FOSS Friends of Saxton School

FOSS Friends of Saxton School
Minutes of the Meeting held on 30 January 2013
Attendees: Monica Good, Mandy Frith, Kate Banks, Joann Blades, Clare Westmoreland, Amanda
Oakley, Isabel Randerson, Chris Wilkes, VickiLee Foster, Samantha Dalton, Sarah Gee, Clare
Agenda item
1. Apologies for Absence
Iona Fielden, Vicky Roberson, Eleanor Goddard, Becky Youdan
2. Minutes of the last Meeting
Mandy advised that Vicky was unable to continue as Secretary due to work commitments so
Amanda agreed to resume the role.
The Minutes of the last meeting have been done although we do not have a copy. They were
agreed by Amanda and seconded by Mandy without being seen
3. Treasurer Report
Kate advised that as at the end of January FOSS had funds of £2,258.83 in the bank. The
Christmas Disco raised £50.35 and the Fayre and coffee after the Nativity raised £891.
4. Christmas Fayre Appraisal
The wooden ornaments sold well and we should plan to have them again next year though
some should be left in School as more could be sold this way. It was suggested that a
proforma/photos be issued to parents ahead of time for pre order. It was also discussed that
perhaps the ornaments could be sold at other Fayres and after church.
The general view was that the Fayre was much better in School with a nicer atmosphere
than in the Village Hall.
Hampers for the raffle looked nice and we should do this again in future
It was felt that tea/coffee/mulled wine would be better in a separate room, perhaps Class 3.
Would be nice to provide stallholders with a drink and also swap over mid way through so all
parents have the opportunity to take their children round the Fayre.
More help was needed for the tombola
Not all stallholders paid for their stalls so in future FOSS will be asking for payment up front.
Discussed changing the timing of the Fayre – more later
5. Projects in School for 2013
a) Playground Resurfacing
We were advised that the playground has been regraded by County and is due to be
resurfaced after the summer. It can be repainted with similar markings to now but this
needs done on an annual basis and has to be paid for by School.
There is an alternative surface, thermoplastic, which is longer lasting and can be applied in
designs chosen by the children. It is also more expensive, in the region of £2,000 to £2,500.
FOSS agreed this was something we would like to support and it was suggested that we
explain to parents what we are fundraising for and show how progress is being made
towards the target required after each fundraising event.
b) ICT
School requires additional computer resources to ensure the children have adequate access
to computers for things such as Maths Whizz. School can meet around half the cost and
asked FOSS if they could provide the remainder of the funds. It was agreed after discussion
that FOSS would be prepared to do this. Proposed by Monica and seconded by Sarah.
6. Ideas for events
There was much discussion over potential future events, with suggestions such as a beetle
drive, race night, bingo night, wine tasting, luxury Christmas shopping night, bag packing,
Christmas Fayre and disco for parents. The following were discussed in detail
a) Chocolate demonstration
Samantha suggested booking a person who would do a chocolate demonstration, provide a
pie and peas supper and then musical entertainment”. Samantha, Amanda and Sarah went
to an event he did last year and recommended it highly. It would be for adults only
[subsequently considered running it as a ladies night]
We discussed getting a licence and running a bar with VickiLee saying she could investigate
beer prices and various ideas of where to get wine.
Samantha would check what Fridays were available in March and investigate whether the
Village Hall or the Cricket Club would be a more suitable venue [Subsequently advised that
the Village Hall is bigger and entertainment could be provided on Friday 22 March]
Amanda to check the capacity of the Village Hall [Subsequently advised that it is 70 people]
b) Barbecue and Band
Pierson (Theo’s Dad) plays in a band with other people in the Village. Amanda has heard
them too and they were good. It was suggested that we could use the cricket club for a
barbecue and have the band play around the end of September.
c) Beetle Drive
Suggested having a beetle drive right after school for the kids (and parents). Pick a random
number as the winner rather that the person who has the highest number.
d) Luxury Shopping Evening
Suggested having an evening for adults before the normal Christmas Fayre which is aimed
more at the kids. Other schools do this and it is a good fundraiser though would need to be
in November rather that December.
e) Summer Fayre
There was much discussion over what stalls etc to have at the Summer Fayre. It was agreed
that the Summer Fayre would return to being afterSports Day which would be held in June.
Monica and Mandy to check the School diary and confirm a date.
Ideas for the Fayre included pony rides, Beat the Goalie, Welly Throwing, Hook a Duck, Gunk
tank, balloon modelling and face painting. Agreed that we would have more discussion
nearer the time.
f) Film Night
It was suggested to have a Film Night after School on Thursday 28 February from 3.45pm –
5.30pm. The cost will be £2 per child and popcorn will be provided. The film chosen was
“Brave”. A proforma will be sent out to parents before half term. Any parent help would be
welcome. Isabel, Sarah and Samantha advised they may be available.
Film to be provided by Mandy and Isabel to get the popcorn
g) Miscellaneous
It was also discussed that perhaps the children could design Christmas Cards again this year
as it helps raise funds for school. Also need to get the children more involved in running the
Christmas Fayre stalls, particularly if there is going to be a luxury shopping evening>
It was noted that no matter what is done, it is the same pool of people who the
fundraising is aimed at so despite the best efforts of FOSS there will always be a limited
market for the events organised.
In summary, we agreed to hold the following event over the year
- February
- March
- May
- June
- September
- November
- December
- Film night in school for the children
Chocolate demonstration for the adults
Beetle drive for the children (and parents) in school
Summer Fayre
Barbecue and band
Luxury shopping evening
Christmas Fayre
7. Bun Sales
It was agreed that we should resume the bun sales, with the first one being on February the
15th.There will again be a stall at the back and front of school and it’s the turn of Class 2 to
Sarah to organise
8. Any other business
It was mentioned that the Book People did not visit school but that they went to pre school
at Barkston.
Amanda to ask if they could also come to School [Subsequently done]
Amanda asked if FOSS were going to provide Easter eggs for the children this year. While it
was felt that the children get a lot it would be nice even just to give then a crème egg.
Monica/Mandy to arrange for School to give each child a creme egg
The PTA renewal has been done. The signatories on the bank account will be Kate, Mandy
and Monica.
At the Christmas Disco, it was felt that the badges identifying FOSS members worked well
and that the children were very well behaved.
9. Next meetings
The date of the next meetings will be Wednesday 6 March and Wednesday 17 April, both at
7.30pm in the Greyhound.