September 17, 2014, Minutes - Ranch Property Owners Association

September 17, 2014
Emigh Hunter Residence
96 Bookie Creek
Members Present:
George Widmeyer: President, Co-Chair Maintenance
Jeanie Emigh: Secretary
Jim Whittier: Treasure
Sherry Taber: Co Chair By-Laws Committee
Bud Burgess: Co-Chair By Laws Committee: Chair Nominating Committee
Mary Sue Burnham: Co-Chair Architectural Committee
Tamara Tabor, Co-Chair Maintenance
Resident Guests: Ed Heath, May Ann Nelson, Paul Cahill, Fausto Miranda, Tom
MacCluskey, Ron Davis, Karen Singmaster
Final September 17, 2014 BOD Meeting
Due to presence of the large number of resident guests President, George Widmeyer
asked if the group had a specific issue to discuss. The response was the awarding of the
landscaping and irrigation contracts. He then asked that item 5a be moved to the top of
the agenda. Discussion summary:
 Tom MacCluskey stated, and his views affirmed by all guests, that the board
needed to follow business practices when awarding the contract.
o George Widmeyer reviewed the protocol for awarding contracts which
included advertising in The Herald and contacting local companies. The
deadline for receipt of proposals was set for 9/12/14. At that time only 2
proposals had been received for mowing including the flowers, and two
separate proposals for only the flowers. An additional bid for mowing
from our existing contractor the Herreras was received on September 17,
2014. No bids were received for Irrigation.
 Group discussion continued as to whether to allow the board to consider the
Herreras’ proposal. It was expressed that, due to the Herraras long working
relationship with The Ranch, the period for accepting proposals should extend to
5pm 9/17/14. In addition, the period for accepting irrigation proposals should be
extended to 5 p.m. 9/24/14 to allow Howard Herrera to submit a proposal and to
seek bids from other local companies
o Jeanie Emigh moved and Jim Whittier seconded a motion to this effect
and the board voted unanimous approval.
o George Widmeyer explained that all the bidders, with the exception of the
Herreras, were unknown to the board and that their proposals had been
sent to him and him only by e-mail. A time and date would be set for the
Landscaping committee to open and review the proposals and make a
recommendation to the board at the next scheduled meeting on October
21, 2014.
Meeting called to order by George Widmeyer
General consensus of the resident guests was that they thought the board knew
who the bidders were and they wanted to express their concerns about one
particular potential bidder. A letter from Jerry Zelenka was submitted in support
of the Herreras.
o George Widmeyer stated that given that no board members other than
himself were aware of who had submitted proposals, with the exception of
the Herreras, taking this input was premature.
At this time the resident guests left the meeting and the board returned to the agenda.
Approval of Minutes August 19, 2014
Jim Whittier moved and Bud Burgess seconded a motion to accept the
minutes as written and the motion carried unanimously.
President George Widmeyer welcomed Tamara Tabor to the board. She was appointed to
the board by a unanimous electronic vote of the board members. This vote was confirmed
by all board members present. Tamara replaces Andrew Parker who resigned from the
board in September. Tamara is a full-time Ranch resident. She will co-chair the
Maintenance Committee.
Report of Officers and Standing Committees:
 George thanked Jeanie Emigh for all she did to make the Labor Day picnic a
Secretary-Jeanie Emigh:
 The Labor Day picnic came in under budget and 43 persons attended. There were
lots of volunteers and consensus was that a good time was had by all.
 All new directories have been distributed or mailed. Electronic copies will be
sent to the board.
 Connie Voss volunteered to co-chair the women’s coffee normally held in the fall.
She is looking for a volunteer co-chair.
 There was discussion concerning who should be given access to financial
documents when a Ranch property is being sold. Board policy is to release
financial documents to owners and not third parties. No change was made.
Final September 17, 2014 BOD Meeting
 New roof for Palmers’ property approved.
 Tabors are submitting a proposal for new deck work on their home.
 Mary Nowotny received permission to paint her house.
 Jim will review our current insurance policy with State Farm to make sure we are
in compliance with state law.
The new construction on Latigo is being monitored; completion date is set for
Nominating Committee:
 No report. .
By-Laws: Sherry Taber and Bud Burgess
o Board members of the By-Laws Committee and George met with attorney
Christina Landeryou to discuss the process for revising our governing documents.
Christina will review our documents, draft the 9 Governing Policies required by
the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA), and mark our existing
documents to highlight language which should be removed as a result of the
proposed new Polices. Our documents contain some of the wording required, but
it is scattered throughout documents and rules and needs to be updated and
brought into a single document. When her draft is received, tentatively by the end
of September, the full By-laws committee will be convened to review and
comment on the draft and the board advised. Once a final draft of these policies
is approved by the Board, our existing documents will be further reviewed to
remove duplicative language resulting from that effort as well as language now
covered by the new Architectural Rules. All proposed changes will be sent to the
membership for consideration at the 2015 Annual Meeting. It is the intent that
these proposed documents/document changes be for legal reasons alone to bring
us into compliance with CCIOA, and not include proposed changes which could
otherwise be controversial.
o The By-laws Committee consists of Co-chairs Bud Burgess and Sherry Taber, and
Jim Whittier, Charlie Burnham and Jay Eagen.
Maintenance: George Widmeyer (attached September report)
o Tamara continues to look at rock for Latigo and River Run. Certain areas,
especially along the trail to Fawn Lake from Latigo, will require some repair
before additional rock fill can be added.
o Woodchuck is scheduled to be at The Ranch on 10/20/14 to remove dead trees
from common areas and provide shredding services for pruning from residents’
properties. An announcement will be placed in the mail room and in the Roundup.
o A grant request is being submitted to Firewise to cover Woodchuck costs. There
is money available. Tamara is assisting with submission
Nominating Committee:
 No report. .
Finance Committee:
o Looking for new members. Please contact Jim Whittier if interested.
o Reserve study projected a 4% return on investments. This needs to be modified
as we are currently at 3%. We need to be aware of this when we prepare the
budget in January.
Final September 17, 2014 BOD Meeting
Items Requiring Action:
o Irrigation and Maintenance proposals need to be reviewed and a recommendation
made to the board as discussed at the start of the meeting. The Landscape
Committee begins reviewing proposals next week and will move forward with the
process as discussed in the previous board meeting and posted on the RPOA
website. Once the Landscaping Committee has a recommendation they will
present it to the board at the October meeting.
o Verbal complaints regarding the tenants at 537 Cottonwood were discussed. The
main focus was the parking issues. Jeanie will contact property manager to get
situation corrected.
Next BOD meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 3 PM at Ward-Widmeyer Residence,
480 Cottonwood Creek
Sherry Taber moved and Bud Burgess seconded that the meeting be adjourned and the
motion passed unanimously.
Jeanie Emigh, Board Secretary
Approved: George Widmeyer, Board President
Final September 17, 2014 BOD Meeting
September 17, 2014
Work In Progress
We have engaged a local professional engineer to advise on irrigation issues.
We have engaged a local engineering firm to advise the board on road issues.
Work Completed
The Game Trail and the River Run pumps that failed this year and last year, respectively,
were returned to the manufacturer for failure diagnosis and refurbishment. Between the
two pumps and additional parts we are getting one good spare pump.
Two large and five small sprinkler heads were replaced. Three of the large sprinklers in
Bear Park were cleaned since they were plugged with mud. The filter on the Bear Park
pump cleaned.
A large cottonwood in Bear Park near the picnic area was removed after being damaged
by wind and rain.
Work Being Planned
The rock along the road at the end of Latigo, along the north side of River Run and along
the north side of SW Cottonwood Creek is going to be restored and augmented.
A drainage stream through the flowerbed at the end of River Run is going to be cut to aid
the flow of water from the road into the nearby pond to reduce the flooding that occurs
with a heavy rain.
A tree from the common area behind the Wilkins house fell and broke part of the owner’s
rail fence. The fence needs to be repaired. We also talked with the owner about cutting
three trees in the common area that are near the fence as a precaution.
Final September 17, 2014 BOD Meeting
We plan to shut off the irrigation system on Sunday, September 28. The blowout of the
irrigation lines will take place the week starting Monday, October 6.
We need to apply for a grant from the Firewise Chipper Rebate Program and sponsor a
chipping day for The Ranch. We will do this in conjunction with the fall cleanup starting
in mid-October.