1 Supporting Information 1) Method of NH4+-N Isotopic Analysis 5 The technique used for the isolation of NH4+ for N stable isotope analysis is a modified version of the acidified disk diffusion method (Brooks et al., 1989; Sørensen and Jensen, 1991). In brief, dissolved NH4+ in the sample was converted to NH3 gas in a sealed bottle. The NH3 was subsequently trapped on an acidified quartz disk enclosed in 10 a gas permeable, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane. PTFE traps were prepared using pre-combusted, 5mm quartz disks punched from Whatman QMA filters. The disks were acidified with 10μL of 0.5N H2SO4 immediately before placing onto a clean 1.25” piece of ½” wide PTFE tape, which is folded over and sealed around the disk. PTFE traps were stored in an air-tight container until used. The required sample volume 15 containing 12-30μg of NH4+-N was pipetted into 50mL serum bottles. A magnetic stir bar and Nanopure DI was added to each bottle so the total volume was approximately 20mL. In order to prevent the PTFE traps from absorbing water and bursting, KCl was added to each diffusion bottle to bring the KCl concentration of the sample solution to 4M. Phenolphthalein pH indicator solution was added to each diffusion bottle and the 20 samples are made basic by the drop-wise addition of a NaOH solution until they turn pink (pH = 8-9). Immediately after the solution turned pink, 2mL of a tetraborate pH buffer solution was added to stabilize the pH at about 9.5. A PTFE trap was then placed in the diffusion bottle and the bottle stoppered. Diffusion bottles were placed on a magnetic stirrer for 10 days to ensure complete diffusion of the NH3 onto the acidified disks. 1 2 25 Three internal 15 NH4+ isotope standards (15N = +0.6‰, +20.9‰, +35.2‰) were included in each diffusion run. All standards and samples are run in duplicate or triplicate. Once diffusion was complete, the acidified disks were frozen, freeze-dried overnight and then stored in air-tight vials. The N isotopic composition of the diffusion disks containing the NH4+ as 30 (NH4)2SO4 were analyzed using a Carlo Erba 1108 Elemental Analyzer interfaced with a Thermo Instruments Deltaplus – IRMS (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Milan Italy). NH4+-N isotope ratios are reported in delta (δ) notation relative to atmospheric N2. The precision associated with the 15N-NH4+ analysis was generally better than ±0.3‰. 35 2) Method of NO3--N Isotopic Analysis The isolation of nitrate for isotopic analysis followed a modified version of the ion exchange method described by Silva et al. (2000). Details of the modifications used for nitrate isolation and isotopic analysis are described in Spoelstra et al. (2001, 2004). 40 Briefly, sulfate and phosphate were removed by precipitation with barium chloride. Nitrate was collected by passing samples through a column containing BioRad AG 1-X8 anion exchange resin. Nitrate was then eluted using hydrochloric acid and the resulting solution subsequently neutralized with silver oxide. After filtering to remove the AgCl precipitate, the solution was freeze-dried to produce AgNO3. 45 Nitrate 15N values were determined by loading 0.4mg of silver nitrate with 12mg of sucrose into tin capsules for analysis on the same instrument used for the 15NNH4+ determination. All samples were run with sets of internal silver nitrate standards 2 3 that were previously calibrated against international 15N standards. A precision of 0.3‰ was attained for repeat analysis of standards and samples. 50 The N isotopic analysis of NH4+ disks and AgNO3 by isotope ratio mass spectrometry was conducted by the Environmental Isotope Laboratory, University of Waterloo. Results are reported in the standard δ-notation relative to the reference standard (air). 55 3) Method of Bacterial Community Assessment DNA analysis was determined on particulate material filtered from a 240 mL ground water sample filtered through 0.22-μm Sterivex filters (Millipore). Nucleic acids were extracted using a phenol chloroform extraction technique as described previously (Neufeld et al., 2007). General bacterial 16S rRNA gene primers for denaturing gradient 60 gel electrophoresis (DGGE; GC-341f and 518r; Muyzer et al., 1993) and anammoxspecific 16S rRNA gene primers (An7f and An1388r; Penton et al., 2006) were used for PCR. General bacterial 16S rRNA gene profiles were generated using DGGE primers. Anammox-specific 16S rRNA gene profiles were generated using a ‘nested’ PCR technique: PCR products from amplification with An7f and An1388r were diluted (10-2) 65 in water, and products were used as template for PCR with bacterial DGGE primers. PCR amplification components (25 μl volume): 1.5 μl bovine serum albumin (10 mg ml-1; Kreader, 1996), 2.5 μl Thermal Polymerase Buffer (10x; NEB), 0.05 μl dNTPs (100 mM; NEB), 0.05 μl each forward and reverse primer (100 μM), 0.1 μl Taq DNA polymerase (5 U μl-1), and 1 μl extracted environmental nucleic acids (1 to 10 ng μl-1). PCR thermal 70 program for An7f and An1388r included an initial denaturation of 5 minutes at 95oC, 3 4 then 30 cycles of 60 seconds at 95 oC, 60 seconds at 63 oC, and 60 seconds at 72 oC, with a final extension step of 7 minutes at 72 oC. For general bacterial 16S rRNA profiles (GC341f and 518r), initial denaturation was 5 minutes at 95 oC, then 30 cycles of 60 seconds at 95 oC, 30 seconds at 55 oC, and 60 seconds at 72 oC, with a final extension step of 7 75 minutes at 72 oC. For anammox-specific profiles, the bacterial DGGE PCR was conducted as above, but with only 20 cycles for the second (nested) amplification. DGGE used a 30% to 70% denaturing gradient in 10% acrylamide gels; gels were run for 14 hours at 85 V using the CBS system according to a previously published protocol (Green et al. 2010). Bands were cut from the gel and sequenced at the Toronto 80 Centre for Applied Genomics (TCAG). DGGE band DNA sequences were manually edited to correct base mis-calls, and primer sequences were removed. NCBI BLAST was used to identify representative homologues. Sequenced DGGE bands were submitted to Genbank with accession numbers HQ287903 - HQ287914. 85 90 4 5 95 Fig. S1. Long Point study site showing plan view of Tile bed 2 and location of multi-level bundled piezometers, 100 105 5 6 NO3--N (mg/L) 100 Proximal shallow, LP100/122-2.0 m Proximal deep, LP123-5.5 m Distal mid-depth, LP124-3.6 m Distal deep, LP124-4.5 m 75 50 25 0 1990 2000 2010 Date 110 Fig. S2. Long term trends of NO3- -N concentrations at selected monitoring points along the plume core. 115 120 6 7 125 Fig. S3. Bromide concentrations (mg/L) in the Tile Bed 2 plume, 42 days after injecting NaBr into the septic tank on September 9, 1990 (top) and 68 (middle) and 250 (bottom) days after injecting NaBr on July 4, 2008. 7 8 130 Fig. S4. Distribution of: a) NO3--N, b) NH4+-N, c) δ15N-NH4+ and d) total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) along the plume centerline, March 2, 2010 8 9 135 Nest 122 Tile Bed Nest 138 7 m downgradient Nest 124 17 m downgradient 9 N2O NO 2 Elevation (m) 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 140 200 400 600 800 N (ug/L) 0 200 400 600 800 N (ug/L) 0 200 400 600 800 N (ug/L) Fig. S5. Depth profiles of reaction intermediates NO2- and N2O, below the centre of the tile bed (nest 122), 7 m down gradient (nest 138) and 17 m down gradient (nest 124). N2O sampled June, 2008 (N2O data from Li, 2010); NO2- sampled April 1, 2010. 9