Year 1 Term Autumn 1 Title Me Myself and I About This Unit This topic is about how we are similar and how we are different. Children explore their senses and compare themselves to animals. Children think about what makes them special. Creative Learning Journey The Creative Learning Journey targets to be covered in this them. These represent the major subject focus areas outlined in the curriculum map. However learning in other subjects should be included where appropriate Sc16 Sc17 Sc18 Sc19 Science To start to make observations and measurements when trying to answer a question To stat to use simple scientific language to communicate ideas To begin to ask questions and decide how to answer them To start to think what might happen before deciding what to do To start to recognise what fair testing is To begin to discover risks to Sc21 themselves and others To start to use their 5 senses to help Sc22 make and record observations and measurements With support to begin to communicate Sc23 findings in simple ways including ICT With support to look for similarities SC24 and differences With guidance, start to compare what they thought would happen to what Sc25 actually happened using their scientific knowledge and understanding Begin to review their work and explain Sc26 what they did to others Stunning Start ‘ Going into Business’ – Children receive letter from photo frame company Sc20 Science Focus History Hi5 Hi6 Hi7 Hi8 Hi9 Hi10 Place events and objects in chronological order use common words and phrases to the passing of time Know about events and people in the past Begin to recognise that the past can be seen in different ways use sources of evidence to find out about the past recount episodes from stories about the past Marvellous Middle I’m a designer – Children to design their own photo frames Seasonal Changes ( Ongoing theme) Pupils should be taught to: observe changes across the four seasons Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies. Animals including Humans Pupils should be taught to: identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense Theme Focus History Changes within living memory. Literacy link Labels, Lists and Captions Ar7 Ar8 Ar9 Ar10 Art respond to a stimuli through the use of colour, texture and shape Use a variety of materials and techniques Express their views about their and other’s work Adapt and improve their own work Fabulous Finish Time to Sell – Send our prototype to a company Pupils should observe and talk about changes in the weather and the seasons. Pupils might work scientifically by: Making tables and charts about the weather; and making displays of what happens in the world around them, including day length, as the seasons change. Note: Pupils should be warned that it is not safe to look directly at the Sun, even when wearing dark glasses. Pupils should have plenty of opportunities to learn the names of the main body parts (including head, neck, arms, elbows, legs, knees, face, ears, eyes, hair, mouth, teeth) through games, actions, songs and rhymes. Pupils might work scientifically by: Using their senses to compare different textures, sounds and smells. Stories with familiar Settings Beegu Instructions Embedded writing Writing about my senses Numeracy Link Measuring ( Non Standards ) / Shape Enterprise Link Photo Frames Visit/Visitor Farm Visit – Old McDonald Art Portraits - Drawing, sketching, painting, collage: Portraits (Picasso) Dt Making photo frames ICT Rising Stars Switched on to ICT Year 1 We are Personal Trainers Data handling and graphs RM graph, 2 simple 2 count Music use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content recognise common uses of information technology beyond school Controlling sounds through listening, singing and playing – use their voices expressively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. Music Express: Sounds all Around, Sounds Unusual, Move Yourself Singup – Instant warm ups – vowels, alphabet. Nursery rhymes - Frére Jacques, London’s burning, Three blind mice and Hickory dickory dock. RE Belonging and Rosh Hashanah Resources and ideas Teacher resources- Curriculum- RE- RE YEAR 1- Belonging (Lesson plans and activities) PE Indoor PE: Basic Skills Outdoor PE: Games PSHE Topics: SEAL (4 Weeks) and Citizenship (3- 4 Weeks) Citizenship: (3/4 weeks) - agree to follow rules for their group and classroom, and understand how rules help them. - simple debate about topical issues. - that they belong to various groups and communities such as family and school (thru RE). Resources and ideas Teacher resources- Curriculum- PSHE/ SEAL- SEAL- New beginnings (Lesson plans) Teacher resources- Curriculum- PSHE/ SEAL- SEAL RESOURCES- New beginnings (activities and ideas)