Friends of Saxton School Minutes of the meeting held on 24th September 2014 @ The Greyhound Apologies: Amanda Oakley, Sarah Gee, Christine Bird, Iona Fielding, Eileen Watson Attended: Eleanor Goddard (Chair), Monica Good, Joann Blades, Mandy Frith (Secretary)Emma Lock, Samantha Dalton (Vice) Katie Barker (Treasurer), Clare Barrowman, Clare Westmoreland, Laura Davies (Publicity), Katie Komaromy (Publicity), Ben Burlingham, Becky Youdan Minutes of the last meeting: Proposed by Samantha Dalton and seconded by Monica Good. Wish List Various ideas were shared with school asking what FOSS would like to raise funds for rather than us just asking for things. Clare Barrowman raised the idea of an Ice Rink which could be hired maybe for a weekend. It was agreed Clare would look into this in more detail and it is something we could look to have at Christmas Fayre (2015). Action – Clare Barrowman to research and report at a later meeting. Samantha Dalton raised the outdoor learning area and equipment would be required for that, Monica Good said the children had made a list of things they would like in this area and they included a gazebo, a walk swing bridge, stepping logs, a garden area, den building and chickens. It was agreed that a target should be set of £10,000 to help with this area. Mandy Frith suggested a thermometer on the wall to show parents how well we were doing would be a good way of having focus and gathering support. Laura Davies said she would undertake this. Action – Laura Davies to source a thermometer. Monica Good showed the committee a wooden football table which would be ideal for wet playtimes for the children and asked if FOSS would be willing to purchase four of these at a cost of approximately £225 pounds. This was agreed and seconded by Eleanor Goddard. Action: Purchase of football tables – Monica Good. Fundraising Events It was agreed that our main events were Christmas Fayre, Summer Fayre, Ladies Night and Party Night and that we should stick to these and add smaller events in. Halloween Event A magician is booked for the 23rd October and a discussion took place as to if this should be a children’s event or a family event. It was agreed to make this a family event but to use Barkston Ash village hall so that parents could be in a separate room, it was agreed to serve alcohol to the adults and maybe a raffle and hot dogs would be served. Sub Committee: Samantha Dalton (Chair), Katie Komaromy and Clare Barrowman Ladies Night This is to be held on 7th November 2014 in the village hall and Katie Barker agreed to see if the group from last year were available as they now did a Robbie and Gary tribute act. Action: Mandy Frith to enquire as to maximum numbers in the hall Monica Good to advertise in the Saxton Sentinel. Sub Committee: Katie Barker (chair), Emma Lock Christmas Disco Provisional dates of 11th/12th December were suggested and Samantha Dalton agreed to check with Dickey Bow as to his availability. It was agreed that the cost of entry would be £3.00 and this would include a hot dog and a drink. NOTE: Dickey Bow is unable to accommodate before Christmas so it was agreed via email that we would hold a Post- Christmas disco and this has been booked for Wednesday 21st January 2015. Easy Giving Nothing appears to have progressed with this so Eleanor Goddard is to speak to Pierson. Bun Sales It was agreed to continue these as they are a quick and easy source of making some extra money. Sarah Gee was unable to attend the meeting so Samantha Dalton was to ask her if she is still willing to organise these events. Action: Sarah Gee to liaise with Eleanor Goddard and School as to dates. Film Night Due to afterschool clubs it was agreed to re-visit this event at a later meeting. Sponsored Event Mandy Frith mentioned the silver Smartie challenge where each child is given a tube of Smarties to eat and then they have to do little jobs for family and friends and agree a price they then fill the tube with their earnings and return to school. Action: Mandy Frith, Monica Good and Joann Blades to organise. Christmas Fayre This is booked for Friday 5th December after school, following a similar format to last year. Sub-Committee – Andrew Jackson, Chris Wilkes Chair), Mandy Frith, Monica Good, Becky Youdan and Laura Davies. More information to follow at next meeting. Mother’s Day Gifts These would be created in school the week before. No decision was made on what the gift would be Samantha Dalton and Mandy Frith to source ideas. Party Night This is booked for 25th April 2015. It was agreed due to cost of tickets that it may better to release the tickets early with a holding deposit and give people the opportunity to pay the balance at a later date. Action: Mandy Frith to enquire with school bursar if we could use parent pay for these payments and if so we could do a decreasing balance. FOSS agreed to pay the transaction costs if this was possible. Sub Committee: Ben Burlingham, Emma Lock, Clare Barrowman. Leavers Disco The dates given were the 15th/16th July 2015 Action: Samantha Dalton to arrange with Dickey Bow. Summer Fayre This is to follow Sports Day on 1st July 2015 Sub-Committee: Monica Good (Chair), Chris Wilkes, Andrew Jackson and Eleanor Goddard. Summer Shindig A discussion took place as to a leavers party/summer shindig for parents it was agreed that this could be done by putting a marquee on the school field and a provisional date of 11th July 2015 and that maybe a ceilidh band would be a good idea. Sub Committee: Clare Barrowman, Samantha Dalton (chair), Monica Good and Laura Davies. Logo/Rebrand Katie Komaromy and Laura Davies have developed a new logo for FOSS to make us stand out from ordinary school notices and items examples were shown and the orange logo was chosen. The committee agreed to Katie and Laura proceeding and re-branding. This would include Facebook and a newsletter. Any Other Business Signatories were agreed – Katie Barker, Eleanor Goddard, Clare Barrowman and Mandy Frith and these people need to take their identification into the HSBC in Sherburn in Elmet. Mandy Frith informed the committee that an opportunity to have a theatre group into school to do a Christmas show had arisen and was only at a discounted price for 48 hours so school had taken the opportunity and booked this for 9th December at a cost of £363.00, which school requested if FOSS would cover this. – Agreed/ Mandy Frith asked if signatories could be arranged quickly as school had paid for the playground markings, purchased the outdoor toys and booked the server upgrade which had all been agreed to be funded by FOSS at previous meetings. Samantha Dalton raised doing a tea-towel or such like to raise additional funds and it was agreed that Jute Bags would be quite nice. Action: Samantha Dalton and Mandy Frith to look at various options. Meetings Future meetings would be looked at between Eleanor Goddard and Mandy Frith and these would be circulated plus Mandy Frith would inform the Greyhound of the dates to ensure it was available. The Meeting closed at 9pm.