbs 41.00-42.50; USDA 1-3 Sows 500-600lbs 32.50-39.00, 600lbs and up 81.00-86.00.