Wethersfield Public Schools Textbook and Instructional Materials Adoption and Purchase Procedures 1. Books/materials that must be approved for purchase through the Director of Curriculum & Instruction Office Any new textbook/materials (the book, electronic resource, or set of instructional materials) Any replacement textbooks (the book, electronic resource, or set of instructional materials) Any supplemental resource or classroom instructional materials – Defined as any other any resource other than textbooks or trade books/novels (e.g. science kits, workbooks, magazines, dictionaries) that are used by all students in a class, or the majority of the class, and that serve as a source of content for and/or support for instruction for all teachers in a grade level or course area. Any District Teacher Resource material - Defined as books and other materials that focus on instructional methodology and/or provide background information used by all teachers in a grade/content area in preparing lessons. 2. Books/materials that do not need to be approved for purchase through the Director of Curriculum & Instruction Office Teacher resource material – Defined as books and other materials that focus on instructional methodology and/or provide background information used by one teacher in preparing lessons. (only one copy is purchased for the building) If a teacher resource material is being purchased for all teachers in a grade level (in a building or district) or all teachers of a specific course , this material must be approved by the Director of Curriculum and Instruction. (see #1 above) Trade books/novels – Defined as longer works of prose fiction or non-fiction, traditional published as individual books. Trade books / novels and non-fiction leveled readers do not need prior approval from the Director of Curriculum and Instruction Office. These books must be approved by the building principal responsible if they are not on the district’s list of novels assigned to specific grade levels. These books must be related to curriculum units of study (literacy and/or content area units). 3. Books\materials that must be adopted through the formal, textbook adoption procedure Any text (the book, electronic resource, or set of instructional materials) that serve as the foundation for more than fifty percent of the course content shall be considered the basic textbook and must be formally adopted by the Wethersfield Board of Education. This does not apply to trade books/novels nor other supplemental or support materials. A new edition of a text that has already been approved for use in the district may be purchased without submitting the new edition to the adoption process provided that the original adoption date is no more than five years old. These purchases need to be approved by the Director of Curriculum and Instruction. 1 2. Who is responsible for adopting textbooks? Board Policy 6161 states, “The Board of Education will make the final textbook selection decision.” 3. What are the steps in the adoption procedure? A. An ad hoc textbook selection committee will be established by the Director of Curriculum/or designee identified by the Curriculum Office. a. The ad hoc textbook committee should have the following representative: i. Instructional Supervisor or designee by the Curriculum Office as committee Chair. ii. At least 3 teachers from the content / grade. (if applicable) iii. Reading/LA consultant. iv. For elementary materials, fair and equal representation from each elementary school will be included v. The committee must seek input from all teachers who will use the text. B. The textbook selection committee will evaluate possible texts (book, electronic resource, or set of instructional materials) using the following process and guidelines. a. Work with Instructional Supervisor or Curriculum Office designee to develop a time line of tasks and due dates. This time line will be shared and approved by the Director of Curriculum and Instruction. Please note that the textbook adoption process typically takes a minimum of 4 months from start to finish. Textbook purchases also need to be submitted as budget requests. b. Brainstorm priorities for the text (book, electronic resource, or set of instructional materials) i.e. differentiation, readability, integration of reading or writing strategies, online book, etc. c. Request samples from publishers and review a minimum of 3 samples. If three appropriate texts were not found, a written explanation of this circumstance must accompany the recommendation form. d. Narrow text selection to approximately 3 samples. e. Complete Student Rating form for 3 samples. f. Complete the Recommendation for Textbook Adoption form for the text recommended by the committee. This includes a Reading Department Evaluation. g. Prepare and forward final forms and copy of the text to the Director of Curriculum and Instruction. 2 C. The Administrative Team (K-12 principals and Central Office) will then decide on whether to endorse the recommendation of the ad hoc textbook evaluation committee. If the Administrative Team does not endorse the recommendation, the textbook committee will be asked to reconsider based on the questions or concerns identified by the Administrative Team. If the recommendation is endorsed, it is then sent to the Board of Education committee, Student Program and Services, for action. a. The Administrative Team shall be responsible for determining that: i. The required steps have been taken to evaluate the texts. ii. The text aligns with the K-12 curriculum and utilizes current pedagogy for the content area. iii. Aligns with District program goals and philosophy. iv. The text is coordinated with materials selected for other grades to avoid unnecessary repetition of materials. D. The Board of Education will discuss a proposed textbook adoption at a meeting of its Student Programs and Services Committee. Board members will receive notice of the pending textbook adoption request with copies of the Recommendation for Textbook Adoption form. A copy of the textbook and accompanying materials that is recommended will be available in the office of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction if a board member wishes to look at the text in advance of the meeting. The Board of Education will review the proposed adoption at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The text is adopted after approval at the second Board of Education meeting. 4. Time line for textbook adoption Under normal circumstances, a recommendation for the adoption of a textbook requires a minimum of 4 months to work its way through the process. It is recommended that ad hoc textbook adoption committees start their work in January in order to purchase the book July 1 of the next school year to be used in the fall. The intent to purchase textbooks (replacement, new or supplemental) or materials must be made to the Director of Curriculum or Instructional Supervisor in October to the year prior to purchase. Revised December 7, 2010 3 {curric/newdrive/curriculum documents & programs/wps textbook selection process}