We write to request the government KEEP THE RENEWABLE ENERGY TARGET as is. We are farmers (predominantly sheep) living in the Central Tablelands region of NSW. We see renewable energy, in both wind and solar power, being applied in our region and believe it is good to encourage renewable energy This energy use is much preferable to use of coal-powered stations. Wallerawang Power Station, powered by coal, near Lithgow is in our region and has just been closed. We feel that this closure is a step in the right direction. Wallerawang has provided employment over many years, but wind and solar can also provide this employment for our region. Residents in and around Lithgow would greatly appreciate the cleaner air of renewables and would not have to tolerate the heavy coal-smoke atmosphere that has invaded their homes, clothes-line washing and cars all these years. Wind and solar make sense in Australia's sunny, windy climate. We should be world leaders in these renewables. Europe has for many years used wind and has replaced wind turbines for a second and third time, so the track record is there. To reduce the RET by any measure would be a backward step. As farmers, we value clean air for both ourselves and for our livestock and the wool and meat we provide to the global market. So, no more coal - it is dirty, non-renewable and since most coal cartage is by road, with little use of NSW railways, these coal trucks are wrecking our major roads. Gas, as an alternative power source, is by all predictions going to become very expensive and gas is not an option in our area. Both wind and solar energy are proved to be viable in our region and should be expanded with the encouragement of government. Please leave the RET for 2020 at 20% renewable. Wind and solar energy in our region provide employment, regional growth and investment and these are all desperately needed for the sustainability of country NSW. Rural commodity prices in wool, sheep, cattle and cropping are all diminished and these rural commodities and the money they bring into a community are the backbone of all country towns. Our Central Tablelands region needs the extra jobs, growth and investment available through government encouragement of renewables, like wind and solar. Wind and solar are clean and renewable and use of these energy sources will help keep electricity costs to both homes and businesses under control. Charges for electricity are a huge component of any household/business budget. Using coal and gas-fired power will increase electricity costs to regional Australians and home and businness budgets cannot afford increased electricity costs. Surveys have shown that the majority of Australians want the RET (Renewable Energy Target) to continue at 20% renewable by 2020. We ask you, PLEASE DO NOT REDUCE THE RET. Australia needs cleaner, more sustainable and renewable energy and all the economic benefits that come to our regions from government encouraging continued and expanding use of renewables. PLEASE DO NOT REDUCE THE RET. Thank You. Daryl & Irene Croake.