Committee on Public Affairs Senate of the Associated Students Minutes for Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at 4:15 p.m. Mathewson - IGT Knowledge Center Room 523 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Senator Walberg called the meeting on the Committee on Public Affairs to order at 4:15 PM, presiding Secretary Andrew Chais. 2. ROLL CALL All Senators were present. A quorum was present. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment at this time. 4. MINUTES There were no minutes to be approved at this time. 5. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business at this time. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Election of a Vice-Chair Senator King nominated Senator Mack for Vice Chair. Senator Mack accepted the nomination. Senator Harvison nominated herself. Senator Mack said it would be a great leadership opportunity and discussed his goals. Senator Harvison said she was on this Committee last session as a member-at-large. She said she is interested in what they do. She said she is very interested in politics and this is what she wants to do for a living. Senator Fabbi said the most important role as a Vice Chair is the ability to run a meeting if the Chair was to be gone. Senator Carter motioned to move into a roll call vote on the nomination. Senator King seconded. Senator Harvison was elected as the Vice Chair. 6. REPORTS OF ASUN OFFICERS Assistant Director of Legislative Affairs, Alex Bybee gave his report. He discussed the purpose of Legislative Affairs and what the department does. He discussed the bill to get a student vote on the Board of Regents. He discussed the role of the Board of Regents. He then discussed mining taxation in Nevada. 2 7. NEW BUSINESS b. Appoint Liaison Positions Senator Walberg said she has set up various liaison positions. She said she wants them to check out the positions and the website. She discussed and described the different liaison positions. She then said she would be taking volunteers for which one they would like to sit on. Senator Mack asked to sit on the Reno Neighborhood Advisory Board. Senator Harvison asked to sit on the Reno City Council. Senator Cale asked to sit on the Washoe County School District. Senator Carter asked to also sit on the Washoe County School District. Senator King asked to sit on the Chamber. Senator Jacobson asked to sit on the Department of Parks and Recreation. Senator Fabbi asked to sit on the Reno City Council. Senator Robertson asked to sit on the Chamber. Senator Walberg asked who would like to be the President’s Assistant on Campus and Public Relations. Senator Fabbi volunteered to do that and said he would not do the Reno City Council. Senator Fabbi asked if there was a reason as to why there hasn’t been a liaison to the Nevada Legislature in the past. Senator Walberg said she would discuss that without crossing too much of a barrier. She said she feels like it shouldn’t be a liaison but the entire Committee. Senator Harvison suggested addressing that with Assistant Director Bybee after he becomes Director of Legislative Affairs. c. The Establishment of Goals Senator Mack said his biggest goal is to outreach to High Schools and Middle Schools. Senator King said he would focus on an open line of communication with how far they are stretching the Committee. He said that communication would be a struggle. Senator Carter said she wants to work on getting volunteer opportunities more specific to the student’s major. Senator Walberg discussed that idea. Senator Jacobson said her goal is to be a tool to the rest of the Committee and develop her own projects. Senator Robertson said her goal is to also work with Service Learning. Senator Fabbi said he wants to look into more crosswalks and promote campus safety. He also said promoting the campus to the entire town of Reno. 3 Senator Harvison said she wants to improve safety on campus. She said she also wants to work with the State Legislature. Senator Cale said she wants to reach out to the community more. She said she would also like to do something for the maintenance workers on campus. Senator Walberg said she wants to bring back safety walks. Senator Mack asked if she could elaborate on safety walks. Senator Walberg explained the safety walks. She said she wants to build a relationship with the Legislative Affairs Department. She also said she wants to work with the University Affairs Committee. She continued to discuss her other goals and ideas. d. Senator Reports Senator Walberg explained the Senator Reports and said they must do them in order to keep the Senators accountable. She asked if anyone has begun and projects. Senator Mack said he has been looking at places to increase lighting. Senator Fabbi said he has been looking into a campus readership program. He said he is coming up with a proposal. Senator Harvison asked what major publications the University gets. Senator Fabbi said they only get the New York Times. Senator Mack if the Provost would be the person he would speak with to get the publications on campus. Senator Fabbi said he spoke with Director Rodriguez. The committee discussed ideas for honoring Veterans. 8. PUBLIC COMMENT Senator Walberg thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. 9. ADJOURNMENT Seeing no further business to come before the Committee, Senator Walberg adjourned the meeting at 4:45 PM.