Attendance Report for Meeting No. 2920, Oct 13th, 2015 Total Membership:-34 Apologies . C Ames, M.Huddleston, S. Singh, C Wingard, C Gasson, J.Oates, L.Tonkin Leave of Absence F.Bibby, K.Jones, R. Dixon-Short, J Price Visiting Guests : Visiting Rotarians - Sam(DG Elect) & Lee Camporeale (Mitcham) Dr Biskara Awad, Rotary Club of Bethlehem Honorary Life Members (2): Ken Rowland, Bob Simes IMPORTANT DATES TO CONSIDER/REMEMBER. 17th October - BBQ at Donations in Kind ( DIK) shed at Edinburgh. DG will be cooking sausages. Come and see what happens out there. ***Postponed*** BUNNINGS BARBEQUES Dates for BBQ’s at Bunnings . Please assist with rosters . Dates are as follows: 16th Oct, 20th Nov. THEATRE NIGHT 17th October – Those who have tickets meet either at the Saracen’s Head at 6.00pm or at the theatre at 7.40pm. ERBA@Sar Major Thursday 29 October, 6pm to 8pm Sar Major Canvas Goods & Trailers 25 Pinn St, St Mary's The Club will be providing Yiros at this meeting. We will be asking for assistance ROTARY ROTATING DINNER 31STOCTOBER , 2015 MURDER MYSTERY NIGHT Shelter Box Guest Speaker: Tim Klar Tim is the secretary and coordinator of Shelter Box Australia. He has been a Rotarian for 25 years holding the positions of President and Paul Harris Fellow and is a member of the Coromandel Valley Club. Shelter box is set up for Disaster Relief. Its aim is Shelter, Warmth, Dignity for people who have been displaced by disaster. The aid is delivered by a response team and the shelter is designed to last for a year. The response team is trained in Cornwall and many members of the teams have returned to Cornwall to train new members of the response team. Donors who make donations to Shelter box can track where their box is being used, as each box has a bar coded number making it possible to track the shelter box. Each box costs $1000. When there is a disaster speed of reaching the area is of the utmost importance. Recipients are given a box in which is a tent, cooking utensils, bedding and clothing. The recipients are given the package and do not have to return it. The tents have a life expectancy of a year. The main problem which confronts the organisation is the ability to build up stocks. When the earthquake struck in Haiti there were not enough tents even to supply to some of the victims there were not enough in the world for the demand. It appears that recovery from one disaster leads to another so a stock pile is not achieved. There have been millions supported throughout the world and for example in the last ten years in major disasters 900k have been killed and110 million have been affected. Many small disasters do not receive a great deal of publicity. The disasters have recorded one million deaths. Tim asked that Rotary Clubs do not forget Shelter Box as a club project. Thank you Tim for a very informative and challenging talk. CLAIR’S WORK HISTORY NO words of wisdom from Clair but from the Club Members We wish you and Tony all the best in the future Please invite guests to join in DO YOU HAVE “UTE RELAY” RAFFLE BOOKS? Please make sure you have sold your Tickets and return the book to the club Ute is on display at bookshop 19th October. . WANTED Any disused or superseded lap top computers for use by children at the Women’s Shelter. Please see Greg Carey if you know anyone who has unwanted computer equipment. Rotary Club of Edwardstown ROSTERS These rosters are as originally prepared and may not include changes Rotarians have made between themselves. If you arrange a swap, will you please advise your roster compiler and the Bulletin Editor Judy Oates, PLAQUES Oct 20th Oct 27th Nov 3rd Kevin Donaldson Michael Moore Merilyn Russell Joseph Masika John Price Aubrey Wagner MEALS ON WHEELS Be at kitchen 1a Aberfeldy Ave, Edwardstown by 10.45 am Kitchen Phone 8293 5780 * denotes a swap. Oct 22nd Mike Hiosan Nov 5th Neville Brandon Nov 19th John Chapman Dec 3rd John Henshall Oct 29th John Price Nov 12th Ray Trenorden Nov 26th Stephen Trenorden October 20th Tim Pfeiffer Marion Council Chair - Lyle Strachan October 27th Anne Ducray – This is my life Chair – Jeff Hollands November 3rd Committee Meetings November 10th Pamela Rajkowski OAM History of Afghan Cameleers of Australia, 1860s to 1930s Chair – John Henshall ROBIN WATCH Oct 13th – Oct 27th Meeting 2921 John Chapman Although the performance of this roster need not take long, will you please take note of and report to Mike Tucker (83816861) any nesting boxes that are in need of attention; generally due to tree growth or weather, and could possibly Rob Fick would like apologies, visitors, make ups etc., phoned to him please on 0418 856 879 by12.00 Monday . Alternatively put your known absentee dates in the diary at the Tuesday meeting CONGRATULATIONS SERGEANT October Ross McDonald Jeff Hollands November Mike Moore Lyle Strachan Date Oct 19th Oct 24th Oct 26th Oct 31st Monday Lyle Strachan Lyle Strachan ROTARY BOOKSHOP Wednesday Thursday Lyle T Schenkel Strachan Lyle Strachan T.Schenkel Friday A Ducray L Carey A Ducray L Carey Saturday S.Oliver C.Walter N Brandon S Gasson Please try and arrange a swap and advise Lyle Strachan if unavailable. Oct 18th Clair Gasson. th Oct 19 Clair Gasson Oct 20th Mark Huddleston Oct 20th Ken Rowland Wedding Birthday Birthday Wedding Anniversary This Bulletin is available on line at