Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report 2013-14

Havant Borough Council Report for GHG Emissions 2013/14
July 2014
Havant Borough Council: Greenhouse gas emissions from council own estate and operations
Climate change is increasingly becoming more important at the local and national level. According to
Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in 2012 Havant Borough released 556.4 thousand
tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which is equivalent to 4.6 tonnes per capita1.
Our commitment to climate change
The Council signed the Nottingham Declaration in February 2010. By signing this, the Council is
acknowledging the increasing impact that climate change will have on the community during the 21st
century and commits to tackling the causes and effects of a changing climate on the borough.
In 2010 the Council agreed to join the 10:10 Campaign. This has led to savings from our own buildings.
The council has also undertaken a refurbishment of the council offices, which has achieved BREEAM very
The office is also a shared space with other organisations. As individual meters are not installed the total
emissions are not solely for HBC business.
What does Climate Change mean for the Borough of Havant?
The United Kingdom Climate Projections published in June 2009, is the most comprehensive report of its
kind produced.
Projections based on a medium emissions scenario show that in the South East we could face:
An increase in the average summer temperature with a central estimate of 3.9 degrees by the 2080s
12% less rainfall in the summer leading to subsidence, lower crop yields and water stress by 2040s
22% more rainfall in the winter leading to increased winter flooding, transport disruption and risks to
urban drainage by the 2080s
By 2080s rainfall on the wettest day of the year could increase by 45%
Havant is a coastal borough, climate change is already having an impact on all of this environment as a
result of sea level rise and coastal flooding and these changes are expected to increase.
Total GHG Emission Data
Tonnes of CO2e
GHG Emission Data
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
Total Gross emissions
kg of CO2e per resident
Local and Regional CO2 Emissions Estimates for 2005-2012 – Published 26/06/2014. Emissions within the scope of influence of Local Authorities for 2005-2012
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1. Local Authority: Havant Borough Council
Havant Borough Council is responsible for providing a wide range of services to people who live, work
or visit the borough. It currently serves a population of 120,6842.
More information on the Council can be found within our website:
2. Reporting Period: 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014
3. Change in Emissions: Our reported emissions have shown a decrease from the previous year.
The largest decrease is because of a reduced energy usage in our owned and controlled buildings and a
reduction in owned transport mileage.
Since 2012/13 our emissions in owned and controlled buildings have fallen due to investment in the new
Public Services Plaza. A reduction in energy per capita has resulted from a number of actions:
Solar Hot Water Heating
Increasing Insulation on the roof by an additional 200mm, keeping it warmer in winter and cooler in
Efficient lighting with day light sensing
More efficient IT
Open Plan working which enables better ventilation
Increased occupancy of the building enables reduction in energy use across the local office estate
Emissions have also decreased from owned transport because there has been a reduction in use of LPG
vehicles and an introduction of diesel vehicles with more fuel efficient engines.
The council signed up to 10:10 campaign in 2010, this has lead to changes in behaviour in reducing our
energy use.
4. Approach: We have followed the Governments Guidance on how to measure and report greenhouse
gas emissions. The conversion table that was released in 2013 has been used. Where updated base data
has become available for previous years, it has also been updated in our workings.
5. Organisational Boundary: We have defined our organisational boundary following the financial control
approach. Further detail on which operations or activities have been included within our organisational
boundary for the purposes of compiling this greenhouse gas report is provided under ‘Operational Scope’
6. Operational Scopes: We have measure our scope 1, 2 and significant scope 3 emissions:
Office for National Statistics 2011 census
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Tonnes of CO2e
Exclusions and explanation
Scope 1
Fugitive emissions
Gas consumption
Owned transport
Process emissions
Total Scope 1
Emissions from air conditioning units in office buildings
excluded as these account for such a small amount
Includes buildings the council has control over from
civic offices to public conveniences
This includes all of our fleet vehicles for all frontline
services and owned vehicles
Not relevant
Scope 2
Purchased electricity
Street lighting
Total Scope 2
Includes office buildings and leisure centres
Limited control – under Hampshire County council
Scope 3
Business travel
Commuter travel
Procured goods and services
Water usage
Total Scope 3
The conversion is based on average car on fuel used.
This is information based on mileage claim data
Excluded due to time/ cost of data collection
Excluded due to time/ cost of data collection
Excluded due to time/ cost of data collection
7. Base Year: Our base year is 2009/10 for consistency of the data collection. Changes from the NI 185
format has prevented us from being able to directly compare our emissions, as reported here, with our
emissions in previous years.
8. Targets: Havant Borough Council recognises the importance of reducing its emissions of greenhouse
gases and aims to measure and review its performance in this area via this process on a yearly basis.
9. Intensity Measurement: We have chosen kg of CO2e per resident of Havant Borough Council as this is
the most appropriate business metric for a Local Authority.
10. External Assurance Statement: We have not received independent external assurance over our
reported emissions.
11. Carbon Offsets: We have not purchased any carbon offsets.
12. Green Tariffs: Due to data and time constraints, we have not considered this issue when reporting our
emissions for this report.
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